Chapter 671 Unbearable Pain in Life

Taking the one dollar from the "pumping", obediently rushed to the big freezer immediately, called Su Xiaoting and asked Su Xiaoting to take out two small bear brand puddings. This is a new product launched by the bear group this summer. Obediently ate it A few times, the whole body is creamy and fragrant, and she likes it very much.

Although Su Mingwei told him that he was a treat and told her to take whatever she wanted to eat, and Su Mingguang also joked and asked her to vacate the canteen, but she didn't take it seriously, and gave Su Zhiliang the one dollar she asked for.

"Do you want any other snacks, darling? Do you want lollipops?" Su Zhiliang held a one-dollar banknote and asked darling with a smile.

Shaking her head obediently, she sat down on the empty stool next to her, a small pudding was enough for her.After figuring out where the stick was through the packaging bag, she tore open the package with her hands and mouth, but she didn't think she was using too much force. With a "hiss", her hand was thrown out due to the inertia of force, and her teeth were still clenched. A small piece of the packaging bag was torn off, and the pudding that was supposed to be in the packaging bag was lying on the floor at this moment.

The sudden change made Guaiguai stunned for a moment, and then she noticed that her little pudding had fallen off.

"Oh shit!" Su Zhiliang, who was lying comfortably on the recliner, immediately sat up when he saw this, "It's okay, it's okay, let's go get a new one!"

However, Guaiguai didn't seem to hear it, she remained motionless, staring straight at the little pudding on the floor, feeling as if a piece of her heart had been hollowed out.

So sad!
It is an unbearable pain in life!

Tears came out quickly and swirled in her eyes. She tried her best not to cry, but looked at Su Xiaoting next to her with teary eyes, took off the packaging bag she was biting in her mouth, and said aggrievedly: "Sister , my little pudding~"

The voice was full of tears, and the more I talked, the more painful my heart became, and the pain was so painful that I could hardly breathe.

Su Xiaoting looked at Guaiguai with pity, this unlucky child...

"I'll get you a new one, don't use the one that falls on the ground, don't pick it up and eat it!"

Obediently didn't respond, but turned his head again, staring at the little pudding on the ground.Su Xiaoting saw it, and without waiting for an obedient reply, she turned around and walked towards the freezer. When she came back, she had a brand new pudding in her hand.

Worried that if Kuaiguai opened it, it would fall to the ground again, Su Xiaoting tore open the packaging bag, took out the pudding and handed it to Kuaiguai, "Sister, here you are, take it, be careful not to drop it on the ground again."

Normally, Guaiguai would definitely say "I'm awesome", but at this moment she didn't say anything, and carefully took the pudding from Su Xiaoting's hand, she licked it, it was still fragrant and creamy, But I didn't feel very happy.

Do you think what fell was a small pudding?No, that was my original beautiful mood!

Obediently's heart died, at least in this short period of time, her heart had already died the moment the little pudding fell to the ground.

She is now just a ruthless pudding eating machine, the same taste and texture, failed to make her heart come alive.

Seeing Guaiguai's disheartened expression, Su Zhiliang smiled silently, picked up the little pudding on the ground, and threw it into the hookah bucket.

"Sister, is the little pudding delicious?" Su Xiaoting was looking for something to say while eating, trying to wake up her obedient heart.

"It's delicious~" He answered obediently without any emotion. Although there were only two simple words, the tone could be heard to be hollow.

Su Xiaoting hurriedly asked again: "After eating the little pudding, where shall we go to play?"

Now she has to find something obediently interested in doing so that she can be happy soon.

However, the obedient answer made Su Xiaoting feel cold, "I don't know~"

Su Xiaoting said it was terrible in her heart, but after thinking about it, maybe Guaiguai just simply didn't know where to play and what to play, instead of losing her mind to play, so she mentioned a lot of games, some of which Guaiguai usually likes to play , some have been played by Guaiguai, and some have not been played by Guaiguai, let Guaiguai choose.

The obedient eyes finally had color. Among the many choices, she chose a farming dog that could play in water and mud.

Now that the decision was made, the two little ones left Su Zhiliang's house, ate ice cream and walked towards the old well. All the land in the village was concentrated in the old well. Naturally, it was the easiest place to find the farm dog's hole. .

When passing by her home, Su Xiaoting went in and found two large Coke bottles and a small bottle in good condition from the waste she collected.

Along the way, the obedient mood has obviously improved. When she sees a chicken at the door of someone's house, she will go and kick it specially. If she can't kick it, she will pick up stones or mud to smash it.

Su Xiaoting was speechless, the scar was so good that she forgot the pain, she hurriedly reminded: "Sister, don't drop the little pudding again."

Obediently was surprised, and glanced at the little pudding in her hand, but luckily it was still there, she grinned: "Sister, the little pudding is still there~"

"If you bully the rooster again, you won't be here later." Su Xiaoting said blankly, she was already thinking about the ending for her, either she was scared away by the rooster's counterattack, or she threw the little pudding out like a stone, in short, she I just feel that if you play like this obediently, Little Pudding can't be good.

Her words also reminded her of not-so-good memories. For Little Pudding's sake, she won't bully the chicken today, and she will come back another day, and she will bring ingots.

When she came to the shed, obediently finished eating the little pudding, she speeded up, threw the stick after eating, wiped her hands on her clothes indiscriminately, asked Su Xiaoting for a bottle, and went to fill the water, looking for a plow dog hole or something. No, it's better to play with water and mud earlier.

Su Xiaoting didn't stop her, she looked at Guaiguai with a smile and after filling a bottle of water from the faucet, she dragged her to find He Jianguo who was working here, and after asking where there was a farming dog hole, she dragged Guaiguai away again.

The obedient people are stupid, no, I’m here to play with mud, what do you mean by dragging me around, I don’t want to look for farming dogs, I just want to play with water and mud.The key is that I still have a large bottle of water in my hand, do you know how heavy it is?
Poor little girl, she never thought that this was done by Su Xiaoting on purpose. She was so wronged that she refused to leave. She shook off Su Xiaoting's hand and shouted, "Sister, I can't lift it anymore~"

Su Xiaoting suppressed her smile and said, "Persist a little longer, we will be there soon."

"I can't hold on anymore~" obediently did what she said, she let go of her hand, and the bottle fell to the ground, the water in the bottle flowed out from the mouth of the bottle, and in a blink of an eye there was a puddle of water on the compacted road.

Obediently looked down and saw, oh, I am familiar with this, so he raised his foot and stomped hard.

Su Xiaoting saw that she was going crazy again, so she let her play here first, she went to look for the Genggou Cave first, and then called her over when she found it.Anyway, it's not far away, and it's in the shed, so there's nothing wrong with it, at most it's just muddy clothes, it's not a big problem.

Obediently, of course she has no objection, she came here to play in the water and mud, and now she wishes Su Xiaoting would go away quickly and not disturb her playing.

However, Su Xiaoting still miscalculated. It took her only a while to find the plow dog hole. When she turned around and called guai guai, the little guy was only a little dirty with hands, feet and clothes. calamity.

(End of this chapter)

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