Thinking about the big watermelon, she obediently ate a little less for lunch. Before the meal, she specially told Su Qinghe not to pack so much food for her, and to leave some space in her stomach for the big watermelon.

You can eat as much as you want, and you can add more rice if you are not full, but there should be no leftover rice in the bowl.

This is the rule established by the old man when Su Qinghe was a child, and now it is also used by Su Qinghe on Guaiguai.

The old man came from a hard life, and he loves food very much. Along with this rule, there are three mouthfuls of rice with one chopstick, that is, you can't just eat vegetables.

Of course, Su Qinghe didn't bring out this rule. In fact, during Su Qinghe's growing up, as the family's conditions improved, this rule gradually became useless.In the final analysis, three mouthfuls of rice with one chopsticks was just because the conditions of the family were average at that time, and there were a lot of people. The rice could fill you up, but the portion of the dishes was not much, especially meat. Some people ate more vegetables, and others naturally ate less. up.

Since Guaiguai had said something first, Su Qinghe reduced her usual weight a little, which made Guaiguai praise Su Qinghe with joy.

After lunch, Su Qinghe sent Guaiguai, who was waiting to eat watermelon, to wash the dishes. Under the incentive mechanism of rainbow farts and cash rewards, Guaiguai loved to wash dishes very much, and after a few days, he became more and more proficient.Su Qinghe tried to let Kuaiguai wash the dishes by himself, but after breaking a porcelain bowl, he had to continue to help.

After washing the dishes, obediently got a reward of two yuan from Bai Zhi as usual, and a piece of watermelon today.

After the big watermelon was brought back, Su Qinghe divided it into two, kept one half for his own food, and cut the other half in half, let Su Xiaoting take one part home, and sent the other part to his uncle's house.

The watermelon planted this year has added a second-level delicious attribute. Compared with last year's first-level delicious attribute, it is naturally better in taste and sweetness, but it is difficult to detect the difference after a year.

Obediently holding the watermelon, gnawing on the pieces, this watermelon is also juicy, every mouthful brings out the juice, either dripping from the watermelon, or overflowing from Guaiguai's mouth and sliding down the chin. The clothes are full of watermelon juice.

Except for Guaiguai and Su Qinghe, everyone had already eaten, and they were watching Guaiguai eating watermelon with a doting smile on their faces, telling her to eat it more slowly.

Guaiguai couldn't hear it, but he ate it faster and faster, his nose was covered with watermelon pulp, it was red.

Su Qinghe smiled when he saw Guaiguai's slovenly appearance, "Guaiguai, dad taught you to play a game."

Kuaiguai's current life is very carefree, all he thinks about is "eat" and "play", when he hears there are games to play, he looks up at Su Qinghe.

"You look good, dad will only teach you this game once!"

Su Qinghe ate so fast that only the watermelon rind was left in his hand, so he wiped his face with the watermelon rind after he finished speaking. This was a kind of game he played when he was a child. Every time he finished eating watermelon, he would wipe his face with the watermelon rind.

Bai Zhi was so disgusted that she closed her eyes, she couldn't see, there was an untold amount of saliva on the cleanly gnawed watermelon rind, and she even used it to wipe her face.

Obediently but with bright eyes, he giggled and was about to imitate Su Qinghe, but the old lady stopped him, "You haven't finished eating the watermelon, you can play after you finish eating!"

After speaking, he glared at Su Qinghe, Su Qinghe chuckled, threw the watermelon rind into the trash, got up and washed his face.

Xu Shi was in a hurry to wipe her face with the watermelon rind, and the speed of eating melon obediently accelerated a bit. The watermelon juice was sprinkled everywhere, and she didn't need to wipe it with the watermelon rind. The lower half of her face was covered with juice and pulp. .

Finally finished eating the watermelon, he burped obediently, and couldn't wait to press the watermelon rind on his face, the room was full of giggles.

She is a good child who loves to share. She has fun by herself, and of course she wants to have fun with everyone.

"Father, wash your face too~" She was the first to approach Su Qinghe, offering her used watermelon rind with both hands.

At this time, Guaiguai's hands, face, and clothes were covered with watermelon juice, Su Qinghe hated it very much, after avoiding it, he took a broom, put the stick on Guaiguai, and shouted loudly: "Don't come here!"

Guaiai blinked, changed her target, and looked for her mother. Bai Zhi, who disliked the taste of watermelon like Bai Zhi, glared at her beautifully, and turned to her grandmother halfway. He slipped away under the pretext of sleeping, and when Bai Jianan saw this, he immediately followed with the same pretext.

Bai Jian'an and Chen Juanhua left, Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi also got up and went out to the corridor. For a while, there were only two ancestors left in the living room, one old and one young.


"I'll take you to wash, and we'll sleep, okay?"

Pouting her lips obediently, she handed the watermelon rind to the old lady, "Zu, wash your face~"

The old lady was helpless, she didn't know how to blame Su Qinghe as the culprit, she could only take the watermelon rind, but she didn't really wipe her face, she just put on a show, but it's not so easy to deceive, in order to be realistic, the watermelon rind is very Close to the face, more or less touched some.

Obediently, she was satisfied. The old lady asked her if she could wash her face and hands before going to bed. She shook her head and wanted to return the watermelon rind. She ran out of the house, passed in front of her parents, and came to the backyard.

How could such an interesting game lack her "good friends", but she was arrested by Su Qinghe before she took any action.

As the first target to be obediently selected, Yuan Bao looked at Su Qinghe's back gratefully, and was rescued by the master again, so he had to treat him to eat two catties...

The watermelon rind was snatched and thrown into the garbage basket, and Su Qinghe packed the garbage bag and threw it away. He had nothing to play with, so he could only follow the old lady to wash his hands, wash his face, change clothes, and lay down in the fence to sleep.

When she woke up, Su Qinghe had already picked the watermelon and put it in the bucket of the locomotive.Seeing that the driver got up, Su Qinghe immediately took her to wash her face, put on a sunscreen suit, put on a baby cup, and finally carried her onto the excavator.

Obediently was in a daze the whole time, who am I, what am I doing, where am I going, and what am I going to do.

When she saw Su Qinghe driving the excavator, she put all the problems behind her and yelled for her to drive the car.

Naturally, Su Qinghe refused. The paddy field was not in the village. To get to the field, he had to go to the main road, walk for a while and then cross it. Only when he entered a concrete village road did Su Qinghe let him obediently hold the steering wheel.

This road is also very familiar, and the Hewan vegetable field is on the side of this road, and she often walks with Su Qinghe.On the side of the road are large paddy fields, not all of which belong to Shuangtang Village. With the small river as the boundary, the one next to Shuangtang Village belongs to Shuangtang Village, and the one on the other side of the river belongs to another village.

Obediently, she is an old driver, and the road conditions are familiar, so she can do two things, while driving, she asks Su Qinghe what he is doing.

"Did you fall asleep after sleeping?" Su Qinghe laughed, "We are going to deliver watermelons to uncles!"

He glanced obediently, "Where is Uncle~"

"Just drive forward."

"Father, shall we send watermelon to wash uncle's face~"


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