Chapter 677 You got the wrong answer~
There is no need to doubt the obedient game ethics, she may regret it afterwards, but during the game, she will basically abide by the rules of the game.

Bai Zhi said quick question and quick answer, and she answered right after Bai Zhi's voice fell. Fortunately, she had suffered a loss once, and she was very vigilant, so when she habitually answered "Moon", she immediately said a word. The reaction was wrong, and I immediately changed my words and answered other answers.

Now she is looking at Bai Zhi eagerly, waiting for Bai Zhi to announce whether she has answered correctly.

If she was right, she would cancel the matter of pulling Xiao Bubu, and she would still keep the five yuan; if she was wrong, she would have to hand over the five yuan.

"Congratulations, you saved five yuan!" Bai Zhi didn't hold back, and simply announced that she answered correctly obediently.

Huge surprise rose from the bottom of my heart, not only went straight to my mind, but also spread to the four animals, obediently needed a set of bastard punches to express this joy.

Punching and kicking, rolling on the floor, Bai Zhi helplessly squeezed the bridge of her nose between her eyes, how long has it been since she took a bath... It's true that she shouldn't be bathed too early.

After finishing a set of boxing techniques, Xiaoguai felt that it was not enjoyable enough, so she dragged Su Xiaoting and said that she was going to Er Gong's house to buy something.

She is rich now, with five dollars in her pocket!
"Hey, I'm not full now, can I eat?" Bai Zhi teased, the bottle of drink she made up for Guaiguai was still intact on the coffee table.

Obediently climbed onto the sofa, and whispered into Bai Zhi's ear, "Mom, I'll buy spicy sticks for you~"

This little guy...

Bai Zhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Go, go, ask grandpa to take you there."

It was late at night, and it was near the entrance of the village, without an adult to accompany her, so she was worried that the two of them would go out.Although the village is very peaceful and the people are nice, but last year Su Xiaoting was robbed of money in front of Su Qinghe at the door of her house, and Bai Zhi never forgot about it.

Obediently immediately went to call Bai Jian'an, went out with Su Xiaoting, and came to Su Zhiliang's house.

Su Zhiliang is not the only one in the store, except for Chen Ping who came back from work, there are also a few villagers. They are all alone at home. They usually come to Su Zhiliang at night to watch TV and brag. By the way, they can save a little money electricity bills.

Su Xiaoting used to be one of them.

Obediently didn't lie to Bai Zhi, she went straight to the shelf as soon as she came in, took three packs of spicy sticks, gave one pack to Su Xiaoting, put the other two packs into her trouser pocket, and then rushed to the big freezer, Ask Bai Jian'an to take a small pudding.

"Take..." Obediently count your fingers, "I, grandma, grandpa, grandma, mother, sister, grandpa, take six small puddings~"

Yo, there's something for everyone.

Bai Jianan was overjoyed, and took out six small puddings according to what Guaiguai said. When Guaiguai was about to pay the bill, when he saw Su Zhiliang and Chen Ping, he turned around and asked Bai Jianan to take two more puddings.

"It's not enough money, it's fifty cents short." Bai Jian'an knew that Kuaiguai's pocket money must be more than five yuan, but this time when he came out, Kuaiguai only had five yuan.

Obediently, he was startled, counting on his fingers, muttering in his mouth, after doing the math, it was really only fifty cents short.

She rolled her eyes, and there was a way.

"Second Gong, I'll test you with a question, if you answer wrong, the fifty cents will not be counted, okay~"

"Okay, you can ask." Before Su Zhiliang could speak, Chen Ping happily answered.

Grinning obediently, she raised a finger and asked Chen Ping how much...

She used the tricks that Bai Zhi used on her just now, and now she asked about Chen Ping, and the thoughtful Chen Ping fell into obediently's trap logically and willingly.

"Second wife, you gave the wrong answer~" Obediently complacent, "I ask you how much one plus one equals~"

Chen Ping pretended to suddenly realize, and then exaggeratedly slapped his thigh hard. Su Zhiliang next to him felt pain and grinned, because Chen Ping slapped his thigh.

"Oh, I was fooled. Well, if you accept the bet, I won't charge you fifty cents." Chen Ping looked annoyed.

Obediently jumped up and down happily, found a stool beside him and sat down, and comforted him: "Second wife, I was also cheated by my mother just now..."

Seeing that Guaiguai was very interested in talking, and was telling Chen Ping what happened at home just now, Bai Jianan put the little pudding back in the freezer, not knowing how long Guaiguai would be able to talk.

Guaiai is very talkative. After talking about the family affairs, she told Chen Ping about the fact that she was almost wronged. While chatting, she saw Su Zhiliang yawn, and she followed suit, knowing that she was going home up.

He took the small pudding, obediently gave it to Su Zhiliang and Chen Ping, and then turned to leave, but was stopped by Su Xiaoting, "Sister, you haven't given the money yet."

Obediently froze, she fumbled in her trouser pocket, and found two packs of spicy sticks. Oh, it wasn't this trouser pocket. She touched the other trouser pocket, and suddenly laughed awkwardly. She was too involved in the conversation just now, thinking that Already paid for it.

"Second lord, Qianqian~" obediently transferred all the five yuan that had just been warmed to Su Zhiliang, put the small glove into Bai Jianan's big hand, and walked into the night with the plastic bag in the other hand.

What she didn't know was that after she left, Su Zhiliang and Chen Ping actually had an argument.

The thing is, didn't they waive [-] cents for Guaiguai, and the reason why Guaiguai went over budget was because they bought two extra puddings for them, so while eating the puddings, they said they ate them It was given by obediently, and the other party ate the free one, but in fact, he bought it with his own money.

Because of such a naive question, old couples with a combined age of more than 110 years old fought happily.

In the end, the couple looked at each other and sighed together. They had a grandniece, and soon there would be another grandniece, but when will they have a granddaughter?

Bai Jianan and Guaiguai sent Su Xiaoting home first, and then went home after saying hello to Li Jun who came out to patrol for air.It was past nine o'clock at this time, only Bai Zhi and Chen Juanhua were whispering in the living room, the old lady was not there.

After asking obediently, I realized that the old lady had returned to the room. After she distributed the small puddings to everyone, she didn't eat her own one, so she took the one for the old lady and ran to beat the old lady's door with her fist.

"Zu, Zu—"

There was a bang bang on the door, Bai Zhi was eating the little pudding bought by the little guy, and she didn't have the consciousness of being soft-mouthed at all, and when she saw it, she shouted angrily: "Don't beat it, my mother-in-law heard it, she will wait later just come out."

Obediently, she stopped talking, didn't leave, and stood at the door, because she heard the voice of the old lady responding inside, the voice was so small that she couldn't hear it clearly, so she put her ears on the door and tried to get as close as possible Let yourself hear what your mother-in-law is saying.

However, at this moment, the door was opened—it turned out that the old lady was taking a bath. She heard Kuaiguai knocking on the door and calling her, and responded a few times, but Guaiguai was still knocking on the door and shouting. Hearing her voice, he murmured what Su Qinghe was doing to make the sound insulation of the house so good, hurriedly wiped himself and changed clothes, and opened the door.

Su Qinghe was also shot while lying down. The sound insulation of the house is good, but now it is obvious that the voice of the old lady's response is obediently banging on the door and shouting.Of course, even if the old lady knew what was going on, she would definitely push the blame on Su Qinghe, so she wouldn't be so obedient.

Coincidentally, the old lady did not expect that the plots in the TV series would be staged in reality. When she opened the door, she obediently said "Ouch", fell into her room, and lay at her feet, killing her Startled.

"Baby, are you okay?" The old lady hurriedly bent down to help him up.

Lying obediently on the floor, the light in the room is not too dazzling when it shines on the door. She half-closed her eyes, grinned and showed two rows of small deciduous teeth, and raised her hand holding the pudding high.

"Zu, eat small pudding~"

 I owed a chapter on leave in March, and finally made it up...

(End of this chapter)

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