From Mercenary to Lord of War

Chapter 329 [327] Turn to ground battle! [Additional updates for the hall master’s long journey of l

In the original plan of the US Military Middle East Theater Command, only the three military bases in Ivia were the real main attackers of this operation.

The soldiers from the remaining eight military bases mobilized from outside Ivia are actually used to deter the Ivia government.

The US military fleets deployed in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea actually only served to deter the Ivia government.

But judging from the current situation, the three military bases in Ivia are obviously unable to handle the Yama Military Group.

If follow-up support is not timely enough, the three military bases in Ivia may even suffer extremely heavy casualties.

This is a result that is unacceptable to the U.S. Military Command in the Middle East, and it is also a result that General Jeff cannot accept.

So when both sides turned their attention away from the real-time projection screen of the Ivia battlefield, the commander-in-chief of the Middle East Theater and General Jeff looked very serious.

"General Hyman, I think we should step up our support for the Ivia military base."

Looking at each other through the video conference, General Jeff mentioned reinforcements as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Before the meeting begins, I have ordered all Saudi air forces to take off to support Ivia. If nothing else happens, they should be about to enter Ivia now."

General Hyman is the commander-in-chief of the US military in the Middle East, and privately he has a very good relationship with Jeff.

Let's put it this way, although Heyman is not in the same faction as Jeff, some of the profits from Jeff's private business in the Middle East still go to Heyman.

Therefore, in addition to the most basic friendship between the two, there are also interests involved.

"What about the ground troops? I think compared to air support, ground troops are the real solution to the Yama Military Group."

General Jeff asked.

“Due to the different locations of each military base, soldiers from the eight military bases providing external support to Ivia can only arrive around Ivia one after another.

And by sending troops into Ivia rashly like this, I am worried that the Ivia government will directly join the war.

General Jeff, as you know, Representative Ivia behaved very strongly at the United Nations meeting.

So once there is a real fight with the Ivia government, the battle will not be a problem that can be solved in a short time. "

General Heyman said.

Although the US air force support is now ready to enter Ivia's airspace, it is not a ground force after all.

If the two sides argue, this matter may not rise to the level of a full-scale conflict.

The above is a conclusion finally reached after analysis by the Middle East Theater Staff Department.

In the view of those highly intelligent staff, as long as foreign ground troops do not enter Ivia, the Ivia authorities will not directly break up with the United States.

Of course, there will definitely be wars of words, but those are not issues that the Middle East Theater Command should be concerned about.

"Don't care about the attitude of the Ivia government, their attitude is not important!

Now that the Yama Military Group has reached this level, I am worried that if we give them some more time, they may grow to a level that is unimaginable to us.

So now we have to get rid of all distracting thoughts and regard the elimination of the entire Yama military group as our primary goal.

General Hyman, I only ask the Middle East Theater Command to formulate a detailed combat plan and stop treating the Yama Military Group as an ordinary PMC organization. "

General Jeff said solemnly in the video conference.

"But what if the Ivia government troops also participate?"

Heyman didn't want to take the blame, so he asked General Jeff to give him an accurate answer.

"Then fight! The Ivia government has just experienced a civil war, and they are at their weakest now!"

General Jeff had already thought about these issues calmly before starting this video conference.

"Okay, I understand. In five hours at the latest, all the soldiers from the eight military bases we mobilized will enter Ivia."

After receiving the accurate reply, General Hyman replied in a deep voice.

"What will the three military bases in Ivia do next?"

After talking about the reinforcements marching into Ivia, General Jeff began to ask about the situation on Tom's side.

"General Jeff, please wait a moment."

In the video, General Hyman is seen taking a document from the assistant on the side.

Less than 20 seconds passed before General Hyman in the video looked up at the camera and said:
"After the continuous bombardment by the Yama Military Group stops, the ground forces in the three military bases will be fully mobilized to directly attack all the strongholds of the Yama Military Group in Ivia.

The CIA is still integrating the latest intelligence on the Yama Military Group. I believe that it will not be long before we can turn passivity into initiative and regain control of the direction of this battle. "

Although the U.S. military is still at a disadvantage so far in this battle, the basic combat capabilities of the three U.S. military bases are still there, and the large forces have not suffered excessive casualties. Therefore, it is really unclear what the subsequent outcome of this battle will be. Make an accurate judgment.

In addition, the Yama Military Group cannot have unlimited artillery shells. I believe that in at most one round, the Yama Military Group will stop its continuous bombardment of the three US military bases.

"Then the meeting will end here. I will give you as much support as possible in other aspects, General Hyman. The Pentagon attaches great importance to this operation, and the international attention is also extremely high. We will not allow any mistakes to occur. !”

Before ending the meeting, General Jeff also emphasized to General Hyman.

"I understand, General Jeff."

As soon as the video conference ended, General Hyman immediately threw himself into the follow-up work.

All school-level officers in the Middle East Theater Command were summoned by General Hyman, and other US military bases in the Middle East Theater also received a Level [-] combat readiness notice from the Middle East Theater Command.

At this moment, the US military also began to become tense.

The counter-terrorism operation has completely changed its character to this point.



Ivia, the American garrison base where Tom is located.

As the air battle continued, both fighters began to suffer casualties.

Although the Yama Military Group has many fighter planes, the pilots of the Yama Military Group are of average skill.

In the hasty battle, it is true that the Yama Military Group had a certain advantage.

But as U.S. fighter planes expanded the battlefield, the shortcomings of the pilots of the Yan Luo Military Group in flight technology began to become apparent.

Gradually, the US air combat squadron began to restrict the air combat power of the Yama Military Group.

This also made the military base where Tom was located feel a little relieved.

As the second round of incoming bombardment came to an end, Tom immediately issued an order for ground troops to dispatch.

With the intelligence support previously provided by the CIA, Tom knew exactly where to attack after their ground forces were dispatched.

"Sir, the headquarters of the Yama Military Group has more than [-] standing troops. If we attack the headquarters of the Yama Military Group with just our ground troops, I'm worried..." The combat consultant in the military base came to Tom and said.

"Didn't our radar lock on the artillery positions of the Yan Luo Military Group? Let our ground troops deal with the artillery positions of the Yan Luo Military Group first."

Tom didn't choose to take the plunge.

After this battle, Tom was not sure whether they could defeat the headquarters camp of the Yama Military Group with the combat power in their military base.

"Sir, the other two bases are also asking about their subsequent combat objectives."

The signal soldier in the command room shouted.

"Bring the map provided by the CIA and let me see the camp information of the Yama Military Group marked on it."

Lieutenant Colonel Tom ordered his men.

The map provided by the CIA is about the locations where the Yama military group is stationed in various cities in Ivia that the CIA has investigated in the past month.

Destroying these strongholds of the Yama Military Group was also a decision made by the Middle East Theater Command at the beginning of the operation.

“The Wadi base goes to attack the Yama Military Group’s station in Ghatn, and the Shihel base goes to attack the Yama Military Group’s station in Shihel.

After completing the clearing of these two locations, Wadi Base continued eastward to attack the Yama Military Group's recruit training camp in the direction of Terim.

The Shihel base moved westward to Mukalla City to destroy the port office of the Yama Military Group in Mukalla City.

After destroying the artillery positions of the Yama Military Group, those at our base turned to feigning an attack on O'Hafa Port, and then waited for the arrival of other support from our army. "

While looking at the map marked with CIA information, Tom issued specific attack orders.

According to the calculations made by the Middle East Theater Command before the war, under normal circumstances, they could resolve the above battles within two hours.


The communications troop quickly conveyed Tom's order, and Tom, as the top military commander of the US military in Ivia, reported to the Middle East Theater Command after the order was issued.

Ten minutes after Tom issued the order, the ground troops at Amran Base quickly drove out of the base.

It is worth mentioning that the shelling by the Yama Military Group is still continuing.

But even if they withstood the artillery bombardment, the ground troops at the Amran base still did not waver.

The Amran base, whose anti-aircraft ammunition reserves are already stretched thin, will see the interception frequency drop significantly compared with the initial level when facing the rockets and missiles of the Yama Military Group.

The explosions that would ring out from time to time around the base also gave the Amran base the feeling of being at the heart of a war.

The ground troops at the Amran base did not march as a unit.

Even though they currently have only one attack, when they left the Amran base, they still dispersed into many small teams to avoid the collective attack of the Yama military group.

Various tanks.

Armored infantry fighting vehicle.

Armored personnel carrier.

Armed personnel carrier.

Self-propelled artillery convoy.

Rocket launch convoy.

Guided missile convoy.

Drone delivery convoy.

Elite tactical team.

Etc., etc……

The variety of Amran's ground troops was so complex that the senior officials of the Yama Military Group who saw this scene through satellite images were speechless.



The headquarters and command center of the Yama Military Group.

In addition to the front-line combat troops of the Yama Military Group, the other senior officials of the Yama Military Group are all in this command center at the moment.

From the start of the battle until now, everyone has been paying close attention to the situation.

When they saw the tenacious resistance of the US military base, they were also shocked by the strong combat resilience of the US military.

As the scene of US ground troops appeared on the screen of the command center, Xueren stood up, looked at Su Hao and said loudly: "Leader, the first phase of the operation has ended, please deploy the next phase of combat missions."

After entering this command center, everyone in the Yama Military Group began to call Su Hao their leader.

However, Su Hao didn't care about these title issues, so he let his subordinates call him that.

What Blood Blade said about "the first phase of the operation is over" was actually a long-range fire strike on three US military bases in Ivia.

Although the effect is somewhat unsatisfactory, through this battle, the Yama Military Group has also tested the reality of the US military's strength.

"Start the second phase of the action plan!
Let the other two satellites lock onto the US military's missile convoy and rocket convoy, send drones to carry out precise bombing, and the artillery unit will do subsequent offensive supplements.

The First Marine Brigade was ordered to intercept and attack the U.S. troops at the Amran Base, encircle and suppress the ground troops leaving the Amran Base, and intercept intelligence information transmitted by the Amran Base Command.

The Second Marine Brigade was ordered to encircle and suppress the US military in Wadi Base, and at the same time dispatch elite combat teams to control Wadi Base. They must ensure that important US military information in Wadi Base is captured.

The Third Marine Brigade was ordered to encircle and suppress the U.S. ground forces at the Shihel base, and the artillery troops were ordered to strengthen the continuous bombing of the Shihel base, and at the same time, they controlled the U.S. military's material warehouses in Shihel.

Order the air combat brigade to strengthen the encirclement and suppression of the US military in Ivia and end the air battle in Ivia as soon as possible.

Order the radar throughout Ivia to expand the search range to ensure our real-time control of the entire territory of Ivia.

According to the order, the second phase of the operation does not require US military prisoners, and each part can do as much damage to the US military as possible. "

The combat plan for the three US military bases in Ivia has been prepared by the Yama Military Group for a long time.

Therefore, when the Yama Military Group really fought with the three US military bases in Ivia, the Yama Military Group could fight in such an orderly manner.

As Su Hao's order was issued, the second phase of the Yama Military Group's operations against the US military was officially launched.

A more brutal ground battle will also begin here.

As for the means Su Hao has prepared against the US military outside Ivia, they are still in the dark for now.

When those US military support troops arrive, the Yama Military Group will definitely give them a big surprise! (End of chapter)

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