Chapter 790

Rao Bai Jian'an couldn't have imagined it, hey, this is a feint shot, and the thief is the first to capture the king.He was stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily, "Just now you said you asked me to pass half of the chess, but now you are too polite, let me have a check."

"Is this possible?" Luo Qiping's face was a little dark, his eyes scanned the living room, and he found a small thing to replace "Jiang" in the base camp, "That's it, finish this game."

Regarding the "General" who was "captured" obediently, he doesn't plan to go get it back now, the little guy is crazy, just leave her alone, the more you care about her, the more troublesome she is, go find her to get the "General" back ", there is no guarantee that he will come to grab another chess game later.

Obediently ran to the restaurant, only to find that no one was chasing her, and then hid behind the wall and looked around for a while, then spread out the right hand holding the chess piece in front of Su Qinghe, "Dad, look, big stupid chess, this system The biggest one~"

Su Qinghe took a look, "You took grandpa and aunt's chess pieces? Did they stop playing chess?"

"I snatched it~" The obedient little mouth grinned sweetly, with a bit of complacency, as if he had done something extraordinary.

Such an honest child made Aunt Su Qinghe overjoyed, saying that being obedient is much better than Su Qinghe and the others when they were young. What bad things Su Qinghe and the others did when they were young, they were either trying to hide it or trying to lie and deny it. , To grab means to grab.

Su Qinghe was speechless when he heard this, but he was also helpless. My aunt watched him grow up, and now she looked at Kuaiguai again. She compared Su Qinghe's childhood with the current Kuaiguai, it was very normal.

Listening obediently to her aunt's praise—in her ears, the aunt said she was better than her father, she was complimenting her—she was very happy, "Thank you, aunt, I'm great~"

"You're so tall!" Su Qinghe scolded with a smile, and then said, "Hurry up and send the chess back to grandpa and aunt, and steal other people's things. You're proud of it, aren't you?"

She pursed her lips obediently, rolled her eyeballs a few times, then sighed, and said earnestly, "Dad, I'm helping grandpa and uncle, this is a big stupid chess game, it will become stupid~ "

Hey, you're quite unreasonable!

Also, what the hell is this big stupid chess called!

Su Qinghe came to the aisle and looked at the living room from a distance, and found that the two chess players were still playing, so he guessed that something should be found to replace this "general", so he didn't bother to pay attention to the little guy.

Obediently, she was so happy that no one paid any attention to her, she slipped into the nanny's room again, and glanced at the three siblings of the Liang family who were squatting down in a circle and teasing the kittens. She went straight to the bucket of fish and put the chess pieces in her hand. fling.


This is what she learned from listening to grandpa and Uncle Yao playing this stupid chess in the morning. She felt that they had a lot of momentum when they yelled these two words, so she secretly fell in love with them.

It's just that she yelled so suddenly, which startled the three siblings of the Liang family. Liang Qingqiao asked, "My dear, do you know how to play chess?"

"I'm great~" Obediently nodded without shame, then raised his hand and made a gesture as if he was holding something, pressed down in the void, composed a "snap" by himself, and shouted again, "General!"

After finishing a set of movements, she looked at her cousins ​​and giggled happily.

Liang Qingqiao was very face-saving, and clapped her hands to give applause, "My dear, do you really know how to do it?"

Liang Qingxia and Liang Zishi took a slow beat, and only after hearing the applause from their elder sister, did they realize that this was a performance, and they wanted to applaud each other.

The obedient temperament is that the more people pay attention to her, the more joyful she will be. Since the cousins ​​are so supportive, she twists her buttocks and dances on the spot, proving with her strength that she is worthy of the applause.

This time, it scared the chickens, ducks and ducks in the cage, and they were screaming and screaming, fluttering and fluttering in the cage, and it was very lively.

Su Qinghe also had to come out to the balcony, glanced into the room through the window, shook his head involuntarily, and went back to the kitchen to continue working.

Soon, he saw Xiaobai taking the lead, older and younger children walking past the restaurant in a row, and he asked, "Guy, what are you going to do?"

"Play chess and chess." Obediently answer every question, and disappear after answering.

When I came to the living room, I obediently saw that my grandpa and aunt were still playing chess. I couldn't help but wonder, she had already stolen the biggest chess piece, how could they still play chess?
Out of curiosity, she went over and took a look. Well, it turned out that my uncle took a small bottle cap instead.

Luo Qiping also saw the little guy, and asked with a smile: "Hey, where did you take my general?"

He obediently smiled and said nothing, turned around and went to the corner to find his toy box, called his aunt and uncle to push it down, and found the flying chess box among a pile of toys.

Bai Zhi looked at a large box of toys poured out like this, scattered all over the floor, she rolled her eyes, "Hey, don't even think about playing until you pack it up!"

"Don't worry, I'll put it back soon~" Said obediently, put the flying chess on the floor next to it, straightened the box, picked up the scattered toys and threw them back.

The three siblings of the Liang family felt that they were also responsible, so they stepped forward to help, and they wanted to say that they could do it by themselves, but they thought that if there were more people, the speed would be faster, and if they cleaned up earlier, they could play flying chess earlier, so they defaulted to letting them help.

Cleaning up and tidying up, I obediently saw the flying chess next to me, I didn't know whether I threw the toy on my head, or my brain was pumped, so I picked up the flying chess and threw it into the box.

"Hey, hey..." Liang Qingqiao hurriedly pulled out the flying chess from the box, "Hey, aren't we looking for the flying chess, why are you throwing it back after we found it?"

He patted his forehead obediently, and could only relieve the embarrassment with a silly smile.


"Hey, call my sister and your third uncle and first cousin, and ask them to come back for dinner." Su Qinghe called from the kitchen.

Su Xiaoting went shopping with Su Meng, and Su Qinghai and Huang Zihua slipped away together without sitting for a while. They couldn't go out if they didn't go out. The unavoidable will sometimes become the center of the topic, and both inside and outside the words are urging to find a partner and urge to get married.

Su Qinghe didn't know how Su Qinghai and Huang Zihua were feeling, but he looked happy anyway, after all, he had already married and established a business, and his second baby was about to be born.

The camp is different!
In fact, this kind of party-style family banquet is very miserable for the younger generation who are not yet married, and they have to be spoken to by the elders from time to time.If you meet the kind of elders who can't tell the difference, and the younger generation happens to be quite stubborn, then the party will definitely break up unhappy.

Fortunately, Su Qinghe's aunts and aunts have a sense of proportion, just say a few words, see that they don't like to listen and run away, so they don't care, save it for another time.

Obediently playing flying chess, her aunts and uncles will not let her go, the current situation on the chessboard is not good for her, she is looking sad, hearing Su Qinghe's words, she is in the heart Silently gave Dad a big praise.

"Don't play, I'm going to make a phone call~" Obediently said, she happily ran back to the room to get her phone and watch.

(End of this chapter)

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