Chapter 651 Can I blow out the candles~
Insert two small candles, light them, and the dancing flames are reflected in the pupils of the obedient boy.

Guaiguai is no stranger to this scene. He only blew out candles a few times in Gaozhi Elementary School in the morning, and now he is standing on tiptoe with his face raised, wanting to blow out the candles. Su Qinghe slapped him from behind and covered his mouth and nose.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry, you haven't sung the birthday song yet!"

Obediently stunned for a moment, then pushed away Su Qinghe's big hand, swept around the crowd, his eyes finally fell on Su Qinghe's face, "Is~ happy birthday to you, pig~?"

Seeing that Su Qinghe nodded, she quickly sang four lines of the birthday song, and then slapped her hands twice. All of this seemed to press the fast forward button, which amused everyone who was stunned for a while.

Be obedient and ignore them, the little milk voice asked eagerly: "Daddy, can I blow out the candles~"

Su Qinghe had a half-smile, pinched his obedient and smart face, "It's all of us who sang the birthday song for you, not you."


"Ah Hai, turn off the light!" Su Qinghe yelled in the direction of the switch, if you don't hurry up, the candle will burn out in a while.

As soon as the voice fell, all the lights in the living room were turned off. There were only three lights on inside and outside the house, the lights in the corridor outside, the lights in the guest bathroom, and the sensor lights on the stairs.

The moonlight is not so bright tonight, but with the lights of these three lamps, the living room in the middle is not too dark.

The two flames, which were smaller than peanuts, were all reflected on the obedient pink and tender face, and those black pupils were sparkling with flames, like a dream.

"Happy Birthday……"

Su Qinghe started, everyone echoed, but for a moment, the chorus of birthday songs rang out, and the singing sound was like light, filling the whole house, fluttering in the sky, blending into the evening wind, no one knew where it would blow.

Obediently looked excited, her mouth was almost grinning behind her ears, all the people surrounded her, and sang birthday songs to her like stars arching over the moon, she felt unprecedented satisfaction and joy from inside and outside, that kind of It feels like there is no place in the whole body that is not jumping for joy.

Her whole body was about to fly.

But after the chorus of the birthday song, she saw that the two candles on the birthday cake were more than half burned, and was replaced by anxiety.

"Daddy, can I blow out the candles~"

The little guy personally broke the happy and harmonious atmosphere at the scene.

"You haven't made a wish yet, do you know how to make a wish?" Su Qinghe laughed.

Obediently, she kept gesticulating with her hands in the air, but she couldn't say a single word from her mouth. She couldn't even blow out the candles. Why is it so troublesome? I'm blowing out candles today so fast.

What wish can she have? Her biggest wish now is to blow out the candles and eat cake.

"Don't listen to your father, just blow out the candles." Bai Zhi said, her left hand reached Su Qinghe's waist, her thumb and forefinger clamped the clothes and Su Qinghe's waist together, as long as Su Qinghe dared to say something "No", she dared to use force.

Su Qinghe straightened his body, looking at his nose, nose and heart like an old monk sitting in meditation.It's all meat on the chopping board, so what can I do if I don't let others slaughter me.

Sure enough, mother knows babies best, unlike Ah He's bad father who always won't let me blow out candles, I must listen to my mother's words in the future.

With Bai Zhi's permission, obediently thought this way in her heart, but her mouth moved very quickly, as soon as she puffed up, she was about to blow air and spit.It was such a big breath, and there was a loud fart sound from her lips. The candle was blown out, and she didn't even finish blowing it.

She proved that the morning game of blowing out the candles was not for nothing.

Su Qinghe had such an expression as expected, and when he saw the smiles on the corners of everyone's mouths, he was speechless for a while.

After blowing out the candles, it doesn't mean that the boy will be able to fulfill his wish right away, and finally eat the cake that is close at hand.

The old lady took the lead, and took out a big red envelope from her pocket, "You are two years old, my mother-in-law gave you a big red envelope, I wish you good health, peace, happiness, and grow up quickly!"

Obediently, she saw that there was a red envelope collar, and she didn't care about opening the cake to eat the cake. She had already blown out the candles, and the cake was here and it didn't grow long. She could eat it anytime she wanted, but she didn't take the red envelope now. Later It was about to be taken by some two people.

"Thank you mother-in-law, Gong Xi Fa Cai is in good health~"

After the new year, I went to the village with my brothers and sisters to pay New Year's greetings. I have already mastered the skills of receiving red envelopes and saying good things. I am familiar with this set, but I am still too young to give them in a targeted manner. On the special blessing, there are only two words tossed and turned.

But those two words are enough.

With the old lady taking the lead, other people also sent out the prepared red envelopes. Those who gave the red envelopes were relatives. Usually, on their birthdays or their children’s birthdays, Su Qinghe would send a red envelope whenever he found out. contacts.

Su Qinghe from the village has already explained that you can just bring your mouth, and you don’t need to prepare anything else. After all, today is the second birthday of the obedient boy, and it’s not the right year. In the local area, it’s the most important thing to hold a birthday banquet for a two-year-old baby. It's a bit outrageous. It's reasonable for relatives to give a red envelope, but if you invite people from the upper village to have a feast, you have to accept the red envelopes they give.

In this area of ​​Nanling Town, from birth to old age, there are countless times for a person to set up banquets with great fanfare. The full moon, the new year, entering a higher school, getting married, and a big birthday, among them, the right year is the first year, and entering a school means going to university. The famous banquet can be arranged or not, especially the wine for entrance examination. If you haven't passed the 985 or 211 exam, or you are a well-known good university, you don't have the nerve to serve the wine.

Of course, the full moon, marriage and birthday can also be arranged or not, but more people are still used to holding banquets. As for the big birthday, it is actually rare in the local area. On the one hand, the elderly are used to frugality. Those who are older are even more reluctant to hold a big birthday banquet. According to the convention, they have lived to this age, and they can keep a low profile if they can. What if they attract the attention of Lord Yama.

In Shuangtang Village and the surrounding area, the situation of having six or seven tables for the two-year-old birthday of Guaiguai can basically be described as unprecedented.

Of course, Kuaiguai doesn't care about the title, she is very happy now, with a dozen red envelopes in her hand, her big eyes have already been narrowed.She can receive so many red envelopes every birthday, and she has not eaten this year's birthday cake yet, but she is already looking forward to next year's birthday coming soon.

In addition to the red envelope, she also received a birthday present. Huang Zihua gave her a twist car and added another type to her garage. Su Qinghai gave her a kitten to add new members to her animal army. In his words, how can there be dogs without cats.

So at such a young age, she now has both cats and dogs and animals in groups. In addition, she does not lack Xiangche beauties.

Neither of these two guys are married, so it’s not their turn to give red envelopes, so they can only search for gifts. Besides them, there is also an old bachelor at the scene. Qin Hao also gave gifts, but the gift he gave Su Qinghe has already accepted it, it is too expensive Well, it's not good for Su Qinghe to speak out now, besides Xuan Xuan, it also suppresses other people to some extent, which is not good.

Su Xiaoting slowed down a bit, but fell behind. Apart from her, Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi didn't say anything.

It can be regarded as the finale.

(End of this chapter)

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