From Mercenary to Lord of War

Chapter 24 [024] Su Hao's salary and treatment "Seek to follow up! "

Chapter 24 [024] Su Hao's salary and treatment "Seek to follow up! "

When Su Hao woke up again, the sky had completely darkened.

Perhaps it was because Su Hao slept too soundly, so no one came to wake Su Hao up halfway.

After sleeping, Su Hao's spirit naturally improved a lot.

After sitting up and moving around a bit, Su Hao realized that the sky was completely dark now.

"What's the situation... No one came to call me?"

After moving his body, Su Hao pushed open the door and got off the Hummer.

When Su Hao moved, the explosives and gunmen standing not far away naturally noticed it too.

The three of them got together, and Su Hao held his stomach and asked, "Is there anything to eat? After sleeping, I feel like I'm starving to death."

"Let me take you to eat, it happens that the captain and the others are over there."

As soon as Su Hao said that he was hungry, Dynamite Ives pulled Su Hao towards the camp.

On the way to dinner, the gunman couldn't help but asked Su Hao curiously: "Rookie, what did Mr. Steve talk to you about when he came to you earlier?"

In fact, the Gunner has a lot of questions to ask Su Hao, especially after learning about Su Hao's achievements in the abandoned factory from Ives.

It can be said that the current shooter is full of curiosity about Su Hao.

He didn't understand why Su Hao could adapt to the battlefield environment so quickly as he was a rookie on the battlefield for the first time.

You know, even when he first went to the battlefield as a shooter, he had done a long time of psychological construction.

Those roads that must be passed by newcomers did not show in Su Hao at all.

What fear, fear, nervousness, panic, Su Hao's actual combat this time can be said to have nothing to do with it.

And according to incomplete statistics, Su Hao killed at least twenty enemies in this actual battle.

Such a kill, even for an old man like the gunman who has been in the mercenary circle for many years, is a very difficult feat to accomplish.

So the gunman is full of curiosity about Su Hao, which is actually understandable.

"Mr. Steve wanted to poach me, but I didn't agree."

Su Hao said casually.

"Digging? He is a real estate agent in Ivia. Why do you dig you? Do you want to be the captain of his bodyguard?"

The gunman said puzzled.

Although the job of a mercenary is not stable, their salary is not low!

Moreover, mercenaries are not serious bodyguards. In terms of security professionalism, Su Hao is definitely not as good as those professional bodyguards from large security companies.

"That's right, but I haven't talked about it in detail yet..."

Su Hao just woke up now, and his mind is still a little confused.

"Then what price did Mr. Steve offer you? I'm curious about that."

It was Ives next to Su Hao who said this, and his inner curiosity was actually no less than that of the gunman.

"I didn't talk about it in detail! And I don't know how much I should bid. By the way, how much money can we make a month as a PMC in Bayonet Defense?"

PMC is a legal mercenary, and this term was only learned by Su Hao after entering bayonet defense.

"Our money is not fixed. When the business is good, we can earn [-] to [-] U.S. dollars a month. When the business is bad, we get a basic salary. Your basic salary is the lowest, it should be [-] U.S. dollars."

Ives said casually.

"That's all? By the way, I have been in the bayonet defense for a month, so what about my basic salary?"

Su Hao looked at Ives and asked.

"It's not considered a formal job for you to train in the training camp. How can you get a basic salary! But you should be able to get [-] US dollars for this task, and I mean money other than the basic salary."

Ives said.

"Rookie, what are you doing like you don't understand anything? Did no one talk to you about this when you entered the bayonet defense? It shouldn't be!"

The Gunners feel a little bit wrong, because these things are explained clearly by the company after the newcomers join the job.

"Ahem, I didn't pay attention to this at the time."

Su Hao coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment.

"The basic salary can be raised, and the dividends are paid according to the company's system, except for private orders.

Speaking of rookies, if you go back after completing the mission this time, you can talk to the captain about raising your basic salary.

After all, you already have more than double-digit kills. According to the company's normal system, you can definitely increase your basic salary by two levels. "

Ives started to get a little excited as he spoke.

Raising the basic salary by two levels means that Su Hao's basic salary can be the same as his Ives.

But as a friend, Ives is still very happy for Su Hao.

Those of them who are professional PMCs, who didn't come to bayonet defense to make more money!

"How much does it cost to raise a level? I really don't know."

Su Hao, who asked a question and didn't know anything, asked another question.

"Our bayonet defense has a total of six levels of basic salary, you are the first level, the basic salary is 5.00, and the dividends account for [-]% of the team's total dividends.

The captain is level five, with a basic salary of 20.00 yuan, and the dividends account for [-]% of the team's total dividends.

Bottle caps are level four, with a basic salary of [-], and the dividends account for the team's total dividends.

Deadshot, Hawkeye, me, and Dynamite are all three levels, with a basic salary of 12.00, and their dividends each account for [-]% of the team's total dividends. "

The gunman explained to Su Hao in detail their current basic salary levels and the proportion of dividends related to each basic salary level.

Leaving aside the basic salary and so on, considering the current composition of the three bayonet teams, this dividend ratio is quite reasonable.

Su Hao and Braised Dan are newcomers, so it is understandable that they account for 5.00%.

Deadshot, Hawkeye, Gunner, and Dynamite are all three-level basic salaries.

Although the gunner has worked longer than the others, the gunner has not had any outstanding records, so his basic salary level has not been raised to the fourth level.

As for Bottle Cap's base salary of Level [-], on the one hand, it was because of his status as a Bottle Cap machine gunner, and on the other hand, Bottle Cap had fought good battles before.

The captains of the bayonet defense teams are all level five. In addition to leading the team, they are also responsible for many daily chores, so the bonus and basic salary are much higher than the rest of the team.

All in all, after listening to the gunman's narration, Su Hao also had a general understanding of a salary system for bayonet defense.

"How much is the second-level basic salary? Is it [-] or [-]?"

Su Hao didn't quite understand this point.

"The second level is [-], and the third level is [-]. By the way, how did you get into the job? Why don't you understand the salary system at all?"

The Gunner will be even more puzzled.

"I came to be a PMC purely out of enthusiasm. When I signed the contract with Bayonet Defense, I didn't pay attention to the salary."

What else can Su Hao say now?

Apart from making such far-fetched excuses, Su Hao didn't know how to explain himself.

"Forget it, let's talk about Mr. Steve poaching you. Do you really want to go? How much price do you think Mr. Steve can accept?"

The gunman shook his head, and after a long time, he changed the subject again.

Su Hao: "..."

 Thanks to the book friend [jomo] for the reward of [-] book coins!Be the second book friend to tip this book, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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