Chapter 888
As the adults in the living room gradually chatted, the boy who hadn't come back for a month couldn't stay anymore, especially when she heard the old lady say that the two horses were brought back and kept in the backyard, so she hurried out.

"Hey, wait for grandma!" The old lady said and followed. After the backyard was expanded, a small pool with running water was built. Although there were railings, she was not at ease to let Kuai go alone.

How can I hear you at this time, darling, she ran with her hands at an unabated speed, anyway, she didn't run out, she would stop when she reached the backyard, and the old lady would follow.

After the expansion, the backyard still gives people a crowded feeling. The main thing is to add a pool and build a horse shed. The wild peach tree is preserved, like a wandering princess standing quietly by the pool.

Since she had been playing at home for half a month, Guaiguai is no stranger to this renovated backyard. She first picked up a clod of soil and threw it towards the chicken coop in the corner. The movement of the chickens was not enough to scare the chickens in the pen, but the arrogant and rampant laughter and shouts of the obedient bully, as well as the echoing barking of the dog's leg Yuan Bao, made the chickens panic.

"Hey, don't scare the chicken. The hen won't lay eggs for you to eat." The old lady who came behind saw the situation and persuaded her with a smile on her face.

"What?" Obediently looked fiercely, raised his chin and grasped his fist, "Then kill and eat!"

Chickens that don't lay eggs are only meant to be eaten.

The old lady stepped forward and took the obedient hand, "Don't be so fierce as a child."

"I'm not fierce!" obediently showed a harmless smile, and gave Yuan Bao, the dog leg next to him who came to help out with a smell, an appreciative look, "Woof, go, call Mimi Miao Miao to come home!"

Watching Yuan Bao turn around and run away, he obediently broke away from the old lady's hand, ran to the stone railing of the small pool and looked into the pool, where two sandbag geese were huddling together on the water.

"Goose, goose..." Obediently shouted, a memorized ancient poem suddenly flashed in his mind, so he let out a burst of crisp laughter, called the old lady to attract attention, and ran to the window at the back of the house to look in Yelling.

She is going to pretend, how can there be no audience.

"I'm crazy all day long, especially when I'm back in the village." Although she didn't know why she obediently called them, Bai Zhi had a very headache and complained to Su Haiyan, "I don't know what she wants to do now .”

"Just take a look and you'll know, let's go, let's take a look at the window."

The audience took their seats, obediently began to perform, she stood under the sun and pointed at the pool, shaking her head, "Goose, goose, singing to the sky. The white hair floats in the green water, and the anthurium touches the clear waves!"

"..." Bai Zhi was a little confused, you called me here just to listen to you recite poems?

Just looking at Guaiguai who was full of hope, Bai Zhi pulled out a far-fetched smile, and praised without distraction: "Wow, Guaiguai is really amazing. When I saw two big geese swimming, I thought of this ancient poem, didn't I?" ?”

Obediently nodded vigorously, and looked at the next person with big eyes. Needless to say, the next scene, the old lady, Chen Juanhua, and Su Haiyan took turns sending rainbow farts. Obediently listened to their satisfaction, and then left the audience and ran happily The stables are teasing the horses.

With his sight blocked, Bai Zhi looked at the jumping figure bouncing in the sun and disappeared from his sight, speechless, "This man is a ghost."

Su Haiyan covered her mouth and smiled, "Why don't you think about it from a different angle, obediently feel the situation, and apply what you have learned."

"It's nothing to apply what you've learned. I've been thinking about it all day, and I'm startled." After finishing speaking, Bai Zhi turned and walked back to the sofa. She swore that she would obediently yell at her like this again in the future, She definitely won't look at it, she won't get it at all.


Yuan Bao left quickly and came back quickly, behind him was the family of six little civet cats.After petting the cat obediently for a while, he directed all the animals in the house to gather in front of the chicken pen.

It was a big battle, and she talked and practiced according to the picture she had imagined. It took her a while, and she beat two big geese to "kill chickens and monkeys", and finally let the animals form a circle obediently.

It's still too long away from home, and I didn't get in touch with the animals just now, so I don't listen to her very much.

Obediently and mentally exhausted, but fortunately the starlight paid off for the passers-by, she felt that she would punish them to stand in the sun for a while, and she went back to the house to wipe off her sweat and drink saliva.

"Mom, Mom, I'm going to hold a conference for animals, so you bring your younger brother to listen!" Soothing her throat, she was not in a hurry to go back to the backyard, but warmly sent an invitation to Bai Zhi.

"Don't go!" Bai Zhi just swore secretly, how could she slap her in the face.

Obediently, she didn't persuade her too much, and waited for the old lady to insert a towel behind her back, then happily ran back to the backyard, and came to the center of the large circle surrounded by animals.

She first looked around and called the names of the animals one by one. Although not all the animals would respond to her, she didn't care, as long as they were there.

The first Kuaiguai Animal Conference officially started. Among the participants, the only host who could speak human was straight to the point, "I want to tell you a piece of good news! I'm becoming a big sister!"

"Wooooow..." The first one to respond was naturally the well-deserved dogleg Yuanbao.

The two sandbag geese were only a little slower than Yuan Bao, or they heard Yuan Bao's dog barking, so they knew that it was time for them to make a sound, and they quickly started barking.

Then, the sheep called and the horse called and the little civet called, and the cries of various animals intertwined together, which made chickens fly and dogs jumped in the chicken pen again, and the chickens clucked and clucked one after another.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very lively.

The few people who were chatting in the living room were frightened, thinking that something had happened, they hurried to the window, and those who went to the backyard went to the backyard.Even Ning Yue, who had been taking care of Er Bao, became interested, but Er Bao was woken up by the noises of various animals, and was crying. She wanted to take the baby back to the room to hide and comfort him.

Seeing that Guaiguai was safe and sound, the adults were patient and saw what she wanted to do in holding this meeting for the animals in the family.

Obediently looked, oh, it also attracted everyone in the family to watch, and immediately became more excited, pressing her hands and shouting "Quiet", her voice is not too low, but amidst the intertwined animal calls, But it doesn't seem so prominent.

As a last resort, she could only force Yuan Bao to be quiet first, this method had immediate effect, Yuan Bao stopped barking, and the other animals also quickly quieted down.

Kuo Yi, Gouzi, you're even better than me when I'm not at home?

Obediently glanced at Yuan Bao in surprise, she didn't expect Yuan Bao to be so powerful to bully the Lord, but she was a little happy. She used to take care of many animals, but now Yuan Bao is doing well, so she only needs to take care of Yuan Bao in the future, then You can let Yuan Bao take care of other animals.Don't worry.

She also thought that the dog Yuanbao must be able to communicate with these animals, and she wondered if she should ask Yuanbao to teach her a foreign language so that she could also communicate with sheep and horses.

These thoughts flashed in her mind, but none of them had anything to do with the theme of this conference, so she didn't think about it deeply, and planned to save it for later.

Returning to the most central position, she closely followed the theme of the meeting and said loudly and concisely: "I've become an older sister, you want to give me and my younger brother gifts, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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