Chapter 657 I Don't Want You to Go
"Grandma, grandpa, don't you like playing with me~"

Obediently seeing Su Qinghe carrying a luggage bag from the second floor to the first floor, then walked to the yard, and put it in the car, she was startled, and suddenly, last night, grandma and grandpa had said that they were going to leave this morning. When she returned home, her little heart was immediately filled with sadness, without any gaps.

Halfway through eating the porridge for breakfast, she yelled for someone to take her off the baby chair, and ran to hug Old Madam Chen's thigh tightly. Her big clear and bright eyes were clouded with mist, as if the next moment would It's time to drop the golden beans.

The old lady Chen looked at Guaiguai's weeping appearance, and felt very distressed. She squatted down and hugged the chubby and soft milk dumpling in her arms, and said softly, "Grandma Zu doesn't like it." Playing with Xiaoguai, it's just that Grandma Zu has been out for a long time this time, so I want to go home and have a look."

"No, I don't want you to leave~" Obedient tears still didn't hold back, streaming out from the corners of his eyes, the size of soybeans, crystal clear.She held onto Mrs. Chen's hand tightly, not wanting to let her go.

"Don't cry, darling, don't cry!" Mrs. Chen wiped away the tears on her face with her thumb in distress, "Grandma ancestors come home, when your mother gives birth to a baby, grandma ancestors will come to play with you again, okay?" ?”

"Not good~" cried out obediently, howling with her small face held high and her mouth open.

Last time she just played with Liang Jiaxin for a day and slept for a night. When Liang Jiaxin left, she was already very reluctant.This time, after spending half a month with grandparents and grandparents, the second elder was about to go home, and her reaction was even greater.

Old lady Chen and Mrs. Chen frantically coaxed each other, and the old lady turned her back, unable to bear to see the scene of howling obediently.

"Grandma, why don't you stay here? It's only a few months before I give birth to my second baby, so don't go back and forth." This is Bai Zhi's first time to persuade her to stay today, but it's not her first time. She had said similar things many times in the past two days, but she couldn't stop the second elder from wanting to go home.

Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Chen refused again, and she said to Bai Zhi: "I'll come back after you give birth to your second baby, and the family can't live there for a few months, anyway, Nandu is not far from Yehe, and the train can go directly. "

At that time, Bai Zhi will be in the city, and she will not need to take a train for more than two hours to Shuangtang Village in Shankara, and it will be much more convenient.

The old lady Chen had decided to go, Bai Zhi had no choice but to withdraw her thoughts of persuading her again. Thinking about how old the elders were and they traveled long distances to see her, her heart was filled with guilt and warmth at the same time.

She pulled Guaiguai over, coaxed and coaxed the little guy to stop crying, the little guy was twitching, his eyelashes were wet, his eyes were tearful, just looking at it made one's heart tighten.

"Grandma Zu, you must come and play with me~" said obediently in a crying voice.

Old lady Chen nodded, and patted Guaiguai's head, "Guaiguai, if you miss grandmazu, call grandmazu!"

Obediently raised her hand to wipe away tears, ran back to the bedroom and came out with her phone and watch, opened WeChat and saw that there were friends of grandpa and grandma, she grinned, "I can talk nonsense with grandma~"

"Yes, you can talk to Grandma Zu!" Mrs. Chen repeated what she meant, and tears welled up in her old eyes after she finished speaking.

She still can't bear to part with this lovely little person, but no matter how nice this place is, it is not her home after all. Although she has only been away for ten days, she still misses the building where she has lived for most of her life.

Su Xiaoting also came over, carrying a bag of zongzi. She knew that Mrs. Chen would go home today, and she had nothing else to give her. She and Su Meng were the only ones who could give her something and represent her heart. Hand-wrapped rice dumplings.

Although Su Qinghe also prepared a lot of zongzi for them, Mrs. Chen did not refuse the zongzi sent by Su Xiaoting. After getting along for half a month, although the little girl's status in her heart is not as good as that of the obedient girl, she is not much worse. In her opinion, Su Xiaoting and Guaiguai Wang Ru are a pair of sisters.Coupled with Su Xiaoting's embarrassing life experience that she heard from Bai Zhi, she always felt that any slight hesitation would hurt the little girl's heart.

Although she was keenly aware that Su Xiaoting was actually very optimistic and strong.

Having been engaged in music for a lifetime, she has an incomparable ability to capture emotions and empathy.

With melancholy thoughts of reluctance, Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen got into the commercial vehicle and waved goodbye non-stop.

The driver Su Qinghe's heart was as hard as iron, and he started the car without nostalgia at all. Watching the van slowly drive out of the yard, his obedient little hands kept waving, and finally couldn't hold back anymore. rain.

"I really can't bear to be obedient." Mrs. Chen wiped her tears and sighed sadly.

Chen Taigong poked his neck and said, "If you can't bear to part with you, stay here!"

"I'll stay, why don't you go home and eat the northwest wind?" Mrs. Chen glared at Mr. Chen.

"Do you think I'll starve to death if you're not at home?" Taigong Chen blew his beard and stared. "There are so many restaurants and restaurants outside. I can drink tea today and eat claypot rice tomorrow. I can't afford to eat at another restaurant!"

The old couple quarreled again in the back, and Su Qinghe honestly regarded himself as the leader's driver, without ears or mouth, turning a deaf ear and saying nothing.

Today is the sixth day of May, the day after the Dragon Boat Festival. Originally, Er Lao planned to leave after the obedient birthday, but the Dragon Boat Festival was only two days away, so we stayed for two more days. The old lady with motion sickness went to the county to watch the dragon boat race.

According to the plan, Bai Jian'an should drive the elders back to Nandu today. He and Chen Juanhua have lived in Su Qinghe's house for four months, and there was no one in the house for four months. He went home to have a look.But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Su Qinghe was going to Sichuan Province, and there was always one person in the family to cook and cook, so Su Qinghe drove the two elders home, and Bai Jianan stayed.

Xiaobai knew that Su Qinghe went to Sichuan Province to adopt a giant panda. She was deeply impressed by the naive giant panda, and she wanted to go with her at first, but Su Qinghe didn't plan to stay in Sichuan Province for a long time. He would come back after finishing his business. , the time was too rushed, the little guy couldn't bear it, so he was very resolute and didn't agree to bring Guaiguai.

At home, obediently became rotten, lying on the ground crying and rolling around, not only because grandparents and grandparents left, but also because Su Qinghe didn't take her with him when he went to play by himself.

A circle of people surrounded her but failed to persuade her, almost blowing Bai Zhi into a rage.

"My dear, my dear, I'm not angry, I'm not angry..." Bai Zhi's voice was as thin as a mosquito, and she took a few deep breaths to calm down the turbulent emotions. She showed a smile that she thought was very kind, " Be darling, don't cry, I'll show you the giant panda, and when Dad finishes his work, let him take a few pictures of fish and shrimp and send them back for you to see, okay?"

Obediently crying so miserably, coaxing her is useless, it can only divert her attention.

And the Yuyu and Xiaxia she mentioned were the names obediently given to the godbrothers of the twin giant pandas. When the little guy uttered these two names for the first time, Su Qinghe had a constipated expression after eating shit. , Bai Zhi could not be more impressed.

It was the first time she had seen such an expression on Su Qinghe's face.

But when she thinks about it, she would suspect that Su Qinghe would be spit all over the face if she named the giant panda these two names at the giant panda base.

However, the good sister decided on the two names of Yuyu and Xiaxia, and refused to change them no matter what.

Co-authoring is not for her to embarrass herself.

(End of this chapter)

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