I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 348 The Golden Ship Preparing for the Derby

Chapter 348 The Golden Ship Preparing for the Derby
training center.

The carriage stopped, and Mirai and Yamana Takuto were already waiting there.

Today is naturally the day when the golden boat returns to the training center. The two of them have already returned to Tokyo before and started preparing for work after returning.


As soon as the golden boat got out of the car, he saw his little follower.

Come and meet me.

Naturally, Future also went to the ranch to have a look at the other party before, but came back soon. After all, they still have some procedures to continue to deal with.

"A boat."

The future ran over directly, and then hugged the other person's neck.

They were finally able to be together forever again.

After resting for such a long time, Jin Jin is obviously more energetic and has gained a lot of weight. It seems that he has not eaten less during this period.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Takuto Yamana also chatted with the staff of the carriage.

Fortunately, the golden ship is not the kind of racehorse who likes to fight wagons.

It's been a smooth ride, too.

The golden ship has returned smoothly, and their next task will naturally be heavier. The derby is a crucial battle.

But he feels that the Derby must be a more stable battle. After all, the golden boat has no problem running 2400 meters in terms of physical fitness and endurance.

The Golden Masters were able to win the championship in the heavy rain last year, and they can do it this year.

Jockey Sasaki is the God of War at the Tokyo Racecourse.


The golden boat didn't go back to the stable when he saw it, and directly planed the ground.

How long are they going to stay here.

After staying in the carriage for such a long time, it had already had enough, and naturally wanted to do more activities after getting off the carriage.

"Yama-kun, let's go back first."

Seeing the golden ship, I was anxious, and future probed.

For the next period of time, the golden boat will naturally continue to train with All-One Road, while the other party is preparing for the next NHK Cup.

They naturally take longer to prepare.

"Okay, you just go back first."

Takuto Yamana nodded.

Naturally, he still has to confirm and sign.

He had been observing the situation of the golden ship just now, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the other party. Of course, he still needed to ask a professional to check it later.


Seeing that the future moved, the golden boat let out a happy cry.

Naturally, their stable arrangement this time is still the same as before, right next door to Lutong.

The two of them haven't seen each other for a long time.

After seeing the golden ship come back, Yi Yi Tong poked his head out excitedly.

Lu Mao!

Its fur is back!

During this period of time, the golden ship was not there, and it felt that the training did not have the same feeling as before.

Fortunately, the other party successfully returned again.

All the way is also prepared for such a thing to happen, after all, they have appeared several times before, and they have been away for a long time and then returned.

"All the way, don't hurt yourself."

In the future, there is really a little worry about all the way.

Now is the critical period for the opponent to prepare for the match. If something goes wrong, the next match may also be withdrawn.



The golden boat also greeted his little brother.

Then it came to the door that led all the way to the stable.

But there was no meeting for a while, and then it went into its own stable.

All the way to this side is the inhalation of the storm.


After the long-distance transportation, the gold ship also felt a little tired.

The first thing I did when I got back to the stable was to lie down on the ground and kick my legs twice.

Or the stables are more comfortable.

"Don't move around, Ah Chuan, I'll help you take the things off your legs."

Before work, the future naturally reminded the golden ship.

When you lose, most of the horses will wear protective leggings, which is also to avoid problems with the legs of the horses during transportation.

After all, the legs of racehorses are very fragile, and once there is a problem, it is difficult to solve it.

Future patted the opponent's front legs, and then helped the golden boat untie the leggings familiarly.

She is already very skilled at this job.

"Now the leggings are all untied for you, and food and water are also prepared for you. You can eat after you have rested."

Looking around here in the future, there is nothing wrong with him.

By this afternoon, they will call a veterinarian to check the golden ship.

After the derby is over, they can fly back to Hokkaido to rest. At that time, they must be more at ease, after all, the opponent can always be in front of them.

"How's the situation?"

Takuto Yamana, who had finished signing, also walked over quickly.

"I checked the appearance just now, and there is definitely nothing wrong with it. There is no sign of swelling in the legs, and the hooves are normal."

Future replied.

After becoming the stable attendant of the golden ship, she has naturally been studying.

"Well, then I will send a message to the horse trainer Sanmori first, and then wait for the inspection in the afternoon."

Takuto Yamana nodded.

There is still a month before the start of the derby, and he must be the one who suffers the most during this period.

"Well, I'm going to take two carrots, and I happen to share one of them along the way."

"it is good."


The afternoon inspection went well and the golden ship was as healthy as before.

The veterinarian was obviously more serious and careful during the inspection, after all, the status of the other party is different now.

This is the racehorse for the Triple Crown this year.

If something goes wrong, he will definitely be held accountable in the future.

Fortunately, the opponent is healthy enough, especially after running the heavy field in Zhongshan, there is no problem.

This foot is really hard!

Sure enough, strong racehorses have their own strong advantages.

"Ah Chuan, take a good rest for the next few days."

Future touched the head of the golden boat.

After seeing that the other party was fine, he was relieved. She hadn't slept well for a while before, after all, her young master had such a problem.

During that time, the whole Internet was full of news about Hei Haoyi, and she also knew that because of this incident, many horse owners had withdrawn their commissions.

Fortunately, it's all over now.

But she believed in her young master, he would definitely prove that he was the strongest jockey again in the next race.

"Shall we go to Tokyo Racecourse once this week?"

"If you want to go, there is no problem, as long as you say it beforehand."

Yamana Takuto was stunned for a moment, then said.

He naturally knew what the other party was thinking.

The other party is the group favorite of the ranch. Even if something goes wrong, he will be scolded at most, but he is different.

"Well, then I'll come back and talk to Miss Sanmori."

Future thought for a moment, then nodded.

She mainly wanted to go and see how her young master was doing now.

Go secretly, without letting the young master know.


The golden boat that was drinking water raised its ears.

What does it mean.

"Ah Chuan, I'll just go out for a while, don't worry."

The future said with a smile.

She is quite familiar with how to get to the Tokyo Racecourse.

(End of this chapter)

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