Chapter 654 That's My Goal!

Topic: What was the trigger for the first family cake war?
Answer: Su Qinghe put cream on Obedient's face.

Obediently very angry, the consequences are very serious.

Anger made Guaiguai lose her mind, she didn't care about it, stretched out her creamy hands, and ran around the coffee table towards Su Qinghe.

She wants revenge.

The war broke out.

It's just that she is a small person, it's really fantastic to want to get close to Su Qinghe's side through such a long distance.

Su Qinghe didn't make contact with her either, so King Qin walked around the pillar, he was happy, but it was a disaster for the boy.

Su Qinghai and Huang Zihua, who were ready to move for a long time, saw Su Qinghe fired the first shot, and couldn't help but join in. On the way to obediently chase Su Qinghe, they stopped her and put cream on her face.

Today's big stars, absolutely, have been targeted.

Obediently gave up on taking Su Qinghe as the target, and went after Su Qinghai, but couldn't catch up, and then chased Huang Zihua, but also couldn't catch up. She has short legs, and no one can catch up. Seeing these three bad guys The rampant smile on his face, obediently pitiful and helpless, his teeth itchy with anger, impotent and furious.

She was on the top, she completely lost her mind, her eyes were red, no matter who was in front of her, anyway, she would wipe cream on the other person's body when she saw someone, Su Xiaoting, Liang Qingxia, and Liang Zishi also joined the battle, they Most of the time, they are Guaiguai's allies, helping to chase the three big villains Su Qinghe, and a few times, they would also put a little cream on Guaiguai's chubby face while Guaiguai was not paying attention.

The whole Northwest... oh no, the whole living room is in a mess.

Seeing this, Bai Zhi picked up the cake that she obediently didn't eat and hid outside the battle. While eating, she happily watched the play.

From her point of view, Guaiguai is like a headless chicken running around, completely disregarding the enemy and the enemy. Of course, in this chaotic battle, she didn't look at who was the friend, and it seemed that they were fighting on their own.

That's right, the sofa, chairs, and coffee table in the living room have all suffered damage, and it's a hassle to clean them up. The floor is fine, so it's not a big problem if it's not a cake thrower.But this has nothing to do with Bai Zhi, she has a big belly now, she doesn't need to do hygiene, it's all Su Qinghe's business, this is Su Qinghe's own creation, and he should... deserve it for this kind of consequences.

The chaotic situation is easy for people to get overwhelmed, it’s like this, she has not regained her senses until now, even if there is no cream on her hands, she doesn’t know how many people’s clothes she smeared, but she didn’t realize it, still Stretching out his hand to touch people everywhere.

The battle ended with Su Qinghe voluntarily declaring his surrender. As the loser, Su Qinghe, who was like a loach in the battle, needs to be punished obediently.

Under the advice of two bad traitors, Su Qinghai and Huang Zihua, obediently accepted their suggestion, took a cake tray and pressed it on Su Qinghe's face, as if someone was washing her face with a handkerchief , she also rubbed Su Qinghe's face vigorously with a paper holder.

"Hoho~ oh yeah oh yeah~" Guaiai danced with excitement, "Dad is a cat with a big face, dad is a cat with a big face~"

"Are you satisfied? Are you happy?"

Seeing obediently nodding his head heavily, Su Qinghe continued: "Go let grandma take a bath and change clothes for you."

Ever since Bai Zhi's belly bulged, Chen Juanhua was doing the job of bathing her obediently most of the time. This was something Chen Juanhua had won for herself. This was a good job for her. Often, she would be speechless by Chen Juanhua's sentence "women's university avoids their father".

Isn't this just playing a rogue, obediently only two years old...

The cake was eaten, the game was played, the revenge that should be avenged was also avenged, obediently went to find Chen Juanhua who hid aside like Bai Zhi, Huang Ning also proposed to go home at this time.

It's getting late, Liang Qingxia and Liang Zishi both have to go to school tomorrow, and the journey home will take more than an hour and a half. Su Qinghe didn't keep her, so she went to the kitchen to get rice dumplings and some leftovers, and brought them back to my aunt and the others. Home.

Yehe area does not have the custom of packing on the table. Whoever puts the dishes in plastic bags as soon as they are on the table, usually after eating, if there is too much left, the host will pack some for the guests Take them home, especially if there are children at home. For children, even if they are leftovers, they don’t know how much better the food at home is.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you take it home to eat or feed it to the dog, it's all for the owner to deal with anyway.

Huang Ning took the lead, and other relatives and friends also left one after another. There were not many leftovers, and they were basically given to the aunt's family, so there was no preparation for them. Su Qinghe just sent a bag of rice dumplings to each family, all from the old lady and the others. Packed, the quantity of each bag is the same.

"Dear relatives, eat and carry." Huang Ning looked at the family with a bag and said with a smile.

"You came so far by water, I can't let you go back empty-handed." Su Qinghe smiled, sent them to drive, and told them to drive slowly on the way, don't rush just because it's dark and there are few cars and people on the road Time drives fast, especially for a few relatives who have drunk a little wine, Su Qingheqian reminds Wan and relatives who are traveling together not to let them drive.

Because he has personally experienced the tragedy of family ruin and death, he pays special attention to safety issues in this area.

After seeing off relatives and leaving, Su Qinghe returned home alone. Su Qinghai's family of three and Bai Jian'an were cleaning up the cream that was spread everywhere in the living room, obedient laughter came from the bedroom from time to time.

Su Qinghe joined the cleaning team, "Where's my mother-in-law and the obedient grandparents, grandparents and the others, go back to the room?"

"Well, they planned to help at first, so we persuaded them to go back to the room." Su Qinghai didn't raise her head, and moved her hands quickly, appearing in a hurry.

Su Qinghe raised his eyebrows, "You want to go back to school later?"

"I have to go back." Su Qinghai said, "I asked Teacher Ren to take care of me for the evening self-study, but I have to show up, and I have to go in person to check the bed at night, to suppress their small thoughts, so as not to let them jump over the wall run out."

He leads the ordinary class, which is commonly known as the "bad class". Most of them are naughty students who don't like to study, and they have just entered puberty. They are very rebellious. There are always some bold students who are not afraid of the teacher. Other class teachers can't control them, and they are not as conscientious as the class teacher. After all, if something happens to the students, the class teacher is usually responsible.

Su Qinghai knows his students well, and as the class teacher, he is a bit dignified among the students in the class, so every night he has to check the dormitory to see if all the students in his class have gone back to the dormitory to sleep , It wasn't until the dormitory was closed that I was relieved to call it a day and go home.

"Being a class teacher is really being a father and a mother!" Su Qinghe said with sympathy.

Su Qinghai shrugged, "Who told me to choose this profession, I must be worthy of the brilliance brought by this profession."

Su Qinghe thought, there used to be such an old teacher in Gaozhi Primary School, who worked silently all his life, taught by example and taught them by example, so that they knew the truth of dedication, dedication, dedication and responsibility at a very young age, and also made a contribution to the Gaozhi Village Committee. A shining example is set by the young teachers who have taken up teaching positions.

When the silkworm is dead, the silk will be exhausted, and the torch will turn into gray and tears will begin to dry.

Su Qinghe thought to himself, their generation is happy and lucky to have met such a good teacher at the end of Teacher Wu's educational career, and her spirit has always been a beacon for many students she has taught. Shine a little light in their lives.

And people like Chen Xing and Su Qinghai also took over the baton.

"You will definitely be a good teacher!" Su Qinghe said firmly to Su Qinghai.

Su Qinghai raised his head, looked at Su Qinghe, and grinned, "That's my goal!"

(End of this chapter)

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