From Mercenary to Lord of War

Chapter 303 [301] Fire the howitzer at me! 3 Jiaozhou commandos are coming!

Chapter 303 [301] Fire the howitzer at me!Delta Commando is coming!

As the video was handed over to the temporary emergency meeting organized by the Pentagon, none of the old American government officials who were meeting on the Su Hao incident spoke again.

The silent meeting made the depressing atmosphere soar. In the end, it was Admiral Feroz who took the lead to express his attitude, "Although the player has caused extremely bad effects in the country, considering the fact that he actually holds nuclear warheads, I personally recommend , it is better to let the player and his party leave the United States first, and then wait until we find the two nuclear bombs left by the player in the country, and then carry out a devastating blow to the player and his entire strength outside the country."

Admiral Feroze is the boss behind Smith, and he was also the boss who wanted players to become their arms sales agents in the Middle East.

Being able to sit at the current table for meetings is actually enough to illustrate the power and energy of General Feroz in the United States.

"But if we let the player and his party leave the United States like this, how should we explain to the outside world and the public? If we really let the player leave the United States alive like this, how can we maintain stability in the country in the future, and how can we make those terrorists feel that Is our America a no-go zone for terrorists?”

The person who spoke this time was an old man in the video. If Steve and Moffat were here, they would definitely recognize the person who spoke as their boss Jeff.

"Mr. Jeff, not all terrorists have the ability to bring nuclear warheads to our country! The player is just a special case, and they have left so many corpses in San Marcos. As long as we can talk to the player Okay, I think it’s okay to explain it to the outside world.”

As soon as Jeff finished speaking, Feroz immediately stopped Jeff's subsequent words.

In fact, the truth is as Feroze said. The reason why Jeff didn't want the player to leave the United States like this was simply because he didn't want any information about what he had done to leak out from the player's mouth.

Moreover, as people get older, their thinking is not as clear and fast as when they were young.

After Feroze finished speaking, Jeff also began to think about the feasibility of what Feroze said.

"I think the plan mentioned by Feroz is feasible. Time is limited now, so why don't we just vote on it."

Secretary of State Anthony said.

If the Su Hao incident had not affected domestic public opinion in the United States, Secretary of State Anthony would not have attended this meeting.

"Then let's start voting. If more than half of the people present agree, we will implement what General Feroz wants."

Secretary of Defense Adams also spoke at this time.

The Secretary of Defense is the top spokesperson in the Pentagon and the top commander of the U.S. military.

He was the direct host of this meeting, and the person in charge of the follow-up decision-making regarding the Su Hao incident.

The fact that Su Hao was able to bring the news to these big bosses actually proved that Su Hao had reached a height that no arms dealer could possibly reach.

Being able to directly threaten the most powerful country in the world and make it compromise, this record really needs to be posted on the Internet, and netizens all over the world can play this joke until they die.

As Adams finished speaking, the 12 participants in the meeting began to vote by show of hands.

By a show of hands, Feroze's proposal was passed by a strong margin of nine votes.

For the follow-up matters, Feroz will contact Su Hao to negotiate a better way for Su Hao to leave the United States without causing chaos.

The video showing Jeff in the conference room went out immediately after the show of hands vote.

Others in the conference room ignored Jeff, because the meeting had come to an end here.



5 minutes before Su Hao uses nuclear threat through Felix.

U.S. Joint Special Operations Command.

"Go check what troops are over there in Texas?"

After putting down his cell phone, Colonel Sheehan, who was in charge of the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command on duty at this time, said to a lineman below.


One of the operators responded and immediately started working on the computer in front of him.

Not long after, a Delta commando near Texas appeared on the operator's computer.

"Sir, we have a Delta Force in Austin that just completed its mission."

The operator said.

"Help me connect them and set their mission status."




As time passed, Su Hao and his party on the ridgeline changed from standing and chatting to sitting and chatting now.

Just three minutes ago, the typewriter died in the armored infantry fighting vehicle.

It was Iron Fist who confirmed the death of the typewriter, so when he brought the news back to the howitzer position, everyone in the Hurricane team fell into sadness again.

"Captain, can we really leave the United States alive? Can the American authorities really let us go?"

After everyone was silent for a while, Ring Finger stared at the ground with a decadent face and said.

"First the cigarette died, and then the typewriter died. We made such a big noise in San Marcos, the US authorities should have regarded us as terrorists!"

Dynamite poked the ground with the butt of his gun and said with the same slight dejection.

"By the way, will we encounter the US military's special forces? I used to hear people say how awesome the US military's Delta Commandos and SEALs are, but it's a pity that we haven't had the chance to meet them."

Unlike the other two, Table Knife is not as depressed and decadent as Ring Finger and Dynamite.

"The seals probably won't come. After all, this is still the interior of the United States. It's possible that the Delta Commando will come, but what's the benefit of us fighting them?"

Hawkeye held a piece of grass he found somewhere in his mouth and said with a somewhat hollow look in his eyes.

"Haha, at least we can die in the hands of experts, right?"

The knife said with a smile.

"You are too disappointed!"

Deadshot rarely spoke. He glanced at everyone present. Except for Su Hao and Zhan Dao, everyone else's faces showed a bit of despair.

"It's not that I'm too sad, it's that I simply can't see the possibility of leaving the United States alive. Kingsbury is too far away, and the captain also said that the one behind him may not be able to protect us. I really don't know where we are now. Why are you running like this?"

The ring finger rubbed his face vigorously with both hands, as if he wanted to use this method to make his mind clearer.

"It's all death anyway. We still have these howitzers on hand. Why don't we cause more damage to the US military before we die?"

I have always believed that even if I die, I have to drag a few more people with me. Captain, if you really have no other way to take us away, then let us vent here. "

Iron Fist looked at the howitzers beside him, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

Su Hao did not tell everyone in the Hurricane Team about the nuclear warhead, so none of the brothers present knew that Su Hao had found another way.

Furthermore, the results of the nuclear threat have not yet come out, and Su Hao does not want his brothers to have hope first and then turn into despair.

"It's okay to vent, but we may still leave the United States now. Just wait for my next phone call. If the next phone call can't change our current situation, then we can only vent."

Su Hao spread his hands and said.

"Phew! Captain Emotion, you also think there is no hope for us to leave the United States!"

Ring Finger got up from the ground and stood next to a howitzer. "I didn't say anything..."

At this moment, multiple red marks suddenly began to appear on the edge of Su Hao's [Crisis Sense].

Moreover, the number of red marks is rising sharply, which also means that armed forces are beginning to try to get close to them again.

Su Hao's expression changed, and he immediately used the screen projection function of [Crisis Sense] to look at the location of the red mark.

As the picture projection function was activated, a picture five kilometers away appeared in front of Su Hao's eyes.

I saw military vehicles one after another, driving into a range less than five kilometers away from Su Hao.

It can be seen from the uniforms worn by the soldiers in the picture that the soldiers approaching Su Hao and his party are from the garrison in Austin.

"Didn't they reach an agreement? Or do they not believe that I dare to use nuclear warheads? That shouldn't be the case!"

Su Hao frowned tightly, because he was the only one who could see the projection of the screen, so no one in Dynamite knew why Su Hao's expression suddenly changed.

"Captain, what's wrong? Do you feel something is wrong?"

Dynamite, who had performed many missions with Su Hao, the first thing that came to his mind was that Su Hao had noticed something unusual.

This is not the first time this has happened, so it is normal for explosives to react like this.

"No, I just thought of a possibility. Wait, there is a message on my phone."

After Su Hao finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, and before the explosives could come over, Su Hao put away his mobile phone again.

"There are troops coming in our direction."

After Su Hao put away his phone, he looked at the hurricane team members present and said.

"It seems like we really have no chance to leave the United States!"

After the ring finger said this sentence in an emphatic tone, the others had already adjusted the position of the muzzle according to what the knife had taught him before.

"Without real-time observation from drones, we can only use my observation scope to judge the enemy."

Hawkeye raised the observation mirror in his hand and said.

This was also the solution that Hawkeye and his team came up with when Su Hao was on the phone with Felix.

Without precise coordinate information, even if they have anti-aircraft howitzers in their hands, they still cannot hit a farther and more accurate attack distance.

at the same time.

On Su Hao's [Crisis Sense] interface, a dozen or so red marks were approaching them at an alarming speed.

These red marks were already approaching the bottom of the ridgeline. At their current speed, they would be able to encounter Su Hao in five minutes at most.

"Give me the viewing glass."

Su Hao thought of a possibility and then extended his hand to Eagle Eye.

Hawkeye didn't waste any time and handed the observation glass directly to Su Hao.

Su Hao took the observation scope and ran to the top of the ridgeline to make a fake observation. Then a group of hurricane team members at the howitzer position heard Su Hao say: "A convoy has arrived below the ridgeline. The number of people should not be high according to visual inspection." There will be more than 20 people, prepare to fight!”

Su Hao's voice was very urgent, so as soon as Su Hao's words fell, Dynamite and Ring Finger took their guns and ran towards the only ridgeline road that could get here.

The ring finger held a light machine gun, while Dynamite held an assault rifle.

Except for the two of them, the rest of the Hurricane team didn't leave the howitzer they were on.

If the captain has not received news that they hope to leave before the enemy comes, then they hope to use this howitzer to give the US military a more brutal blow.

"Adjust the muzzle, three o'clock direction directly ahead, distance 4300 meters to 4600 meters, progressive artillery fire coverage, prepare!"

The howitzer was different from the tactical nuclear bomb. The howitzer was used to strike first. Su Hao really felt no pressure at all.

"Received! Repeat! muzzle adjustment, three o'clock direction directly ahead, distance 4300 meters to 4600 meters, progressive artillery fire coverage, completed!"

It was the dining knife who replied, and he had already completed the adjustment of the muzzle while replying.

"Cum for me!!!"

As Su Hao roared in the communication channel, the sound of huge shelling echoed throughout the top of the ridgeline.






Because there were only four people left behind, only four howitzers fired shells during the first bombardment.

After the table knife and the iron fist fired the first shell, they immediately moved to the remaining two howitzers that did not fire the shells.

I haven't seen how complicated their operations are.

Not long after, two shells were fired from the howitzer they controlled.

However, they did not stop after they had accomplished this. The four of them worked together to load the new shells.

While Su Hao was still observing, they had already loaded two shells together.

"Captain, there is really a car coming up. They are very close to us. Should we fire on them now?"

In the communication channel, Ring Finger once again returned to his usual calm side.

"Hold on."

Su Hao did not give the order immediately. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Su Hao using the screen projection function of [Crisis Sense] to see the situation of the mountain convoy below the ridgeline.

"Is this the...Delta Commando logo?"

Su Hao didn't expect that Shan Knife's casual words would actually come true at this moment.

The Delta Commando below the ridgeline had a full force of 16 people.

"Suppression fire, damn, wait for me to join you! Dinner knife, iron fist, you continue to fire another round at the same shooting distance. Don't worry about hitting empty shots. We have enough shells anyway!"

As Su Hao ran down from the top of the ridgeline, he ordered the knife and iron fist over the communication channel.


Table Knife and Iron Fist, who were busy loading cannonballs, simply responded after hearing Captain Su Hao's order.

At the same time, the Austin garrison, about 4.5 kilometers away from Su Hao and his party, faced another tragic scene.

 I'll try my best to make up for the missing chapter tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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