A big living person disappeared into the bobo pool in an instant, and Su Xiaoting looked at the bobo ball that jumped up and down with a few funny faces, and hurried forward to pull her up.

Looking at the obedient girl who was smiling endlessly, Liang Qingqiao tapped her forehead, and said softly, "You are so reckless, you can forget about taking a look at what's going on inside, and you don't know how to stop, so you just bump into it and fall." Go in, if there is no bobo ball here, don't you have a bag on your head?"

It seems that it makes sense for the eldest cousin to be worried and only let the obedient mother-in-law take care of the obedient mother-in-law. There are so many of them, and they are all flexible in their legs and feet. , but after all, I am old, and I really can't control my old arms and legs.

Obediently being scolded with erratic eyes, seeing grandpa and third uncle come in with a foam box each, she quickly changed the subject, "Let's go see the kids!"

She never tires of listening to compliments on her, and she can talk for as long as she wants, but forget about these nagging, she can't hear it, she can't listen to it at all.

Looking at the figure of the little guy running away, the corners of Liang Qingqiao's mouth turned upwards. Be good with this temper, and the big cousin will have a headache in the future.But thinking about how her big cousin was enjoying it, she felt that she didn't need to sympathize with him.

Bai Jian'an and Su Qinghai need to go to the canteen on the third floor with Director Zhou to divide the strawberries according to the number of people in each class, and obediently don't take the elevator with them, but take Su Xiaoting and the others up the stairs.The three adults didn't care about her, not to mention Liang Qingqiao and the others watching, she also learned it in the kindergarten for a few days, and in those few days, she fully demonstrated the attributes of a slipper and a social cow. There is nothing in this kindergarten that she is not familiar with. There are no children she doesn't know.

It can be said that coming to this kindergarten obediently is like going back to your own home.

Don't worry about being obedient and obedient will affect the order and discipline of the class. They have chosen a good time to come, and this is the last class. The content of the arranged classes is generally organized and disciplined game activities in the classroom.

As a former member of the small class, the one who obediently went first was not the small class classroom, but the middle class.If there was anyone in this kindergarten who she cared about the most and worried about most, it was the timid Brother Tiger.

The content of this class in the middle class is a story imitation. The children sat in two rows with their backs facing the door, wearing identical garden uniforms, and watched and listened to the teacher's dancing and dancing with their heads up.

Obediently, she didn't go in hastily, she poked her head at the door and looked in, looking for who was Wang Shenghu from behind, when she realized that someone was watching her, she raised her eyes to look at the teacher who told the story, her eyes collided, she grinned, He waved his hand cheerfully, then retracted his head.

It's not that she's afraid, it's just that she doesn't want to disturb the teacher's storytelling to the middle class brothers and sisters because of her appearance.

Then I went to the classroom of the small class. The small class was playing with toys on the table in their respective seats at the moment, listening to all kinds of little milk voices coming out of the classroom, after peeking at the obediently hiding outside the door of the classroom, big eyes flashed Too cunning, he jumped sideways and appeared at the door.


All kinds of panicked voices suddenly sounded in the classroom, as well as the sound of building blocks falling on the table and the floor. The frightened children looked at the door in shock.

The two teachers in the small class were also startled by the sudden roar. When they saw the obedient grinning at the door, they were speechless and thought it was funny.

Obediently enjoyed the attention of everyone, she raised her right hand above her head and waved it like a leader, "Hello, kids, I'm back to see you!"

"Ah, be obedient!"

"Okay, are you here?"

The children in the small class recognized the scary spirit at the door as a man of the past in the small class. Many of them couldn't care less about being startled just now, and shouted excitedly.The few children who were familiar with Kuaiguai even left their seats to come to Kuaiguai's side regardless of the class time.

Received such a warm welcome, Guaiguai was also very happy, she called several children around her one by one, such as Brother Xiaolu, sister Xiaolu, and brother Monkey.

Liang Wenjie's smile disappeared immediately, "Why do you call me a monkey?"

It's fine to call him brother, although he is one year older than Kuaiguai, but in terms of body shape and behavior, Kuaiguai is indeed more like a sister, he admits it.But why did he become a monkey again in Kuaiguai's mouth?

"Brother Xiaojie, your name is like monkey, and monkey means monkey, so you are monkey brother." Obediently explained, she didn't give people nicknames indiscriminately, there must be her reasons of.

Even though she eats and plays all day long, the knowledge taught by her parents and grandparents has not been lost at all. In addition to recognizing Chinese characters, learning pinyin, reading and reciting ancient poems, counting and simple addition and subtraction, she has also mastered 26 Letters, some common animal and plant English nouns and common phrases are also included.

When she first learned the word monkey earlier, she heard Liang Wenjie's name in vain. Now that she saw Liang Wenjie, she remembered this and gave him the nickname monkey.

However, Liang Wenjie was confused and couldn't understand what she was talking about.

Looking at Brother Xiaolu and Sister Xiaolu also with a blank face, she felt that it was not very interesting. She patted Liang Wenjie's thin shoulder and said solemnly: "Brother Xiaojie, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, but You have to remember that your name in Englis is monkey, and monkey is monkey!"

"What's Englis's name? Why do I still have a name in Englis? Why can't I use my name?" Liang Wenjie continued to ask doubts in his heart.

Tell him obediently that each country has its own language, and Engels is the language of Engels.It just so happens that the principal, grandma, and the others are sending strawberries to the children at this time. Let me give you an example. Strawberries are strawberries in Chinese, but strawberries in Engels’ language, and apples in Engels. Said it was my mother-in-law, and so on.

Liang Wenjie seemed to understand, took a bite of the strawberry, and said to Guaiguai: "Guaiguai, you are so good, you know so many things!"

The Xiaolu sister and brother who were also ignorant also nodded. They didn't even know much of their own country's characters, and the younger ones could already speak the languages ​​of other countries, which is really amazing.

The obedient little tail was up to the sky, but he waved his little hands and said modestly that it was not worth mentioning, and then ran to the middle shift to find Brother Tiger.

Liang Qingqiao and the others followed her around. They met Xiaolu and Monkey in the small class, and met Brother Tiger in the middle class. They all felt very speechless. Why do they always have something to do with animals?
Thanks to them following along to see it, if this was mentioned obediently at home, would people in kindergarten think she just came back from the zoo? (end of this chapter)

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