Chapter 150
"Golden ship, the golden ship is catching up from heretics!"

"I didn't expect the golden ship to have such a strong ability to chase after."

At the last corner, the voice of the commentary also became louder.

Seems to be easy after that.

But the jockey on the field is not so easy.

They all began to beat the whip to speed up.

If you don't speed up the pursuit at this time, then you will definitely have no chance in the future.

A few seconds later, the golden boat overtook No. [-] and No. [-] in front and rushed towards the finish line.

And during this period, Koichi only pushed forward and did not whip.

He feels that this speed is enough to win No.1.

"Victory Tux is speeding up to catch up, and the No. [-] horse Cosmic Wild, who is in the back position, also broke out to the end."

A racehorse with black deer hair on the outer lane was quickly chasing the golden boat ahead.

At the beginning, the racehorse was in the middle next to the golden boat.

But I didn't expect the gold boat to rush so fast.

Now if you don't beat the whip to accelerate, No.1 will fly away.

"Three horse bodies, two horse bodies, the distance between Cosmos Wild and the golden ship is still getting closer."

"Jockey Sasaki still doesn't seem to have an idea of ​​whip speed."

Just when everyone thought they were going to catch up, the golden boat crossed the line smoothly.

This is really the calmness of the strong.

Although he is not on the field, Jockey Sasaki should be able to hear the sound of hooves getting closer behind him.

In this game, the golden boat chased from the bottom to the first place.

Not even a whip.

But the speed of the last foot is still not slow.

Cross the line!

"The golden boat crossed the line smoothly."

After the golden boat crossed the line, the racing horses that had been chasing also crossed the finish line.

"No.2, Victory Tux, No.3 Cosmic Wildness."

Although the final stage of the wild cosmic explosion was very eye-catching, the distance ahead is still too large.

After crossing the finish line, Koichi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he patted the golden boat on the neck to encourage him.

This time the pursuit was also quite successful.

Without hitting a whip, or even using skills to give orders, the golden boat still won No.1.



The golden ship that crossed the key line also began to slow down.

This game is relatively easy for it.

As for the same lube horse, it also successfully got No.4.

A big win for the Lumpy Horse.

After the game, the data of this game also appeared on the big screen.

After taking a look, Hao took the golden boat and walked to the rest area.

This data is not bad.

Naturally, he could hear the sound of the racing horses chasing behind him from the front, but based on his experience, he still came to the conclusion that the other party could not catch up.

It is not bad to be one horse body away from No.2.

After all, he hasn't whipped yet.


The slowing down golden boat shook its head.

"Let's go, let's go back and find the future."

He is quite familiar with this set of procedures of the game now, but the current golden boat is still a little excited.

After the test is complete, it is best to cool it down with water.

On the way, the jockeys who raced together also nodded slightly to Hao Yi.

For them, Koichi Sasaki is not a big threat, after all, the opponent's main stage is the G1 level event.

There must be a small number of games to participate in this kind of place.

There is no competition between the two parties.

But they have really seen the strength of the golden ship.

No wonder Koichi Sasaki was so confident about this reed horse in the previous interview.

Is there really any metaphysics in this bloodline coordination?
Many jockeys wanted to find a racehorse with such bloodlines.


"Mr. Kusakawa, let's go, let's take a photo together."

Seeing that the Golden Ship won No.1, Mimori also laughed happily.


When she saw the No. 8 horse suddenly start to break out with a strong end, she was really a little scared, after all, Haoyi didn't whip the whip to speed up at the end.

Fortunately, there is still a lot of body missing.

"I'll let it go"

Ayumi Kusakakawa did not expect that the other party would invite him.

After all, most of the group photos are taken by staff related to the golden ship.

"It's okay, let's go together, anyway, it's just a photo together."

Mimori Hui didn't care about this.

As for the little fanboy behind her, she naturally made the same invitation.

"Okay then, let's go and have a look together."

Ayumi Kusakakawa nodded.

He didn't say anything to Hao Yi after the game last time because of Missy, but this time he just had a chance.

We can also have dinner together in the evening.

"Thank you, Mimori Horse Trainer!"

Seeing the other party waving to him, Yamana Takuto almost jumped up happily.

Sure enough, it was right this time!

I never thought that apart from meeting idols, I could also take photos with my favorite idols.

"Don't worry, the program over there will take a while."

Seeing Takuto Yamana, Megumi Sanmori rushed out and said with a smile.

At least after the competition, it is natural to pass the drug test again. Only after passing the drug test can the real No.1 be announced.


Takuto Yamana walked back in embarrassment.

He was a little excited.


Horse racing rest area.

"Ah Chuan, you are not allowed to nod casually in the future, do you know?"

Kuchiki Miku is preaching to the No.1 golden ship.

Although he didn't know much about horse racing, he clearly knew that the golden boat's slow exit was entirely due to the other party's lack of concentration in the lock.

Fortunately, there were no major problems this time.

But the future games will definitely not be as easy as today.

The higher the level of participation, the stronger the strength of the horse race.


The golden boat moved its ears, then turned its head to the other side.

Just keep talking.

"Okay, in the future, even if you tell it today, it won't understand."

Haoyi feels that the golden boat is a horse that runs according to his own mood.

Although there were some small twists and turns in the process of the competition, the 600 million yuan was successfully obtained.

In this way, more than half of the 3000 million borrowed by Shenwei Enlightenment will be repaid.

"Okay, sir."

After finishing speaking, Kuchiki Mirai touched the face of the golden boat behind him.

Although she said so, she must still feel sorry for the golden boat.

The golden boat glanced at his follower, and then posted a message to him as well.

For its own little follower, it is quite open-minded.

"San Mori, they should be coming too."

Hao glanced over there.

This time, Ayumi Kusakakawa and Megumi Mimori are located close to each other, so they probably will come together.

Sure enough, not long after, he saw three people walking towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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