I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 144 The state is recovering

Chapter 144 The state is recovering

Jotun TOEI successfully won No.1 in Sapporo Memorial.

And Haoyi also expressed his willingness to take Dongying Jordan to participate in the Autumn Emperor Awards.

After finishing his first job, Koichi will naturally start to adapt to the track in Sapporo with the golden boat.

Generally speaking, the track at the Sapporo Racecourse is relatively flat, which is not easy among many racecourses.

Therefore, the track here is the best to adapt to.

The track itself has little influence on the strategy of the race.

When they ran the Tokyo Racecourse, it was still quite difficult for them. After all, there were two uphills there, and the last uphill was just over the finish line.


The golden boat looked curiously at the people in the circle.

Compared with the Hakodate Racecourse, the Sapporo side is naturally more crowded.

After all, this is Hokkaido, the largest central racecourse, and the center of the entire Hokkaido.

Most of the other racetracks are on the outskirts of the city, while Sapporo is in the center of the city.

So there must be more people here.

"Jockey Sasaki, let's do our best for this race!"

"Such a cute pony"

"Golden ship, look this way~"

The current Golden Ship can be considered a little famous.

After winning this game, the golden boat can just register for the G3 game.

"Let's go."

After staying for a while, Koichi gave the order to set off.


The state of the golden ship in the just-concluded summer vacation is a little bit worse.

So they still have to step up their training recently.

But in terms of weight, the golden boat did not increase this time but decreased a lot.

The main reason is that the golden boat doesn't like to eat very much during the hot summer weather.

Fortunately, before coming to Sapporo, its appetite recovered.

Although the weight has been reduced a lot, it doesn't actually have much impact on the golden boat.

blah blah-

After getting used to the inside grass for a while, the speed of the golden boat also began to increase slowly.

Although the front of the holiday was pretty good, the back was really not very comfortable.

After all, racehorses are animals that are afraid of heat, the kind that feel like dying without a fan.

The two happiest things during the summer vacation are taking a bath and blowing a fan.

This also led to a soaring electricity bill for Qingjiang Ranch.

Idea figured out.

Because it was just starting to resume training, Koichi also used auxiliary skills.

The mood of the current golden ship is still quite stable.

And the speed is also constantly increasing. As a horse that can only run and chase due to the problem of leaving the gate, accelerating behind the horses can be said to be what the golden boat is best at.

Soon the racehorses who were training ahead were overtaken one by one by the golden boats.

Slowly getting back into shape.

Haoyi's side is still the same as before, just let the golden boat run freely for the first time.

The strongest point of a golden ship is stamina and strength.

After such a long workout, the morning workout on the Golden Boat was less stressful.



After running for a lap, the golden boat obviously entered the state.

It feels good to run too.

Especially now that the weather has improved significantly.

Many trainees also turned their attention to this side, and everyone paid close attention to this popular lube horse.

After all, in the previous interview, Koichi Sasaki was quite confident about this horse.


"Master, Ah Chuan~"

Kuchiki Mirai at the door waved to the two of them.

As for Shenwei Enlightenment, she has also completed the handover, and now Shenwei Enlightenment also has its own stable attendant.

This can be regarded as her working at the racetrack again.

After having the first experience, she obviously felt a lot easier this time.

What makes her happy is that the videos she posted have attracted more and more viewers.

Everyone is very fond of the golden boat. Of course, many people are also attracted by the talent of the golden boat after watching the game.

"Come on, we're going back."

Koichi also jumped off the golden boat.

Although the golden boat has recovered a little bit today, it still needs more adaptation.

"Ah Chuan also worked very hard today."

Kuchiki Miku reached out and touched the nose of the golden ship.

When the golden boat didn't like to eat, she was really shocked. Fortunately, the doctor she found said it was just because of the hot weather.


The golden boat shook its nose, then followed Haoyi to the stable.

Finally I can go back to take a shower.

Because of the long rest, it obviously didn't feel very comfortable today.

"Ah Chuan, I'll give you carrots."

When walking halfway, Kuchiki Mirai suddenly remembered the carrot Koichi gave her.

Seeing the golden boat, feeling so tired today, it's better to give it to the other party in advance.


Hearing that there were carrots, the golden boat stopped immediately.

Then eat the carrots quickly.

It's much more comfortable now.

"Master, isn't Ah Chuan in good condition today?"

"It is certain that the state is not good. After all, it has rested for such a long time. The previous new Marseille gold ship has been in a training state."

Hao nodded.

This thing is the same, runners will decline if they do not train for a long time.

Even long journeys have a big impact on horse racing.

So they still try to choose nearby races to run.

"Then, can Ah Chuan's state be restored?"

Kuchiki Mirai was a little worried.

Because the young master bought another racehorse, the current economic situation of their ranch is still quite tight.

"Don't worry, it's definitely not a big problem for the Golden Ship to outperform this time."

Hao Yi smiled lightly.

The possibility of overturning these previous races is too small.

Last time they ran first, the big deal is that they used the running method of chasing after this time.
Compared with the two-year-old New Marseille, the pressure of Qiu Yingshang this time is actually less.

Less pressure, more prize money, this is exactly what they want to sign up for.

This time only eight horses participated in the race. As for the horses that lost to the golden boat, they naturally had to run the two-year-old unwinners.

Although there are only eight racehorses, the bounty this time is 600 million.

The golden boat in the back still urged.

Don't go so slowly.

"Okay, don't worry, we'll be there in a while."

Hearing the urging voice of the golden boat, Haoyi turned around and said.

The golden ship must have been shaved and put on new shoes before they came.

But it seems that the effect is not very good.

As for San Morihui, she is a little busy now. Although she came with her yesterday, she returned to Beihai Ranch today.

Because the summer vacation is almost over, Kamui Apocalypse is about to start training.

Koichi is completely on the side of the golden ship, so the focus of her work during this period is on Shenwei Qiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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