Chapter 799 We Can't Do It
Playing flying chess, obedient and not cheating, playing dice is all about luck, sometimes if you are not lucky, you just can't, whether she likes it or not, she has to admit it.She was very lucky today, otherwise she would stop playing flying chess, which is not uncommon, and she was so angry that she would hit her left hand with her right hand and her right hand with her left hand.

Still brooding about it until now.

No, as soon as she saw that the automatic mahjong table can automatically throw dice, she immediately wanted to move home to play flying chess for her, so that she would have someone to push the pot in the future, so she didn't have to blame herself.

Her brain circuit, not to mention Su Qinghe, everyone present counts as one, and they really can't guess, and can't keep up, no matter what they were doing a moment ago, after hearing the little guy's milky and urgent words , were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"It's true that the shit is hard as hell." Huang Zihua is still eating roast lamb in his mouth, but he doesn't shy away from what he says.This is a popular slang term, which means that when a problem occurs, do not look for its own cause, but blindly find excuses to find external causes.Although it sounds vulgar, it is simple and concise.

It's a pity that although his evaluation was very good, his parents didn't like to listen to it. Huang Shurui glared at Huang Zihua, and said: "Eating so much still can't keep your mouth shut, right?"

Huang Zihua smiled, turned his head and said to Guaiguai: "Guaiguai, look at your uncle, he loves you more than me."

"I love my uncle too~" Smiling obediently, she ran to get into Huang Shurui's arms and coquettishly, and looked up, "Uncle, are you talking too much~"

Huang Shurui laughed heartily and said yes repeatedly.

Li Cuihua watched from the side, and said sassyly, "Hey, don't you love auntie?"

"Love~" Guaiguai hurriedly threw herself into her aunt's arms again, holding her hand, "Guaiguai also loves grandma so much~"

When the others saw it, they also joined in the fun of "competing for favor", asking if they loved them, but they got too busy, so she served a bowl of water and went to comfort each other one by one.

Life is not easy, sigh obediently, this group of adults are too worrying for the little baby!
At this time, the voice of the third uncle calling her was heard, and she was so happy that she ran out, staring at the meat skewers on the barbecue grill and rubbing her hands, "Third uncle, third uncle, you can eat skewers now." Is it~"

Su Qinghai nodded, and handed a bunch of beef skewers to Guaiguai. The ones he grilled by himself were different from the ones bought outside. The ones for Guaiguai were specially made with less ingredients, and Guaiguai didn't pick anything. He sat on a small stool and faced each other. The beef skewers were blowing, while looking up from time to time to see Uncle San and Uncle Yao holding a large handful of meat skewers and grilling them.

The aroma was tangy, obediently swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and took a deep breath intoxicated, couldn't help it, regardless of the fact that the beef skewers in his hand were still a bit hot, so he took a small bite first to enjoy himself.

Su Qinghe came out with a bear drink and a chair, and the drink was given to Guaiguai, who sat down beside him, obediently took a sip, and handed out the beef skewers, "Dad, the meat skewers are delicious, you can eat too~"

"Eat it, I'll wait for Uncle Yao to get it." The meat skewers obediently ate didn't have much ingredients, and Su Qinghe really couldn't arouse much interest.

Seeing that he didn't eat, she obediently withdrew her hands. It's fine if Dad doesn't eat, his mouth is so big, he can take a few mouthfuls of hers, she saves it, and can eat more by herself.

Su Qinghe looked obediently, and when he turned his head, he raised his head and looked ahead. Opposite the dark fish pond was a road, and the trees standing guard on the side of the road were lush with branches and leaves, covering part of the dim light of the street lamps. Flowers and plants look like silhouettes in the light.

On the other side of the road was a large lawn, but there was a road blocking it, so he couldn't see the specific situation, he could only see the bright lights, and heard the already faint hustle and bustle when it reached his ears.

"I've lived in the village for a long time, and when I saw such a lively night, I felt a little dazed."

"You still stay at home. You are in the village all day in your hometown. In fact, the nights in our town are not bad." Su Qinghai handed over a meat skewer, "Try it, is it cooked?"

Su Qinghe took the meat skewers and ate them directly, Su Qinghai dared to hand them to him to eat, there is no reason why they were not cooked, this is not the first time to barbecue.

Obediently envious, my lord is amazing, the freshly grilled meat skewers can be eaten immediately, without fear of being hot.Unlike her, you have to blow it to cool it down before you can eat it, and blowing it can be tiring.

"This skewer can't be eaten for free. You are close to the door, so take it in and give it to them." Su Qinghai handed over another plate. The skewers he and Su Meng grilled just now, except for keeping their own food, put the rest on this plate inside.

The balcony is actually very small. After setting up a barbecue pit, there is not enough space left for several people. If someone needs to go to the toilet, they have to make room for them to pass. They will be the grill masters tonight.

As soon as Su Qinghe took the plate, he obediently stood up abruptly, almost bumping into Su Qinghe's hand and knocking over the plate, she smiled enthusiastically, like a waiter at an inn, "Dad, I'll come, I'll come ~"

Su Qinghe watched helplessly as obediently put the meat skewer she had eaten into the pile of meat skewers on the plate, and gave the plate to her speechlessly, "Hold on, if you overturn the plate, everyone will be killed." There’s nothing to eat. Also, remember that the one you’ve eaten belongs to you!”

"I know~" Obediently nodded vigorously, took a deep breath, sighed in his heart that the meat skewers are really delicious, and left with a grin.

The plate wasn't too small, she held it like she was holding it, and she couldn't see her feet at all, Su Qinghe was sweating for her, for fear that her left foot would bump into her right foot.However, although the little guy was a little messy in his small steps, he was still steady.

Obediently walked to the door, without looking at the people inside, and shouted loudly: "Meat skewers are here, everyone eat meat skewers~"

Su Qinghai laughed when he heard it, and joked: "Brother, when your second treasure's full moon wine is served, you can let obediently serve the plate."

"Come on, aren't you afraid that her saliva will dribble into the vegetables?" Su Qinghe said disgustedly, moved the obedient little stool away, moved his own chair over, and stretched out his hand towards Su Meng, "Take a few bunches of leeks." Come to me."

In the private room, obediently carried the big plate, did not follow the adults' advice to put it on the table, but kept holding it, and delivered it to each adult in person, don't worry about it, you must take it.After making sure that every adult got their share, obediently took it to the mahjong table, and said happily, "Sister, these are all ours~"

There are about one-third of the meat skewers left on the plate, and there are still two or three skewers for each of the five children. Su Xiaoting quickly took the plate, put it on the mahjong table, and patted the shoulder again. "Thanks a lot."

Obediently smiled at first, then shook her head, saw that the two cousins ​​and one uncle picked up the skewers and ate them, then said: "You have to eat enough, you will have great strength, Let's move this table home together~"

Liang Qingqiao was the first to put down the skewers, "I won't eat, I can't afford to move the mahjong table."

How can this work, obediently cheer up Liang Qingqiao, "Biaogu Qiao, you can do it, you are awesome, do you know~"

Worried about the same for other people, she then used the same words to encourage Su Xiaoting, Liang Qingxia, and Liang Zi. In short, her goal was: the five of us are all great, and if we work hard together, we will definitely be able to turn the mahjong table. move home!

Su Xiaoting and the three siblings of the Liang family looked at each other and looked at each other.

It's not that we are not good, but that we really can't do it!

(End of this chapter)

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