I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 105 It's going to rain

Chapter 105 It's going to rain
"It has been confirmed that it will rain on the day of the Tokyo game?!"

"Yes, but what the venue will be like is still uncertain"

After confirming again, Fujitani Kotomi said.

This is really the worst case scenario.

Once it rains, it will be difficult for them to confirm what the venue will be like on the day of the game.

And this will directly affect the performance of the gold master himself.

If the track thus becomes a heavy venue, it would be really bad news.

"Miss, should we contact Jockey Chi Tian?"

Fujitani Kotomi hesitated for a moment before asking.

There is still a period of time before the competition, and if you operate now, you still have a certain chance.

The opponent did not play against Tokyo Youjun this time.

"It's too late now, we can only trust Sasaki-kun."

Ayano Aoe still shook her head.

It is definitely impossible to change the jockey now, and the JRA official side has already done a good job of publicity.

But now they want to change the jockey, which is obviously not giving face to the officials.

I can only hope that the venue is not too bad when the time comes.
"However, Jockey Sasaki has no experience in this field."

Fujitani Kotomi hesitated for a moment, then said.

Although she is also very optimistic about Koichi Sasaki, this is also a realistic thing.

The opponent has not even ran a heavy field!
If they want to run heavy venues, then they urgently need to re-evaluate the physical condition of the golden master.

The most important thing is to control the timing of the last kick.

"Find someone to teach him some knowledge before the game, and let him pay attention."

Ayano Aoe still felt in her heart that this question would not bother Koichi and Master Gold.

If they can break through this difficulty, then they will also move towards a brighter future.


Since the eldest lady has no objection, then Fujitani Kotomi naturally can't say anything.

Originally, everything had been planned, but now there was a sudden weather obstacle.

We can only hope that the golden giant can perform as well as he did when he was a two-year-old new Marseille.

But she still had no idea.


It didn't take long for Haoyi to be bombarded with news.

Tokyo Youjun is the second crown of a three-year-old horse, and everyone is naturally paying attention to this matter.

Now the official side has said that the possibility of rain that day is as high as [-] to [-]%.

Then everyone naturally became nervous.

Some horse races are only suitable for good running venues.

This rain can change too many things, and many racehorses may miss this championship because of the venue.

"Which one should I go back to first?"

Haoyi took out a can of Coke from the small refrigerator, and said.

Now many people are telling him the same thing, but he still doesn't know who to reply first.

Miss Assistant first, then Mimori Megumi, and finally Wada-senpai.

After thinking for a few seconds, he felt that work was the most important thing.

Regarding this rain, in fact, he was already prepared in his heart, but the people around him reacted much more than he expected.

How could the iron feet of the Jin family be afraid of the heavy field.

He still believes in the ability of the gold master.

The power is directly full.

After all, the golden master is the future stallion of the mud field, and many children are killing indiscriminately in the mud field
Drop drop-

From just now, Haoyi's phone screen has been flashing.

For these inquiries, he still responded quite patiently, because he knew that these people cared about him.

The speed at which the news spread was quite fast.

Even Yosuke already knew about it, and asked directly if he wanted to run more on the muddy field for training tomorrow afternoon.

Although it may not be useful, it can be used to get used to it in advance.

If the golden master feels uncomfortable when he runs, he must have sent more than half of it.

Soon, the news also spread to the Internet.

Compared with the news that Haoyi got here, the news on the Internet will naturally be more exciting.

After Koichi Sasaki and Master Gold were about to receive the Satsuki Award, the Internet also went silent for a while, but this time there was obviously a resurgence.

Because you, a rookie jockey, will definitely not be able to handle the rainy race well.


Substitute quickly! !

This time their arguments were well-founded.

Although Koichi Sasaki's previous games were quite awesome, this unexpected situation was definitely not expected by the gold master camp.

This is God helping them to save face!
Some time ago, they could be said to have seen the scenery of Koichi Sasaki.

First, the promotional video gained a large number of fans, and later he won the Satsuki Award, and subdued the runaway horse handsomely at the Tokyo Racecourse.

Recently, there have been many fans of Koichi Sasaki at the Tokyo Racecourse.

Not long after, the Qingjiang Ranch also issued an announcement.

This time Tokyo Youjun will not make any personnel adjustments.

The attitude of the ranch is also quite tough.

Compared with temporarily finding a jockey to ride the Golden Master, it may only be counterproductive.

The new jockey and the golden master hadn't even gotten along at all, and they didn't know each other's physical abilities and habits.

Trainer Kuto, who was originally in Tokyo, also planned to say something, but finally gave up.

If you say something at this time, you will definitely be retaliated by Ayano Qingjiang afterwards.

Now on to the next game.

From his perspective as a horse trainer for many years, he is definitely not optimistic about dealing with it.

This rain will also reduce everyone's confidence in Koichi Sasaki.

Whether to fall to the altar, or to use this to rush straight up.

"Phew - I finally finished replying, and I feel like my hands are going to burn out."

After sending the last message, Koichi also drank all the can of Coke that he took out.

His mobile phone also pushed him several news.

And the third one is about his news. It can only be said that these people who make news are really fast.

This news has just come out, and the news has already been sent out. The main meaning is to question his ability as a rookie. After all, this time it directly became a game in the rain.


After finishing these things, Haoyi felt that it was suitable for him to sleep first.

When you wake up, you can book a luxury hotel package, and then watch the night view of Tokyo and play with your mobile phone all night.

As for tomorrow's affairs, naturally, the assistant lady will help him arrange, and the other party also said that he will wake him up early in the morning, and find a special person to do his makeup.

After the interview, he will naturally return to the Tokyo Racecourse to let Carpenter adapt to the new venue.

It's really good to run on mud for a few days.

Although the golden masters themselves are not afraid of running heavy venues, they must give the horses some time to adapt.

Otherwise, running over the grass here will make the horse feel very uncomfortable when running on a heavy field.

And this will also make it difficult for racehorses to exert their full strength.

Yosuke also sent him the new training schedule.

This new plan was, of course, agreed upon by the trainer and owner.

The next few days will be trained according to this new plan.

 It seems like a double monthly pass today...

(End of this chapter)

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