From Mercenary to Lord of War

Chapter 334 [332] Total retreat, the Middle East war zone is in complete chaos!

Chapter 334 [332] Total retreat, the Middle East war zone is in complete chaos!
"Order the ground air defense forces to prepare to engage the enemy, strengthen the radar signal frequency band, and find a way to find the aircraft of the Yan Luo Military Group for me!"

As a federal army that penetrates deep into Ivia, Colonel Foley naturally has his own means of dealing with it.

For such a large long-range fire strike force, they must also have their corresponding air defense system.

Although it is impossible to compare the air defense systems in military bases, they are more than enough to deal with ordinary battles.

While the ground air defense forces were making comprehensive adjustments and preparations, Colonel Foley also reported the situation he encountered here to the Middle East Theater Command.

Because the matter was urgent, Colonel Foley's report was relatively simple.

"The Yama Military Group finally couldn't sit still. I thought he could tolerate it until we launched an attack on the town of Ivia!
But this is good, at least this way we can have more opportunities to react.

But is the stealth fighter that Foley mentioned a fourth-generation fighter of the Yama Military Group, or a fifth-generation fighter of the Yama Military Group?

If it is a fifth-generation fighter, will the air support we send out be able to intercept it? "

In the command room of the Middle East Theater Command, General Hyman, the Commander-in-Chief of the Middle East Theater, tapped his fingers on the tabletop in deep thought.

In fact, General Hyman does not need to give any more orders at this time, because what should be prepared and arranged has already been arranged, so now General Hyman only needs to wait for the results with peace of mind.

"General, do you think the Yama Military Group is only targeting Colonel Foley, or are they fully prepared to engage our army?"

The speaker was General Hyman's personal aide Will. Although he participated in the entire planning of the combat staff, he still could not deduce the specific opportunity for the Yama Military Group to participate in the war.

"The Yan Luo Military Group probably wants to start from one point to another, starting from Colonel Foley, and then radiate to the entire Zamakh Desert Front.

However, in this way, the military background of the Yama Military Group will be tested.

Our front is long enough, and our equipment far exceeds that of the Yama Military Group.

If the Yama military group did not have a force far superior to ours, they would not be able to solve this tactic of ours. "

A combat staff officer not far from General Hyman spoke up.

His judgment was also based on the actions of the Yama Military Group at this time and the federal intelligence collection on the Yama Military Group.

Moreover, based on the federal army's estimation of the military strength of the Yama Military Group, it is impossible for the Yama Military Group to have the conditions to follow the Ivia Federal Army to start a war across the board.

So at this time, the atmosphere at the Middle East Theater Headquarters was quite relaxed.

"In any case, the Yama Military Group has finally come to an end. As long as the Yama Military Group dares to fight, we have the conditions to speed up the process of this war. Just wait, I believe we will be able to wait for the results before long."

General Hyman opened his eyes and stopped tapping the table.

General Heyman's voice could not tell that he had any emotional ups and downs, and his calmness really made everyone in the command hall feel at ease.

In addition, everyone was already full of confidence in this battle, so everyone became more relaxed when they were busy.



The perspective returns to the Zamakh Desert.

The troops affiliated with the Sarayel Military Base, that is, the long-range fire strike force under the direct control of Colonel Foley.

After completing a series of air defense arrangements, the troops affiliated with the Sarayel military base also suspended their continued march.

There was a faint sound of planes breaking through the sky, and Colonel Foley didn't know whether the sound came from his own side or the enemy.

Fortunately, Colonel Foley's blind guess did not last long, because at this time, the intercom equipment had already heard the report of the arrival of the supporting air force in this airspace.

"We are the Ninth Air Force combat formation directly under the Middle East Theater Command. We are ordered to provide air support to you. Now please report the location of the enemy air force you have discovered."

Just when Colonel Foley breathed a sigh of relief and was about to communicate with the air force support force, a "whoosh" sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Huh??? Is this a fight?"

Colonel Foley subconsciously looked up at the sky, and then he saw two groups of fire suddenly exploding in the sky.

Before Colonel Foley could figure out what the air battle was like, their automatic ground-based anti-aircraft equipment fired hundreds of rounds of anti-aircraft missiles.

These anti-aircraft missiles intercepted most of the air-to-surface missiles launched by enemy fighters in the air.

But even if a very small number of air-to-surface missiles landed on the positions of the troops affiliated with the Sarayel Military Base, it would also cause considerable casualties to the troops affiliated with the Sarayel Military Base.

When the radar was unable to lock onto the specific actions of enemy fighters, Colonel Foley was unable to provide ground fire support to his own air force.

And as the battle continued, more and more fireballs exploded in the sky!

This made Colonel Foley's heart immediately twitch.

However, what puzzled Colonel Foley was why, apart from communicating with them when the Air Force arrived earlier, our own Air Force never contacted them again.

"Signal Corps, contact the supporting air force formation to see what their situation is, and report to the command center everything that happened on our side!"

Colonel Foley reacted and immediately thought of asking the communications troops to communicate.

But what sent a chill down Colonel Foley's spine was that the communications soldiers actually informed them that their communications had been intercepted by an unknown source, and they could not contact the supporting air force formations or the Middle East Theater Command at all.

"How is it possible!!! The Yama Military Group still has such weapons and equipment? Wasn't there no problem just now!"

Colonel Foley's face was filled with disbelief. It was not until this moment that he figured out why the fighters of the Yama Military Group did not attack them directly.

The Emotional Yama Military Group is using them to fish!
The Yan Luo Military Group not only wants to eat their long-range fire strike force, but also wants to eat the American air force that they asked for help.

"Damn it! What should I do now? How should I get rid of this predicament!"

Colonel Foley felt a little helpless and furious at the moment.

He knew they were in danger, but he could not eliminate the danger they encountered.

This is an extremely painful feeling, especially as the explosions of planes being destroyed are still ringing in the sky.

Fortunately, the Yama Military Group did not let Colonel Foley suffer for too long.

About 3 minutes had passed before the radar soldiers under Colonel Foley reported to him that a large number of enemy rockets were incoming.

The news came so unexpectedly that Colonel Foley was unable to react for a moment.

"The radar locks the position, activates the emergency defense mechanism, and everyone is ready for battle!" At this moment, Colonel Foley, who was attacked, breathed a sigh of relief.

What he fears most is that he can't do anything. Now that he has something to do, he doesn't have to think about so many complicated things.

With Colonel Foley's rapid mobilization, the troops at Sarayel Military Base immediately responded.

Soon they saw rockets coming from the horizon.

Although they had seen densely packed targets on radar in advance, when these targets entered their field of vision, they were still shocked by the countless rockets flying in the air.

How to describe it!

It's like the originally bright sky suddenly turns dark, and your vision is somewhat obstructed.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"



Countless interceptor missiles fired by troops from the Sarayel military base collided with rockets fired by the Yama military group in the air.

The fire that erupted in the sky at this moment even turned the sky into a bright red.

Those with farther explosion points are fine, but those with closer explosion points can even cause a stinging sensation in the eardrums.

The interception efficiency of mobile troops is definitely not as high as that of the air defense system of the military base, so rockets from the Yama Military Group soon hit the positions of the troops affiliated with the Sarayel Military Base.

At this moment, the troops belonging to the Sarayel Military Base were dealing with it in a panic, and their casualties continued to increase.

With the rapid consumption of interceptor bombs by the troops affiliated with the Sarayel Military Base, what awaits them is the end of being completely overwhelmed by rockets from the Yama Military Group.

While the positions of the troops affiliated with the Sarayel Military Base were being washed away by rockets from the Yama Military Group, the infantry regiment under the Second Army of the Ivia Army was also making every effort to move closer to the positions of the troops affiliated with the Sarayel Military Base.

The rockets that were continuously fired were fired from the Manwahe Rocket Base of the Yama Military Group.

As for such rocket bases, the Yan Luo Military Group has deployed more than 20 rocket bases in Ivia.

The perspective then shifts back to the sky in the Zamakh Desert.

Of the twelve Federal Army fighter planes that had previously provided support, only the last three were left in the fight.

After losing communication with each other, they could only fight on their own over the Zamakh Desert.

The fighter group dispatched by the Yan Luo Military Group completely surrounded their remaining three fighter planes.

Faced with a group of hostile fighter jets that far outnumbered their own, the elite air force warriors of the United States fell into despair one by one.

They could not contact their comrades, let alone the command center of the Middle East Theater Command.

They have never faced such a situation before, so they have no solution at all.

Seeing that the enemy fighter jets were getting closer and closer, the three elite American air force soldiers were ready to die here.



Before the infantry regiment of the Second Army of the Ivia Army arrived to clean up the ground, the air force formation of the Yan Luo Military Group had already wiped out all twelve fighter planes sent by the United States for support.

It is worth mentioning that in order to win this battle and improve everyone's morale, Su Hao actually dispatched ten future warriors from [Future Technology] in the air force formation dispatched this time.

This is also the reason why the Yan Luo Military Group Air Force was able to deal with the US Air Force so quickly.

The air threat was removed, and with the arrival of the infantry regiment under the Second Army of the Ivia Army, the battle was finally over.

When the news came back to the headquarters of the Yama Military Group, the Yama Military Group was instantly excited.

The troops affiliated with Sarayel Military Base were the first federal army target attacked by the Yama Military Group.

That's why the headquarters of the Yama Military Group erupted in such high cheers when the troops at Sarayel Military Base were completely wiped out.

After the cheers passed, the headquarters of the Yama Military Group immediately returned to business.

The comprehensive strike against various federal army units in Ivia also officially began to sound the clarion call for attack from this moment.

The [-], [-], and [-]rd Marine Brigade of the Yama Military Group, which had been preparing for an ambush before, as well as the various armies, brigades, and regiments under the Ivia Army, all fully mobilized at this moment.

As quiet as a virgin and as active as a stray rabbit, it refers to the current scene.

At the same time, the missile and rocket bases set up by the Yan Luo Military Group in various towns in Ivia also began to enter Iraq one by one in conjunction with the radar system covering the entire territory of Ivia at the moment the all-out attack horn sounded. A roll call of federal troops in Via.

The combination of air-to-air coordination and the ultra-long-range firepower of the Yama Military Group, which far exceeded the ammunition reserves expected by the United States, completely confused the federal troops in Ivia.

Unlike the silence when the troops at Sarayel Military Base were completely annihilated, when other federal troops in Ivia were attacked, they were able to send news back to the Middle East Theater Command.

So when the all-out war in Ivia completely started, the command center of the Middle East Theater Command was completely in chaos.

The air force and air force were attacked, and the army and army were beaten.

At this moment, almost none of the federal troops in Ivia sent back good news to the federal military headquarters in the Middle East.

In these few minutes, the command center of the Middle East Theater Command received almost all requests for assistance.

But how can the Middle East Theater Command have so many soldiers to provide multi-party support? In addition to issuing an order for all federal troops in Ivia to retreat collectively, the command center of the Middle East Theater Command can only request the federal navy to use long-range firepower to strike. , to help them relieve the pressure of a full retreat.

Of course, there must still be support from ground troops, but the Middle East Theater Command did not allow the support troops to enter Ivia for support.

They were completely disrupted and were already a little shocked by the military strength displayed by the Yama Military Group.

To sum up the above reasons, the Middle East Theater Command can only allow the response troops to reach the Ivia border, so as to receive the federal troops who can successfully withdraw outside the border.

Once the defeat of the American Federation comes out, the world will take another look at the Ivia war.

Even if the federal army did not make complete preparations in advance, a defeat is a defeat. Outsiders will not listen to any excuses from the federal army. They will only look at the final result.

(End of this chapter)

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