I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 344 Do you have an idea of ​​going to Europe?

Chapter 344 Do you have the idea of ​​going to Europe?
During the party at night, Koichi also chatted a lot with the seniors.

Everyone also came from that era, so the seniors also told Haoyi a lot about the past.

"As a jockey, there must be times when judgment is wrong, and sometimes you will directly fall into a downturn. These are all stages that everyone needs to go through."

"If you think that Mujun is contrived, in fact, no matter what, the Spring Emperor will definitely lose the game. The rhythm of fleeing the horse is really good."

As a participant in the competition, Ryuji Wada said.

I think the main reason is to pay too much attention to the golden master, while ignoring other racehorses, and let the two big-headed racehorses run too comfortably.

Although they restrain each other, it is obvious that Thunderbolt has a better rhythm.

In that game, he chose slow escape.

But I have to say that after running the Hanshin Grand Prize, and then going to the Spring Emperor Prize, the physical recovery is really not very good.

"The poor state of the gold master is also one of the keys."

Chi Tianqian took a piece of sushi and said.

The golden master obviously started a little earlier, but he failed to run the Triumph Ballet on the last foot, which is already very telling.

Moreover, the golden master was pushed out by the NO.17 horse as soon as he came out of the gate, and finally had to run after him.

It can only be said that the tactics of the jockeys were very successful.

"The golden master was really not in a good state before the game. Of course, this is not my excuse."

Hao Yi smiled wryly.

The feeling after exiting the gate is not very good, especially on the final straight.

"Then it depends on the next Takarazuka Kinen. Whether it can be revived depends on the state of this game in the first half of the year."

Together with Fu Yongyou.

But I have to say that Takarazuka Memorial, the possibility of the resurrection of the gold master is really great.

Dream Journey has performed well in Takarazuka Memorial, and the gold master is stronger than his full brother in terms of strength.

"Before that, we still have to run the Rubber Tree and Derby well."

Hao Yi ate a piece of salmon sushi, and then said.

The meaning of Qingjiang Ranch is also the same.

As long as Sasaki Koichi performed very well in these two games, then they would have enough reasons for the opponent to come back and bring the golden master to play together.

"Looking at it this way, these two games are really crucial."

Wada Ryuji also understood what the other party meant.

As long as they have a good result in these two games, they will definitely be able to stop other people's mouths.

"That's not stable. Our Sasaki-kun is the god of war at the Tokyo Racecourse, and he has killed all directions this week."

Chi Tianqian smiled.

The welfare period for newcomers is really comfortable, but it also shows the upper limit of a jockey, and they have not seen each other's limit at all now.

Sasaki-kun is quite familiar with the distance of [-] meters.

"I hope the next game will go well."

Hao Yi answered.

During this period of time, his main energy will naturally be on the game.

And Chishang Saki also bought him a ticket to Hokkaido. Before the start of the next week's competition, he will return to Beihai Ranch to rest for two days.

"Things like this get over slowly, and those people don't have that much energy to keep targeting one person."

Wada Ryuji patted each other on the shoulder.

He is still very experienced in this area.

The profession of jockey does not mean that as long as you can run a good race, you can become a good jockey.

The ability to withstand stress is also very important.

"Yes, yes, don't worry about so many troublesome things."

Fu Yongyou nodded.

These people always need successors.

And now the most promising one is naturally the junior in front of him.


After the party was over, the next day, Haoyi spent most of the day with salted fish, and then flew back to Hokkaido on the evening plane.

When he returned to the ranch, everyone in the ranch had a rest.

But Kuchiki Haruki came to pick him up in person.

"Welcome back, Master."

Kuchiki Haruki took the initiative to greet him.

"I didn't even say not to pick me up. I am quite familiar with this place, and there is no problem without lights."

Koichi also turned off the flashlight of the phone.

Naturally, there are not so many requirements for the roads on the ranch, as long as they can be walked.

"Isn't it just that I have time, and now that I am older, I have less time to sleep."

Kuchiki Haruki said with a smile.

After seeing his young master, he felt relieved, the last week's incident was really too much trouble.

I didn't kill the donkey at my in-law's ranch either, they directly issued a statement to protect his young master.

"Then you have to rest well, this ranch depends on you."

Haoyi took the other party's flashlight.

He was naturally very happy when someone came to pick him up.

As for what he has been carrying with him, it is naturally the set of jockey equipment that Ayano Qingjiang gave him.

"Haha, don't worry, young master, the ranch is completely fine now, and we can do it again in the horse racing industry!"

Kuchiki Haruki is still very confident.

The current golden boat is in a brave state, and it is not impossible to reproduce last year's triple crown.

"Well, it's good to take it slowly."

Haoyi also knows that this thing cannot be done overnight.

Even with the three racehorses of Golden Ship, Shenwei Apocalypse, and Beihei, their ranch still needs a long transition time.

"Master, have you ever thought about taking a break this summer vacation?"

Halfway through, Kuchiki Haruki asked suddenly.

The feeling of participating in the summer competition is almost the same as not participating.

The young master is the one who paid the most for the Beihai Ranch to be where it is today.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. I still need to talk to my agent about the idea of ​​seeing the place when I come back. There is a high probability that I will rest for a while."

Hao blinked, then said.

He must have thought about this matter. Most of the horse racers are on vacation during the summer vacation, and after half of the vacation, the gold master will go to the Arc de Triomphe. It is definitely impossible for him to go with him this time.

Taking a break is also a good thing.

"Well, I see. Did the young master think about going to Europe?"

"Let's talk about this matter when we come back."

Hao was taken aback for a moment, then said.

What does it mean?
For a while, he didn't know what the head of his ranch wanted to express, but it was not easy to continue to ask about this matter.

"Well, the young master should rest earlier, it's getting late."

"OK, good night."

So the chat between the two came to an abrupt end.

Haoyi also saw his own room.

Before he took the plane today, Future also told him that she cleaned the room several times when she went back.

And after sitting on the plane for so long, he was also a little tired.

Let's wait until he wakes up tomorrow morning to talk about anything.

(End of this chapter)

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