From Mercenary to Lord of War

Chapter 319 [317] Questioning in person!

Chapter 319 [317] Questioning in person!
In the blink of an eye, it was half a month.

During this half month, apart from eating and sleeping, Su Hao was busy rectifying the military strength of the Yama Military Group.

Those future warriors summoned from [Future Technology], Su Hao successively let them enter the various mid-level officer systems of the Yama Military Group.

While these future warriors were getting used to the ordinary soldiers below, the weapons and equipment that Su Hao promised at the meeting were gradually popularized among the third marine brigade of the Yama Military Group.

It is worth mentioning that the Ivia government approved the radar coverage plan proposed by President Clavel ten days ago.

It's just that the total amount of the radar base station covering the entire territory was a bit beyond Su Hao's expectations.

Whether it is the final price given by the Yan Luo Military Group or the contract quotation made by the Ivia Military Logistics Department, the total amount is only more than 40 billion US dollars.

This also allowed Su Hao to make a lot of money in this business.

But money or not is no longer that important to Su Hao.

What Su Hao is focusing all his energy on right now is actually Lao America's subsequent specific moves against him.

According to the phone call between Su Hao and President Clavell last night, Lao America is already very dissatisfied that the Ivia government has not yet launched specific sanctions against the Yama Military Group.

The pressure from Laos and the United States on the Ivia government continues, but the astute President Clavell has already contacted Laos and the two sides have reached the most preliminary consensus on Ivia's future economic construction.

As for how to carry out the follow-up, this is not Su Hao's concern.



In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

On this day, when Su Hao woke up from bed and just got dressed and was about to have breakfast, he received the news that under the instigation of Lao Mei, the second son had officially started a conflict with Wu Lan.

"Aren't the Americans going to sanction us? Why are they causing trouble with the second child again?"

Su Hao was sitting in the dining room of the villa, and sitting opposite him were the bloody blades and bottle caps that had just arrived from the headquarters of the Yama Military Group.

As all members of the Hurricane Team gradually began to leave the frontline battlefield, Bo Gai was also appointed as the external intelligence collection officer of the Yama Military Group.

Since this department is newly established, Bottle Cap has been busy with dark circles recently.

"Wulan wants to move closer to Lao America, so their break with Lao Er is just waiting for an opportunity. Now Lao America and European countries are giving Wulan arms support, so this war will naturally break out."

Xue Ren sat opposite Su Hao and said.

"What I'm curious about now is whether the United States will suspend its sanctions against us because of the outbreak of the war between Laoer and Wulan?"

The bottle cap spoke of his concerns.

"Has the United States announced its participation in the war?"

Su Hao asked vaguely while drinking millet porridge.

"No! Why would the United States directly join the war when there is a conflict between Lao Er and Wu Lan? They are also afraid of a direct nuclear war!"

Bottle Cap shook his head and said.

“Since the United States did not participate in the war, what makes you think that the United States will stop imposing sanctions on us?

This war does not require much energy from the United States. At most, they will provide some Wulan arms and personnel support.

This level of support does not consume much energy from the United States.

So Bottle Cap, you still have to step up your external intelligence collection work. I feel that if the United States realizes that their political pressure on the Ivia government is fruitless, they may directly mobilize military bases around Ivia, thus Continue to put pressure on the Ivia government on the military front.

In other words, we may have a direct war conflict with Laos and the United States at any time. Strengthening our strength as soon as possible is the issue we need to consider most at the moment. "

Su Hao looked at the bottle cap and blood blade, and then said this in a very relaxed tone.

Since aircraft, tanks, missiles and other equipment have been reassembled one after another, Su Hao no longer has the same pressure as before on Lao America's follow-up methods.

And although the two sides verbally agreed not to use nuclear weapons, when Su Hao saw no hope, he would still use this deadly weapon without hesitation.

After all, that's all Su Hao's worries were.

After his parents returned to China, Su Hao had no one he cared about except the brothers around him.

Once the war really reaches the point where Su Hao feels that it cannot continue, he really wants to pull the whole world to destroy it with him.

"Captain, I'm already working on it. It's just that my department has just been established, and I don't have much clue about many things. If Blood Blade and Butcher weren't helping me, sometimes I don't know what I should do next. What."

Bottle Cap is a halfway monk after all, so it's within the realm of understanding that he doesn't understand these things.

But understanding is understanding, and bottle caps are indispensable for things that should be done.

For the time-pressed Yama Military Group, everyone in all positions must go all out.

Because the opponent they are fighting is currently recognized as the most powerful country in the world!

If you want to have a good showdown with the world's No. [-] player, there's no way you can't do it without adding more intensity to yourself.

"I don't want to hear explanations, I just want to see the results."

Su Hao said and picked up the millet porridge again, and then began to drink it by himself.

"Captain, there is an open recruitment of mercenaries in Wulan, should we also consider it?"

The bottle cap is very abrupt.


Su Hao put down the bowl, and then looked at the bottle cap with a surprised look.

Then I saw Xue Ren's old face turned red, and said angrily to Bo Gai: "What are you thinking! Who is supporting Wu Lan? You don't have any clues in your heart!"


Being slapped by the blood blade, Bo Gai also reacted. His old face turned red along with Bo Gai, and his eyes did not even dare to look at Su Hao anymore.

"Bottle Cap, when we really get through this difficulty, I will definitely send you to a military school for further training. This brain of yours..."

Su Hao shook his head, and then laughed.

When Su Hao smiled, Xue Ren also laughed. Bottle Cap, who didn't understand the situation, was stunned for a moment and then laughed stupidly.

"Okay, we don't need to pay too much attention to the conflict between Lao Er and Wu Lan. We just need to keep an eye on our surroundings to prevent a sudden attack from Lao America. By the way, Blood Blade, the radar base station of the Ivia government How's the construction going?"

Su Hao drank the last mouthful of millet porridge in the bowl. After putting down the bowl, Su Hao asked Xue Ren. "This is being done very quickly. In a week at most, all the radar base stations covering the entire territory of Ivia will be completed.

If there are no problems in debugging, we can officially launch the radar base station covering the entire territory of Ivia in about ten days. "

When Blood Blade talked about this, his eyes were obviously brighter than before.

With the help of radar base stations covering the entire territory of Ivia, even if the United States uses ultra-long-range missiles against the Yan Luo Military Group in the sea, the Yan Luo Military Group has the possibility of intercepting them in advance.

This is a very happy thing for the entire Yama Military Group.

"I just hope that within these ten days, the United States can resist taking action against us. Okay, let's get started, there are still many things to do today!"

Su Hao said and stood up from the chair.

Blood Blade and Bottle Cap also stood up together, and then left Su Hao's villa together.




Jeff's office.

Jeff, who was troubled by the fact that the Ivia government did not impose sanctions on the Yama Military Group, was currently pacing in his office.

Although Jeff is not directly responsible for the player's actions, as the direct person in charge of the Pentagon and the Middle East Theater Command, Jeff has been paying attention to the real-time movements of Ivia recently.

In order to put pressure on the Ivia government, Jeff also made several military bases around Ivia make moves to carry out tasks.

But what makes Jeff very puzzled is that even under such pressure from the Pentagon, the Ivia government still has that vague attitude.

Not only have they not imposed sanctions on Su Hao's Yan Luo Military Group in the past half month, they are also actively contacting Lao Er, and they seem to want to seek some support from Lao Er.

According to intelligence submitted by the CIA, several key pro-American officials in Ivia have been assassinated recently.

In Jeff's opinion, this is a very bad sign.

To this end, Jeff also contacted the CIA and asked it, together with some elite soldiers from the US military base in Ivia, to provide personal protection to those pro-American Ivia officials.

After hanging up the call with the Commander-in-Chief of the Middle East Theater, Jeff picked up the landline in the office and called the secretary outside the door.

"Make an appointment with General Feroz for me, right now. Let's see when he is free."

Jeff ordered to the secretary on the other end of the phone.

About a minute later, the secretary informed Jeff that Feroze was in his office at the Pentagon.

And through the appointment just now, Jeff can now go directly to Feroz's office.

As the person directly responsible for the player's actions, Feroz is the one who really leads the pressure on the Ivia government.

And Jeff wants to find Feroze today because he feels that Feroze is deliberately helping the player delay time.

Of course, the above suspicions are only Jeff's personal conjectures. Jeff currently does not have any substantive evidence regarding the specific situation.

"Okay, please make arrangements and come with me to General Feroz later."

Putting down the receiver of the landline, Jeff frowned and thought for a while at his desk. Then he picked up the coat hanging on the clothes rack, put it on, and then walked toward the door.

As the highest military institution in the United States, the Pentagon is busy and has become the daily routine of its staff.

Jeff led his secretary through several busy work areas before arriving at the door of General Feroz's office.

"General Jeff, please wait a moment. General Feroz is holding an urgent conference call. It may take a few minutes."

Feroze's secretary blocked Jeff and his secretary directly at the door, and her gentle attitude made people feel like they couldn't lose their temper.

"No problem, I have nothing to do anyway, I can wait."

Jeff's breathing only worsened for two seconds, and then he replied to Feroz's secretary with a smile.

Time passed minute by minute, and Jeff checked his watch many times during this period.

Fortunately, Feroze didn't mean to neglect Jeff on purpose, so Jeff only waited for about 3 minutes before Feroze notified his secretary to let Jeff come into the office.

Under the guidance of Secretary Feroz, the two entered deeper into Feroz's office. Jeff's secretary was naturally left outside the door, but this was a common practice, so Jeff didn't say anything.

Entering Feroze's office, Jeff saw that Feroze was engrossed in writing something at this time.

Jeff deliberately stepped harder, and then saw Feroz looking up at him.

"General Feroz is such a busy man! If I want to see you, I have to stand in front of your office for a while."

Jeff said to Feroze teasingly as he walked towards Feroze's desk.

"Huh? Aren't you busy, General Jeff? The conflict between Lao Er and Wu Lan broke out. Isn't this the time when we have the most things at hand?"

Feroze looked at Jeff with a puzzled look.

Jeff, who was scolded by Feroz: "..."

"Of course you are busy, but if you are busy, you must first take care of some of the previous things."

Jeff said as he sat opposite Feroze.

"General Jeff, what do you mean?"

Feroze, who has a lot of things on his hands, really has no intention of being a Riddler with Jeff here.

"Player Action! How many days have passed? As the main person in charge of Player Action, doesn't General Feroz have anything to say?"

Seeing the impatient look on Feroz's face, Jeff stopped being polite to Feroz and said directly.

"Aren't the player's actions advancing normally? Why, why is General Jeff so concerned about the player's actions?"

Feroze said, putting down the pen in his hand, and then looked Jeff up and down with a slightly suspicious look.

“As one of the decision-makers for the players’ actions at the time, isn’t it normal for me to care about this matter?
Furthermore, I am also the person in charge of the Pentagon's Middle East Theater Command. Ivia is located in the Middle East. Is there any problem if I understand the operations there?
It’s you, General Feroz. The CIA has submitted two materials to me one after another regarding the CIA’s operations in the Middle East. In these two materials submitted by the CIA, both of them belong to you, General Feroz. figure.

Before I came up, I was wondering if you, General Feroz, had reached some private deal with the players, which is why you repeatedly delayed the in-depth execution of the player's actions! ! ! "

As the words deepened, Jeff's aura suddenly began to show.

(End of this chapter)

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