I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 321 Kamui ready to go out

Chapter 321 Kamui ready to go out

After a fun night, everyone went back to their homes.

Early the next morning, Takuto Yamana returned to Hokkaido by plane.

Shenwei Qiqi will take the exam the day after tomorrow, and the ranch simply doesn't have enough manpower right now.

So he needs to go back to help. As for the golden ship, other people are naturally in charge, and the other party really needs to rest.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Jiushenghai is really envious of Takuto Yamana.

After the golden boat won the first championship, he, the jockey, naturally also won a lot of bonuses.

And the divine power revelation is just now preparing to take the exam.

Shenwei wants to participate in the competition this year, probably in August or September, but the opponent has already won the first barrel of gold, and even everyone in the ranch thinks that the golden boat can win the Derby smoothly.

The final straight line at the Tokyo Racecourse is longer, which is naturally a good thing for a racehorse like the Golden Boat with the last leg.

"It's been a long time. I've been in the training center for a while, and I'm very busy every day."

Yamana Takuto nodded, and then said.

The two of them worked together for a long time, but in the end they separated because of the golden boat.

"The people in the stables are also jealous now. You will be beaten for saying that."

Jiu Shenghai joked.

Now the most successful are Mirai and Yamana Takuto.

Of course, everyone also knows that the status of the future is unshakable, and the other party is the first-level figure in this ranch.

"Haha, how are the preparations at Shenwei? The horse trainer Sanmori told me that the time has been agreed, and I will drive the car."

Takuto Yamana also directly cut into the theme.

"Because everything here is naturally ready, and there is no lack of training in the training. Now it depends on the performance in the examination room."

Jiu Shenghai looked back at the stable.

Jockey Sasaki also valued Kamui very much, and he could receive news from the other party from time to time.

"Well, is the desensitization done?"

Yamana Takuto then asked.

Kamui Apocalypse was bought by Jockey Sasaki himself from the auction.

The two of them together don't have the worth of Shenwei Apocalypse. If something goes wrong, they will naturally be responsible as the parties involved.

"This aspect has naturally been completed, and even tried several times, and now I am more worried about motion sickness."

Jiu Shenghai replied.

If a racehorse travels or does something, it will naturally undergo desensitization training. Thoroughbred racehorses are very timid, and it is easy to hurt themselves if they come into contact with something suddenly.

"Then there is no problem. The jockey has also been contacted. The other party is a jockey with a good relationship with Jockey Sasaki."

Takuto Yamana breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the opponent is a newcomer, they seem to be well prepared.

"Then let's go get ready first, Shenwei is still watching the scenery over there."

"it is good."

The two also greeted everyone in the stable, and then went to the ranch manager to talk about the situation.

Kuchiki Haruki naturally had no opinion on this, but he still asked the two to pay more attention.

Divine Revelation is a prized possession of their ranch.


After the man was built and the wallet was reported, they began to take care of the Kamui Apocalypse, and then tied protective things to his four legs.


Early the next morning.


Kamui Apocalypse in the stable moved his feet restlessly.

His followers are tying things to its legs.

Takuto Yamana naturally pulled the reins of Kamui Inspiration to keep the other party from moving.

He felt that it was quite dangerous to tie this thing.

If Shenwei Enlightenment is suddenly in a bad mood and kicks the other party, then...
Fortunately, Jiu Shenghai's speed was quite fast, and he was always vigilant during this period.

Of course, what made him feel most secure was the protective clothing he was wearing.

This is no joke.

"Shenwei, wait a little longer, it will be fine soon."

Seeing Kamui Apocalypse's ears moving back and forth, Yamana Takuto said hastily.

Sure enough, he was not as calm as Jockey Sasaki before the race.

"Okay, it's done!"

After finishing it, Jiu Shenghai also heaved a sigh of relief.

Kamui Apocalypse was not as obedient in front of him as he was in front of Knight Sasaki.

Always be careful when dealing with horse racing, this is a lesson left by countless predecessors.


After being free, Shenwei Qiqi also felt a little uncomfortable.

It naturally didn't know what was added to its feet.

This thing is really not a big hindrance to it, and it's not even very serious.

Shenwei also ate and drank enough earlier, and completed the care of his appearance.

"We'll be leaving in 10 minutes."

"No problem, the carriage is ready, and the jockey is coming soon."

Takuto Yamana checked the time.

Naturally, they had to go a little earlier to prepare for the next thing, and they couldn't make the jockey wait for a long time, after all, the other party was specially invited by Jockey Sasaki.

Jiushenghai was resting, and Shenwei Qiqi naturally turned around in his room.

It didn't feel very cold to either of them.

During this period of time, there were no horse racing opponents in the ranch, which also inflated its confidence.

The golden ship is not there, so it is naturally the boss here.

blah blah-

After turning around a few times, Shenwei Qiqi went to the window and looked at the road outside.

Although the desensitization has been completed before, it is extremely troublesome to bring the divine power revelation into the car.

Jiu Shenghai was pulling in front, and there were several people behind pushing forward together.

Of course, these people in the back were using props, and they didn't dare to get close to Shenwei Apocalypse directly. It was the most dangerous place right behind.

"Three, two, push together!"

Takuto Yamana also felt that it was normal for him to leave earlier.

The plan could never keep up with the changes, and no one thought that Shenwei Enlightenment was so uncooperative, which also made him miss the time when Jockey Sasaki was there before, and Shenwei Enlightenment was the most obedient one at that time.

After a lot of effort, Shenwei Revelation was still loaded into the carriage, and the two closed the door after many inspections.

"Then we're off, rancher."

"Well, be careful on the road, don't worry too much."

Kuchiki Haruki nodded.

Next, I have to go to see how Beihei is doing. Now the other party has been playing with her mother in the grazing place.

Every time he sees Beihei, he will think of his daughter. After the victory of the golden ship this time, I believe his daughter is also very happy, but they haven't called these days.

set off!

After seeing Jiu Shenghai in the co-pilot position, Yamana Takuto also started the carriage.

As for the way to go, he had simulated it in his mind several times before.

And at this time, they are also following the path that the golden ship walked before.

If that doesn't work, then the only thing you can do is call for help.

(End of this chapter)

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