Chapter 738

After going to the toilet and washing up, the children had a short period of free activities to relax, but she was obedient but did not laugh and play like other children. She cultivated a good work and rest pattern at home. After eating a full meal, she had to rest for a while to digest. Then take a nap.

Seeing the teachers moving away the small table and stool, and bringing in the small bed, he blinked obediently, ran out of the classroom, ran to the stairs, and saw Lu Qiaosheng as expected.

"Uncle Xiaolu, Uncle Xiaolu~" He obediently called, beckoning to Lu Qiaosheng.

Lu Qiaosheng asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

He obediently took Lu Qiaosheng's hand and walked, saying, "Help my teacher~"

Lu Qiaosheng thought something was wrong, picked up Guaiguai, and strode to the classroom of the small class. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the situation inside. He looked at Guaiguai dumbfounded and said: "You asked me to help your teacher move A cot?"

Obediently nodded vigorously, and urged: "Uncle Xiaolu, go quickly~"

If you don't go, the teachers will finish moving all the cribs!
Lu Qiaosheng smiled and put the little boss on the ground, went up to talk briefly, and then took over the work of the teachers.The two teachers left their hands free, looked at each other, and then looked at the obedient child who "hidden merit and fame" in unison.

He smiled obediently in response to the gazes of the two teachers.

The small bed was quickly set up, Lu Qiaosheng helped the others to the end, and the teachers moved all the quilts to the small bed and made it up, and then went to brush the clothes.

Both the small bed and the small quilt are marked. The teacher arranged for the children to take their seats according to the number, obediently took the lead, ran to their own small bed and sat down, took off their small shoes and lay down.

But the other children didn't cooperate very much. They didn't have the habit of taking a nap at home. They played all day long and only went to sleep when they were sleepy.

I just had a full meal and haven't had enough fun yet, so how could I be sleepy, how could I be able to take a peaceful nap.

The teachers were like chasing chickens back to the pen, grabbing the children one by one back to the small bed, but they had no choice but to press the gourd to float the scoop, catch one, and then run away.

By the time they were exhausted and dragged all the children back to the cribs, they had already embraced the blankets and slept soundly.

"Look at you guys!" The teacher said angrily, but she was also surprised at the bottom of her heart. It was so noisy just now, and she fell asleep so quickly. She didn't know whether to say that she was too sleepy or that she was at home. Develop good work and rest habits.

It was only then that the children noticed that the vicious little sister had fallen asleep again.

Hey, why again?

But no matter what, under the supervision of the teacher, there are some who are the first to fall asleep. No matter how much they want to play, they can only lie on the small bed honestly, either playing by themselves or whispering to the children next to them.

Slowly, the noisy kindergarten seemed to press the mute button, and the whole world became quiet.

The teachers went around again, leaning against the door with small stools and whispering a few words, and then took turns to eat lunch. After lunch, one left to guard the class, and the other went to the conference room for a small meeting.

The teachers in the rural kindergartens in Nanling Town are actually very nervous. Kindergarten teachers know everything. The wages are so low that they have to take care of so many children. Besides, Nanling Town is a remote village. .

If it weren't for the public welfare nature of the rural kindergarten, if it wasn't for the great love in their hearts, if it wasn't for Su Qinghe's promise of a bonus and writing it into the contract, it is still unknown whether the kindergarten would be able to recruit such teachers.


At three o'clock, the nap time is over, and the teachers wake up the children one by one. These children refused to go to sleep before, lying down and sleeping deeper than anyone else. This will wake them up, many of them cried, and some even wet their pants .

Guaiguai usually wakes up at about this time, so she doesn't have any urge to get up. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, habitually wanting to ask the old lady to take her to the bathroom, but listening to the crying of children and the teachers With the voice of coaxing the children, she realized that she was in the kindergarten, and there would be no adults at home to wake her up.

He pursed his mouth a little bit aggrieved, obediently put on his little shoes, and ran to the toilet by himself.The teacher just glanced at it, and didn't care too much. Anyway, there are people guarding the stairs on both sides, so the child can't go anywhere, and she has proved by herself that she is relatively independent and can take care of herself.

After obediently going to the toilet, he went back to the classroom to get his own baby cup, and ran to the classroom door to drink water against the wall.The classroom is very noisy, she doesn't like it very much now.

The balcony guardrail was very high. While sucking water, she raised her head and looked at the white clouds floating in the sky through the anti-theft net.It looks very deep.

Brother Xiaolu came and asked Guaiguai what he was looking at.

Obediently said she was watching the cloud, Brother Xiaolu watched with her.

Then Sister Xiaolu also came...

The teacher in the small class was coaxing the children, and seeing the children gathering at the door of the classroom, black lines filled his forehead.

She doesn't understand, is there magic at the door of their small class classroom, or why are there always a bunch of children gathering here?

But this time it can be seen that they are looking at the sky.Having said that, a bunch of children stand there neatly with their heads held high, and the picture is quite joyful.

The clouds in the sky are flowing, and when she looked at her obediently, she spat out "Puff", saying that she had blown the clouds away.

Brother Xiaolu also blew, saying that he blew away the cloud, and then the other children followed suit, blowing one by one, and quarreled to say that he blew the cloud away.

So they quarreled.

Obediently arguing and arguing, she suddenly looked left and right, sneaked back into the classroom, and saw the teacher closing the cot, she put the baby cup away, and ran to ask for help.

This little guy is also strong enough, she dragged the little bed made of wood, and the children in the classroom took a look at it, and some of them immediately found the fun, and they ran to choose a little bed at random, or dragged or pushed it in the classroom. Played here.

The teacher glanced at the "culprit" helplessly, obediently with a proud look on his face, and his hopeful eyes seemed to be telling the teacher: Praise me, praise me, am I good or not~
You are proud of your hammer!

Look back for yourself, what a mess the classroom looks like!

The teacher was so tired, he touched the boy's head, and then went to grab the cot from the children.

Guaiguai didn't get the teacher's praise, and was not very satisfied, so he ran out of the classroom again. The children at the door were still arguing that he had blown away the cloud, Guaiguai rolled his eyes, picked two children at random, echoed this, and echoed that , After muddying up the water, he "went to brush his clothes" and strolled to the middle shift to visit.

When she got to the middle class, she saw the teachers moving the small tables and stools, so she ran to find a few familiar little brothers and asked them to push the stools to play together. Halfway through the play, she slipped away again...

She's just a liar, making troubles everywhere, picking up things and running away.

When she arrived in the big class, she went in without even thinking about it, but before she could think of what to do, she was hugged by the big class teacher.

"Hey, when you come to our big class, don't even think about running away!" The big class teacher smiled treacherously.

Obediently anxious, struggling desperately, "You let me go, let me go~"

"Okay, okay, I'll let you go." The teacher in the big class said this, but turned around and shouted to the children in the big class, "Quick, go and close the classroom door personally!"

After a while of flying around, there was a loud "bang", and the boy was locked in the classroom of the big class...

 Sorry, there are two updates today, and there is still some work to be done at hand.

  All chapters owed will be paid off this month.

(End of this chapter)

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