From Mercenary to Lord of War

Chapter 74 [072] Chapter back to support Murphy Canyon! [Wanzi update please subscribe! 】

Chapter 74 [072] Return to support Murphy Canyon! [Wanzi update please subscribe! 】

If you want to say who contributed the most to this battle, it must be Su Hao.

From intervening in the battlefield to the complete end of the battle, Su Hao played a vital role.

If it weren't for Su Hao, the third bayonet team wouldn't be able to play as easily as it is now.

If it weren't for Su Hao, it would be impossible for Assad to use a truck-mounted machine gun to shoot the rebels' frontal battlefield from the flanks.

If it weren't for Su Hao, Deadshot and Hawkeye wouldn't be able to exert their full strength to carry out precise long-range firepower strikes on the frontal battlefield.

If it weren't for Su Hao, it is still unknown who will win the battle outside Murphy Canyon.

It is precisely because everyone knows this that the members of the third bayonet team came to Su Hao's side immediately after the battle to see how Su Hao was doing.

After confirming that Su Hao was safe and sound, everyone in the third bayonet team also breathed a sigh of relief.

The heart that everyone was hanging on at first has been completely let go.

"What's so hard about it, everyone is here to complete the mission, to survive on this battlefield, hehe."

Su Hao laughed out loud, and sat up from the ground at the same time.

Because he had rested for a while, Su Hao no longer felt tired like before.

Of course, if possible, Su Hao still wants to have a good sleep.

After all, he has experienced a serious battle, and his mental state has been tense until just now.

"When I first came here, I saw you lying on the ground, player. I thought you were shot and injured!"

Seeing Su Hao smile, Dynamite Ives also spoke out about his previous worries.

"I secretly called all the way, and I never gave the rebels a chance to fight me head-on."

Su Hao said casually.

Assad and Sting Tou are also at the side. After hearing what Su Hao said, both of them couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

What a joke!
Is that called secretly calling all the way?

Are you sure that's not called recklessness?

Are you sure it wasn't the rebels who just shot at you?
If they hadn't seen everything with their own eyes, Assad and the assassin would have believed Su Hao's nonsense.

However, the two of them didn't explain anything to the people in the third bayonet team. After all, the parties involved said so, and they always felt a little bit wrong when they talked about Su Hao's exaggeration and horror.

"Since there is no injury, let's talk about the follow-up battle plan! This battle is far from over..."

Although he didn't want to break the relaxation of the meeting, Xueren, the captain, still spoke out this cruel fact.

They just got rid of the rebels guarding the outside of Murphy Canyon, and at the moment inside Murphy Canyon, there are still people fighting fiercely with the rebels.

Whether it was to escort Mr. Steve away, or to return to Murphy Canyon for a support battle, they had to discuss it carefully.

Assad and the stabbing head next to them also received calls from their immediate boss, Angus.

"Mr. Player, Mr. Angus called us over there, we..."

Assad interrupted Bloodblade.

"Oh! Then you just go, you don't need to say hello to me."

Su Hao was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't understand why Assad and the others had to tell him when they left.

"See you later, Mr. Player."

After saluting Su Hao respectfully, Assad led his team members to stab their heads and left Su Hao's side.

"Why does that guy treat you so respectfully, player, what did you do to him?"

The speaker was Bottle Cap the Machine Gunner, and he always asked questions from a tricky angle.

"I don't know, shouldn't you ask them both this question?"

Su Hao scratched his hair.

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things, let's discuss what to do next!"

Blood Blade clapped his hands, signaling to everyone not to distract the topic.

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

"Player, are you okay!"

Just as Blood Blade clapped his hands for the follow-up discussion, Deadshot and Hawkeye also withdrew from the sniper position.

"I'm fine! Luckily, I'm not even hurt at all."

Su Hao grinned at the two of them.

"Awesome! The flanks of the reckless rebel army that you brought with you are not dead, and I have convinced you with a dead shot."

Deadshot said and gave Su Hao a thumbs up.

"By the way, how did you do all of this, player?"

Hawkeye also asked Su Hao a question curiously.

After all, they were far away from Su Hao. Although they could see a little movement of Su Hao from the observation mirror, they could only see a rough idea.

"Uh... why don't we wait for the captain to finish talking about the follow-up action plan first, and then talk about this topic after our mission is over?"

Su Hao originally wanted to talk about it, but after seeing Xue Ren's gaze, Su Hao finally chose to mention it later.

"What follow-up plan?"

After all, Deadshot and Hawkeye had just arrived, and they really didn't know what they were talking about here.

"The battle in Murphy Canyon is still going on, and you two are not newcomers anymore, don't you know this?"

Blood Blade said angrily.

"Don't you listen to Mr. Steve? We are mercenaries, Captain, don't you want to return to Murphy Canyon to support other people?"

Deadshot didn't say anything, but Hawkeye shouted directly.

The captain is probably crazy!
The inside of Murphy Canyon is now a large meat grinder. With just a few people like them going in, can it change the situation of the battle?
After finally defeating the rebel army outside Murphy Canyon, what they should do now is not to protect the father of the funder and leave the place of right and wrong first?
The others didn't say anything to refute the captain, but Hawkeye couldn't help it.

Anyway, Hawkeye is determined not to commit suicide.

He took this mission to make money, not to save people and fight.

"This is what Mr. Steve means! Hawkeye, our task is to go to Basham City to get back Mr. Steve's assets."

Blood Blade said in a deep voice.

As the captain, Blood Blade would not want to lead the team into Murphy Canyon now.

How could Blood Blade not be aware of the danger in Murphy Canyon at this moment!

But it is clear that they should do what they should do.

After all, they took over this task, and as long as the sponsor did not announce the end of the task, they must continue to carry it out.

Of course, it is also possible to run away.

It's just that if they do that, they will not only ruin the reputation of Bayonet Defense in the industry, but also face huge liquidated damages from the company.

That kind of situation was the result that no one in the third bayonet team wanted to see.

"Mr. Steve is joking with our lives!"

After hearing what the captain said, Hawkeye's face suddenly became ugly.

"Actually, I think it can be fought. The battle in Murphy Canyon has not yet ended, which means that the rebels inside are almost reaching their limit.

In addition, they haven't shown any follow-up support until now. I feel that these rebels in Murphy Canyon are already all the people that the rebels in Basham City can mobilize here. "

Su Hao expressed his opinion.

In fact, from the [Crisis Perception] interface, Su Hao saw that there were less than 200 rebels in Murphy Canyon.

Then count the other three mercenary squads in Murphy Canyon, the fire squad directly under Mr. Steve, and the light infantry of the government army.

From the perspective of Su Hao, a guy with God's perspective, there is indeed a possibility of a comeback in this battle.

Of course, Su Hao is just expressing his own opinion, and how to fight will ultimately be decided after discussion.

"Mr. Steve means, let's go in and observe the situation to see if there is any possibility of repelling the rebels.

If we judge that the battle cannot continue, we will turn around and escort Mr. Steve out of Murphy Canyon first.

If we judge that the battle is likely to be won, we will join the battle in Murphy Canyon until the battle is over.

Mr. Steve also said that the armed helicopter from Offa City will arrive at our side in 15 minutes.

At that time, we can also get air fire support from Offa City, so as to further change the battle situation in Murphy Canyon. "

Blood Blade didn't try to make a fool of himself, he told everyone what Steve had told him.

In fact, from Blood Blade's point of view, it is also necessary to go back to Murphy Canyon to have a look.

The third bayonet team, which can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, returned to Murphy Canyon again, which was actually more calm than when they first fought the contact war.

"We've already talked about this, so there's nothing else to discuss.

Even if we can't resolve the battle in 15 minutes, air support can reach Murphy Canyon, right? "

After listening to Xue Ren's words, Hawkeye's face looked a little better.

"I'm talking about discussing how to get in, not about whether to get in."

Blood Blade sighed.

"Isn't this a very simple matter? Let's go up the mountain along the side of the ridgeline, just to see if we want to join the mercenary team."

Said the bottle cap.

"That's right! Captain, you can choose a side at will, and we'll just touch it."

Dynamite Ives also said.

"What do you think, players?"

Blood Blade looked at Su Hao.

"Me? I can do it, but before going up the mountain, I need to refill the ammunition first. I have run out of bullets for my rifle, and the bullets for my pistol are about to run out now."

Su Hao spread his hands and said.

"There are still a lot of spares in the bullet car, just replenish it before the action. What about the others? Do you have any other ideas?"

Blood Blade looked at Deathshot and Table Knife again.

"I have no idea."

Deadshot shrugged.

"Captain, you can arrange me however you want, I'm just a rookie."

The table knife also said.

"Then go to the mountain on the left, and we will join the Green Grow Squad!"

Seeing that everyone was sure that there were no objections, Xue Ren decisively decided on the direction of action.

"Now that it's settled, let's not waste any more time, go back to the team to sort out the equipment, and then head towards the mountain on the left!"

Blood Blade clapped his hands, motioning for everyone to adjust their state.

"Yes! Captain!"

Everyone in the third bayonet team got up one after another, and they all replied Blood Blade.

(End of this chapter)

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