Miss Witch, please respect yourself

Chapter 226 Special “Clothes”

Chapter 226 Special “Clothes”

in a wide underground space.

Roy and the Border Duke stood facing each other a hundred meters apart.

The invisible aura filled it. If there were demigod-level beings watching the battle, they would be able to see that with the two as the center, two huge red-gold flames were fighting crazily.

Although the two are both red gold fire, they are also different.

The red gold fire shadow released by the Duke of Border on the left is domineering and thick, while Roy's side on the right is sharper and hotter.

This also represents the difference between the two.

In the practice of Breathing of Flame, the Border Duke has a higher level and a deeper fighting spirit. Although Roy has lost the depth, he has the sharp energy that belongs to young people that the Border Duke does not have.

"bring it on."

The Duke of Border stood there and smiled at Roy.

"Then, I'm on."

Roy's pupils have completely turned red gold at this moment, which is a manifestation of the breathing method of fire operating to its extreme.

He leaned forward slightly, his right hand resting on the hilt of the Starfire Blade at his waist.

In the next moment, his body disappeared from the spot.


There was a roar, and a depression tens of centimeters deep appeared on the ground of the training ground. Amidst the twisted and sour sound of metal deformation, Roy had arrived in front of the Border Duke.

This didn't use any skills, just a simple, top-down heavy slash.

On the black-silver blade, red-gold lines spread zigzag, outlining magnificent patterns.

Wherever the blade passed, terrifying black cracks continued to spread, and even the space could not withstand the power of the blade, breaking every inch.

"it is good!"

Facing this knife, the Duke of Border showed excitement on his face.

He raised his hand, and in the process, a black sword appeared.

The raised sword collided with the slashing sword, and a strong buzzing sound resounded throughout the underground space.

Roy stepped lightly and quickly opened a distance of tens of meters.

He lowered his head and looked at the Starfire Blade in his hand, with a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

I saw that this "old friend" that had been with him for a long time now had a small gap in the edge.

Not only that, several tiny cracks spread around the gap. Obviously, although the overall shape is still maintained, the internal structure of the Spark Blade has been damaged, and its solidity and toughness have been greatly reduced.

"Roy, this is my first advice to you."

The Duke of the Border did not pursue, but stood on the spot, inserting the black sword in his hand into the ground, and said solemnly: "I have discovered before that your fighting method is mainly long swords. In this case, the quality of the weapon will not matter. It will be the key to victory or defeat.”

"Although your long sword is of good quality, in the level of regular equipment, its quality is not inferior to that of ordinary epic equipment. The only disadvantage is that it lacks the core enchantment."

"Before you, such a long knife was indeed enough."

"But when it comes to demigods, it's completely different."

"The name of the big sword in my hand is 'Burning Black'. In terms of grade, it can be regarded as a 'sacred weapon' above the epic. Its power does not belong to ordinary A-level forbidden objects, and there is no need to pay any price for its use."

"I have such a weapon, and the temple must also have it."

"So, this long sword can no longer keep up with your current strength."

"I heard that you seized two pieces of adamantine armor and a long sword from the Privy Cathedral before? Then send your sword to the master craftsman to fuse it with adamantine and recast it."

"With a large amount of fine gold as the base, I can't say that it will definitely reach the level of a holy weapon, but at least the texture is enough to withstand the collision with the holy weapon."

"...I've been taught a lesson." Roy was silent for a moment and nodded with a serious expression.

This is indeed a blind spot in his knowledge.

"Then, let's start the second round."

The Duke of the Border grinned, raised his foot and lightly kicked the blade of the sword in front of him. With a "clang" sound, the sword flew up and disappeared. He twisted his neck and rubbed his wrist: "Next, it's a hand-to-hand fight. time."

The long sword was sheathed and put back into the space ring, and the fire of fighting in Roy's eyes grew stronger.

The next second, two red-gold streams of light collided.

The moment the fists clashed, both of them bared their teeth at the same time - the Border Duke was shocked by Roy's physical strength, while Roy was amazed by the purity of the Border Duke's fighting spirit.

In terms of pure fighting spirit, Roy's fighting spirit is like water and ice in front of the border Duke's fighting spirit. It is not on the same level at all. However, Roy offsets this with his unreasonable and unreasonable physique and huge strength. The gap is as vast as the abyss.

The pure fighting spirit was like steel needles, trying to penetrate Roy's body, but was blocked by his terrifying body and could only be consumed continuously.


The Border Duke laughed.

Roy's pure power shocked him, forcing him to mobilize his fighting spirit to resolve it.

He had not experienced such a hearty and heart-pounding fight for a long, long time.

"Come again!"

With a loud shout, the Border Duke waved his fist again. The difference was that this time, the fist he waved had several spiral whirlpools of fire on it.

It was obviously just a simple punch, but from the moment it was swung to the moment it landed, it gave Roy the illusion of facing an erupting volcano.

No, not an illusion.

This is a blessing unique to the incomplete rules of demigods!
Faced with this terrifying punch, Roy's face showed no signs of timidity, but instead his fighting spirit was high.

He used the palm of his hand instead of the sword, and the bright starlight lingered on it, making the Duke of the Border narrow his eyes as a peerless edge seemed to flash before his eyes.

Then, punches and knives collided.

The erupting volcano was cut into two pieces, but its terrifying high temperature burned the edge to pieces.

Roy and the Border Duke once again opened up.

In this collision, there was almost no difference between the two.

No, it's not very accurate. In comparison, Roy still has a slight advantage.

Although the starlight on his palm collapsed, he himself was not injured. However, a gash of several centimeters was cut on the edge of Border Duke's fist, and blood dripped out.

Although it was only a minor injury that could be ignored, it still distinguished him.


The Duke of the Border praised: "You can use your hands as swords, but you can show amazing sharpness. With this hand, you will not be at a disadvantage in ordinary demigod battles."

"The regular combat test is over. You have passed the test and are qualified to explore the Black Mist Restricted Area. What follows is my personal interest."

"I will use all my strength, Roy. Use your magical and weird talents as much as possible, otherwise you will be seriously injured if you are not careful."

As the low voice of the Border Duke echoed, a faint layer of fire appeared on the surface of his body. It was not a display of fighting spirit, but the condensation of rules. "Being a demigod for the first time can master the incomplete rules."

"At this point, if you want to continue to improve, you need to purify the rules."

"Continuously deepen the understanding of the incomplete rules until the rules initially merge with themselves to form a garment of rules."

"The clothes of rules are the embodiment of senior demigods."

Roy was not in a hurry to take action. It was rare for him to have an in-depth understanding of the situation of the demigods. He couldn't help but ask: "What level is the Pope of the temple?"

"That old monster?" The Duke of the Border thought for a moment: "From a hierarchical perspective, he is also in the category of the Clothes of Rules."

"It's just that over time, his clothes of rules have become extremely complicated."

"Let's describe it this way. The regular clothes of a normal senior demigod are ordinary clothes, while the clothes of the old monster are clothes that the master worked hard and took several years to create."

"The gap is huge."

"This is why even after I mastered the various specialties you taught Roy, I still can't match the Pope of the temple."

"I see..." Roy nodded clearly, and then asked curiously: "The clothes of rules are the pure embodiment of incomplete rules. So what if a person understands other rules? What would it be like?"

Hearing this question, the Duke of the Border shook his head and laughed: "So far, no one has done it, so there is no need to think about it. It is extremely difficult to condense a single rule into a garment of rules. Trying to understand more rules will only lead to Counterproductive.”

"Even the Pope of the Temple has never thought of trying other rules in the past hundreds of years."

"Is that so..." Roy exhaled softly: "Then let me experience the elegance of the Clothes of Rules."

Facing the border Duke who no longer held his hand, Roy was also excited.

He really wanted to know what he could do in front of senior demigods without resorting to desperate measures.

"Then, be careful."

The Border Duke grinned, and then took a step forward.

In an instant, the scenery ahead appeared strangely distorted in Roy's eyes.

Everything as far as the eye can see is colored with a light red color.

The Border Duke suddenly appeared in front of Roy, and his fist covered with only a faint flame seemed to fall gently.

Alarm bells rang in Roy's heart, and an unprecedented sense of crisis emerged in his mind.

I can't stop this blow right now!
Realizing this, Roy didn't try to dodge. He put his hands into his trouser pockets and seemed to give up resistance completely.

The Border Duke's eyes narrowed, and then he smashed his fist mercilessly. "


Silent ripples spread, and when the Border Duke's fist was about to fall on Roy, a very yellow irregular barrier blocked his face.

The fist collided with the barrier, the fist was slightly bounced, and the barrier turned into countless light spots and scattered.

Roy grinned, and then he pulled out both hands inserted into his trouser pockets at the same time, like pulling out two peerless long knives and slashing them out from bottom to top.

What blocked the Border Duke was his improved usage of [Satan's Asylum].

The use of talents is never static, but depends on the development of the user.

The current usage is an improvement made by Roy after careful consideration: the localized barrier, although its defensive ability is greatly weakened and can no longer block attacks at the god level, is still very strong when used in demigod battles.

The advantage of doing this is that the consumption of using it is greatly reduced. Even his own soul power is enough to be used dozens of times. And if he uses [Infinite Desire God] to convert energy into soul power, then After the whole battle, he basically didn't have to worry about consumption.

In other words, Roy, who developed such a usage, would not be harmed by the enemy's attacks until his soul power was exhausted in a demigod-level battle.

The defense and rebound of the barrier also made the Duke of the Border stunned for a moment.

Just when he was stunned, Roy's two-handed sword arrived.

The hand knives blessed by the bright starlight fell on both shoulders of the Border Duke at the same time.

The imaginable cutting did not happen.

The two-handed sword blessed by Roy's sharp edge got stuck in the mud when it came into contact with the clothes of rules, and he could only move forward with difficulty.

As the border Duke's fighting spirit exploded, he was pushed back more than ten meters.

"Is this the protection of the Clothes of Rules? It's really tough." Roy clicked his tongue.

"Yes, if you want to cause harm to the senior demigod, you first need to break his clothes of rules." The Duke of the Border looked at his hand, as if recalling the strange power that just bounced his fist, while explaining: " If you want to break through the clothes of rules, there are two ways."

"First, your instantaneous burst damage exceeds the upper limit of the clothing of rules. This can only be achieved by being stronger at a higher level, which is the god level. It can basically be ignored."

"Second, it is the accumulation of damage. The damage you suffered on the clothes of rules does not disappear, but is neutralized by the power of the rules contained in it. When the damage accumulates to a certain level, the clothes of rules will be broken. At the same time, , the blessing of the Clothes of Rules to the demigods will also fall to the bottom. This is the best time to defeat the senior demigods. However, one thing should be noted. The Clothes of Rules will be repaired. If it cannot be defeated within 1 minute, Kill the senior demigod, and the broken clothes of rules will re-aggregate, and you need to re-accumulate the damage and break it again."

"So, the battle between senior demigods depends on who can break the other's rules first."

Roy's eyes were full of surprise when he heard the information about the senior demigod told by the Duke of the Border.

In layman's terms, the Clothes of Rules is like an external amplified armor. Before it is broken, the senior demigod will not suffer any damage. Even if it is broken, it will re-cohere after 1 minute.

It sounds like the "invincibility mechanism" of bosses in games.

Roy laughed and shook his head, interrupting the thoughts in his mind.

"The teaching time is over, let me enjoy it."

The Border Duke laughed, and then his burly body appeared in front of Roy again, and his casserole-sized fist fell heavily.


after an hour.

Hall of the Duke's Mansion.

Roy, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, looked at the Border Duke who was sitting next to him and looked refreshed, with helpless eyes.

At the end of the battle, there was not much soul power left in his body, but he was still far away from breaking the Border Duke's Clothes of Rules. According to the Duke of Borders, the accumulated damage must be multiplied by ten to reach the upper limit of the Clothing of Rules.

After hearing this, Roy immediately responded.

What a hell!

Unless he enters a desperate state, it is impossible to break the clothes of rules in normal form.

Seeing this, Roy directly removed the defense of [Satan's Redemption], planning to let the Border Duke punch a few times to vent his anger.

After all, hammering around a turtle shell for an hour would make anyone unhappy.

But what Roy didn't expect was that this old guy was really rude.

Reaching out and touching the dark circles around his eyes, Roy's mouth twitched.

Forget it, just think of it as paying tuition.

The Duke of the Border, who was in a happy mood, was sitting in the front seat. Suddenly his eyes moved and he said, "The special magic power fluctuations in the treasure house have stopped. Miss Tonine must have completed the body remodeling. Do you want to go and take a look?"

(End of this chapter)

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