Su Qinghe heard a scream and was about to look over when a piece of watermelon fell in front of him, and then he saw the little fella and Yao Jinfang who was about to help him up.

He didn't stop Yao Jinfang, anyway, he had already taught him to wrestle obediently without crying and get up on his own, and it's okay for someone to help him occasionally.

After Yao Jinfang pulled Guaiguai up, she hurriedly asked her if she was okay, Guaiguai shook her head, pointed to several places on her body and said that there was a little pain, which was caused by hitting He Miao's head when she fell.

But Yao Jinfang was so angry that she slapped those seedlings that were crushed crookedly and blooming crookedly, especially the one that stumbled and stumbled. If you dare to trip us, be good, I will hit, hit..."

Obediently was stunned for a moment, giggled, and then cursed, and after cursing and cursing, she actually got angry, and also squatted down with a face full of anger.

"Come here obediently, and take your watermelon away." Su Qinghe was speechless. Aren't you very happy, why are you so impatient when you make a scene?

Obediently remembered that her watermelon flew out when she was wrestling just now, she was even angrier now, she hadn't finished eating that piece of watermelon yet!
Suddenly, she felt that hitting with her hands was not enough to relieve her anger, so she stood up and supported Yao Jinfang, and stepped on it fiercely, stepping on it, and there was an inexplicable sound of sweet pleasure.

It seems to be fun!

So she stared at another seedling, raised her foot and stepped on it... Hey, it's fun, it's fun, it's so fun!

Seeing the little guy happily playing with the seedlings, Su Qinghe shook his head. He could only pick up the watermelon on the ground and put it in a pile of watermelon rinds, and then went to replace Yao Jinfang. Yao Jinfang went to cut the crops.

When Su Qinghe was a child, he often played with his little friends stepping on the seedlings. This time, he and Guaiguai would also play together. Sometimes he would let Guaiguai step on his feet, and the two of them would step on one at the same time. , He followed behind and added another foot, some stepped down from the top, and some fell completely from the side.

Guaiguai had a great time, while Su Qinghe played with Guaiguai, talked with Su Mingguang, and looked around from time to time. Su Xiaoting just sent a piece of watermelon, why hasn't she come back for so long?

Just when he couldn't help but wanted to find Su Xiaoting, the little girl ran back panting, and after asking, she found out that she had helped Axiu push the rice back home.

"Axiupo couldn't move the threshing machine to the field. She only threshed the harvested crops and brought them home with a cart. The slope of her house was too high, so we couldn't push it up, so we stopped at the foot of the mountain. Axiupo Use the dung skip to carry the grain up." Su Xiaoting sat on the ridge of the field, gorging on watermelon, talking while eating.

After Su Qinghe asked clearly that he needed to continue pulling, he said that he would also help.

Su Mingguang nodded when he heard the words, "Go and see if you can help, obediently asked her to go to dinner on her birthday, and she probably won't refuse you."

"This Axiu is also stubborn!" Yao Jinfang said without much anger, and it sounded like she was complaining, "Ahe, it's not that we don't want to help her, it's that she won't let us help. Go to the village and ask whoever saw her A person is so busy, I never thought of helping her, she just said no need, no need, it is really a stone in the cesspit, smelly and hard."

Hearing the last sentence, Su Mingguang scolded her: "Xiaoting and Guaiguai are both here, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Only then did Yao Jinfang realize that she had made a slip of the tongue, opened her mouth, and finally said nothing, but sighed heavily.

"I didn't hear anything!" Su Xiaoting said, meaning that she had heard it as if she hadn't heard it, and would not tell Axiu or tell anyone else.

Su Qinghe smiled. Neighbors in this village have their own accounts of human relations, how can they be able to explain clearly in a few words, and who can say who is right and who is wrong.

Unexpectedly, the obedient little milk voice rang out, "Dad, what is so stinky and hard~"

Su Qinghe: "..."

"Baby, your aunt scolded me for being smelly and tough!" Su Mingguang bullied Guaiguai for being young, so he made amends.

Looking at Su Mingguang obediently, blinking, "Uncle is stinky and hard?"

"That's right." Su Mingguang pulled up the clothes on his chest, lowered his head and sniffed, and then said, "Come and smell, Uncle stinks."

Obediently not stupid, she didn't want to go there, she pinched her little nose and shouted: "Uncle stinky, uncle stinky~"

"Obey!" Su Qinghe softly snorted helplessly, "Don't do this, it's very rude, it's not something a good boy would do."

Su Mingguang laughed, "In fact, I do smell like sweat now."

"Uncle Mingguang, don't spoil her to be obedient. If you spoil her, my mother-in-law will have to find you." Su Qinghe laughed.

It’s funny to say that the old lady loves Guaiguai the most, and she wished that everyone in the world would like Guaiguai, but as Guaiguai grows up, she often worries that others will spoil Guaiguai, acting like someone else Being used to being spoiled is good, but she is not used to it.

Contradictory and double standard.

Su Qinghe didn't even know what to say about this little old lady.

At this time, Su Xiaoting also finished eating the watermelon in her hand. She called out to be obedient, and under the gaze of obedient, wiped the watermelon rind around her face, and then asked with a smile, "Sister, do you wash your face like this?"

Obediently grinning and nodding repeatedly, "Sister, you can do it too, isn't it fun~"

Su Xiaoting didn't answer, but asked, "Sister, where's your watermelon rind?"

Obediently pointing at the piece of watermelon rind with pulp, "I wrestled and flew out the watermelon furfur, I haven't finished eating~"

"Did you wrestle?" Su Xiaoting noticed that there were mud marks on Obedient's sun protection clothing.

Obediently nodded vigorously, pointed at He Miaotou and said that she was tripped by these things, and she wanted to find out which He Miaotou tripped her up, but she was not sure which one it was, so she could only find one at random, and then Lift your foot and step on it.

This time there was no one to help her, her body swayed like a candle in the wind, and then she sat down as expected.

The corners of Su Qinghe's eyes twitched. Fortunately, he and his obediently stepped on the small piece of He Miao Tou, otherwise the little guy's butt sitting on the He Miao Tou might not have bloomed on both He Miao Tou and her little butt.

The little guy was so angry again that he didn't get up anymore, so he just sat in the field, angrily beating and kicking He Miao's head.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad, the little guy is very upset, but Su Qinghe and Su Xiaoting are very happy watching, hearing their laughter, obediently and even more irritable.

She got up quickly, her eyes moved back and forth between Su Qinghe and Su Xiaoting, Su Xiaoting quickly restrained her smile and tightened her face, while Su Qinghe didn't pay attention to the baby and was still smiling.

It's you!
Target confirmed!

Obediently hopped lightly, and when she landed, her feet were separated and slightly bent, she clenched her fists and pointed at the ground obliquely, lowered her head, then kicked her right foot twice and pulled back, her small nose forcefully spewed out a sound of airflow, like a calf He rushed towards Su Qinghe like a jerk.

"I'll fight with you~"

Menacing, and then—


She bowed all over in front of Su Qinghe.

Obediently tripped over by He Miaotou again!

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