After the round table meeting, the five Hua Gulong took the money they had collected to find Bai Zhi and asked her to help buy equipment and materials.

Bai Zhi felt that they were going too far. Not only did they want to set up a stall next to Liu Shuyun, but she had to ask Liu Shuyun for the link and buy the same for everything, including the sausage roasting machine and the source of goods.

Luckily, Liu Shuyun doesn't mind either. Her home is on the night market street, and her family's conditions are quite good. There are shops and houses for rent. As she said, selling sausages is not for making money, but for finding something to do to avoid her. Mom, lest she always hang around in front of her mother and be rejected.She very much welcomes them to set up a stall next to her. In her words, there are so many people.

Bai Zhi looked at the link sent by Liu Shuyun, suddenly raised her eyes to look at Guaiguai, and said, "I have no objection if you want to sell roast sausages, but Guaiguai can't eat them often, you guys remember, no matter what, she didn't go through me and Guaiguai her father." Agree, you must not eat grilled sausages for obediently, you know?"

He listened obediently, changed his face on the spot, and asked why loudly.Why she wants to sell sausages, earning money is secondary, the main reason is that she can realize the freedom of sausages.

Now tell her she can't eat?

"Because you are too young, and your intestines and stomach can't handle it. I let you eat one occasionally. If you eat too much, you will have a stomachache. Even if your stomach doesn't hurt, you will easily accumulate food and bloating. In short, it is unhealthy, I understand. No?" Bai Zhi explained, not to mention that they still sell starch sausages, even if they are genuine pork sausages, it is impossible for her to agree to obediently realize the freedom of roasting sausages.

Guaiguai covered her ears and shook her head frantically, and wanted to protest, but was suppressed by Su Xiaoting, she advised Guaiguai to be more aggressive.Unlike Guaiguai who was more concerned about eating, she and Liang Qingqiao really wanted to make money by selling roasted sausages. If Guaiguai objected now, they would kick Guaiguai out of the game.

Anyway, she is very rich, so she can make up for the 200 yuan she obediently scraped together without any pressure.

Because there is still the temptation to make money, Guaiguai is not determined to overturn the table, she still wants her sister and cousins ​​to take her to pretend to take her to fly, so she can only obey the majority.

The sausage roasting project has officially entered the preparatory stage. Guaiaiai, whose dream of freedom has been broken, is now only thinking about making money. For this reason, she has stepped up the promotion among the children in the community, and even invited children to watch the sausage roasting machine at home. , invite them to eat the grilled sausage made by Liang Qingqiao and Su Xiaoting.

Not only that, she also told her relatives about this in the family group, asking them to help her business more.

On the evening of the day when the stall came out, Liang Qingqiao and Su Xiaoting were a little nervous preparing things in the mahjong room, checking again and again to avoid omissions.Obediently couldn't help them, so he could only run to the kitchen and urge Su Qinghe to cook and cook vegetables faster.

"Stop urging, it's already the fifth time!" Su Qinghe was a little impatient, he felt obediently like a fly, swaying in front of his eyes and buzzing in his ears all the time.

But obediently refused to listen to the persuasion, and urged over and over again, and finally it was time to serve dinner, Su Qinghe thought that the ears would be clearer, but obediently urged to eat quickly, and after eating, urged to wash the dishes quickly.

She was in a hurry, and Su Qinghe was so angry that he almost said that he would not leave the stall tonight.

The days are long and the nights are short in midsummer, Su Qinghe made dinner early today, and it was not yet seven o'clock when he went out, and the sky was still very bright.

Liang Qingqiao was pulling the trolley, and there were two storage boxes on the trolley. The tools and materials for sausage roasting were placed in the boxes. In addition, there were a few stacked small rubber stools on the trolley.

When passing by the children's play area, Kuaiguai was a little disappointed, because no children came out to play yet, and her wishful thinking of asking children to go with her and selling her sausages came to nothing.But fortunately, she had told the children during the day that she would go to set up a stall tonight, and she didn't know how many children would come over later?
Thinking in this way, they walked slowly to the night market street. It wasn't too late for them to come, but it wasn't too early either. Many vendors who set up stalls had already started their business.

Obediently, as if being robbed of money, he urged everyone to hurry up and set up a stall to sell sausages to make money.

She just talked about it, and didn't help push the small cart, Su Qinghe didn't know whether she was really anxious or fake.

The location of the stall was as agreed before, next to Liu Shuyun's stall.

Bai Zhi and Liu Shuyun have known each other. Strictly speaking, this street is not actually a serious night market street, but there are many neighborhoods and houses in the surrounding area, and there are many people who go out for a walk at night. The flow of people is not bad. Slowly, a small night market was formed.

The booths are not fixed, and whoever occupies them first on the day will belong to them, and the relevant departments will turn a blind eye. As long as there is no accident and it is not during the "double innovation" period, they generally don't care much.

However, Liu Shuyun's booth is very fixed, because the location of her stall is just downstairs of her house, right in front of the store she rented out.When Xiaoguai and the others arrived, Liu Shuyun hadn't come out to set up a stall yet, and the shop owner saw that they were supporting a stall, and even came out specifically to say that he would not allow a stall in this location.

I still called Liu Shuyun, and she came down to say hello to the shop owner, and the stall opened smoothly.

Obediently pursed her mouth and glanced at the shop owner, murmured in a low voice that he was a villain, then turned her head and asked Liang Qingqiao to roast a piece of Su Qinghe's special buy for her, it was made of black pork leg, pork The meat sausage with a content of more than 95%, she sent it to others in a hurry.

"Give it to me?" The boss was flattered and pointed at his own nose, not sure.

He nodded obediently, and passed the hand holding the sausage forward, "Boss, hurry up and hold it, my hands are so tired!"

The boss glanced at Su Qinghe who entered the shop together, then took the roast sausage, and said half-jokingly: "You really invited me to eat? You won't wait for me to eat, so you ask me for money?"

"Is this still possible? Is it really possible?" Obedient big eyes sparkled, then he giggled, and then said, "Uncle Boss, let me tease you, eat, eat, I treat you to eat Yes, if I sell sausages at your door, we will be good friends, and good friends should help each other!"

The store owner was so amused that he couldn't laugh or cry, he looked at Su Qinghe, "Boss, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"It's okay, I'm really okay, she said she would give you a roast sausage, although I don't know why, but you can eat it with confidence, we won't blackmail anyone." Su Qinghe said with a smile, but he was also confused I don't know what obediently wants to do.

The store owner felt a little relieved when he heard this, and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm not suspicious of your child, but it's mainly because I've been messed with like this before, and I'm a bit psychologically shadowed."

Obediently, I understood. It turned out that the boss thought she was a bad person. After denying it, she expressed her intention, "Boss, I am not a bad person. I invite you to eat roast sausage. I want you to call your friends." Come buy my sausage!"

Not to mention the shop owner, even Su Qinghe was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Good guy, you really don't see the outside world. If you catch someone, you will get some benefits and let them introduce you to business!
Where the hell did this come from?

I'm sorry, sorry, birthday, I came back late after dinner after get off work, and I took a few calls from my family, which took a lot of time.

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