Chapter 632 I Can't See It~
Su Qinghe can swear that he didn't agree because of Baizhi's quarrel, nor was he provoked by Xiaoguai, he was just thinking about it, today is Guaiguai's birthday, he would make trouble for Guaiguai, and then lose to her to make her happy .

Obediently seeing that Su Qinghe really dared to take up the challenge, he immediately grabbed the rope and turned around to tell Su Xiaoting that he wanted to make Su Qinghe look good.That's not all, she also asked Bai Zhi to take out her mobile phone, and wanted to record the picture of her winning Su Qinghe. She would show it to her mother-in-law and grandparents when she got home, and she even asked her relatives and friends We all saw this video.

Before it even started, she already had the chance to win.

The little guy jumped like this, but Su Qinghe didn't say a word. Of course he knew that he couldn't win, but he had to try his best not to lose so embarrassingly.He glanced at the mobile phone in Bai Zhi's hand, after all, he was going to be on TV.

If Chen Xing hadn't been busy and had already left, he would have wanted to pull Chen Xing to his side. It would be normal for two big men to fight against a dozen or so children.

Bai Zhi served as the referee, and she called out with a joyful voice, and the main focus was on a spectator.

Su Qinghe wrapped the rope around his arms a few times, trying his best to barely fight against the opponent, but it was only for a few seconds, as the strength of the opponent continued to increase, Su Qinghe could no longer resist, very smooth and slow Slide forward slowly.

Obediently standing at the front, this is the first time she has participated in this kind of activity, she seems to be integrated into it, but in fact it didn't play the slightest role, as the rope was slowly pulled over, she hurriedly backed away, successfully pulling herself away tripped over.

Fortunately, Su Xiaoting had the foresight to keep a certain distance from her, so she didn't step on her feet, and she didn't throw her on her feet.

Su Qinghe was already desperate to fight, but when he saw that obediently threw himself into a squat with his left foot and his right foot, and even lay down on the ground and rolled half a circle, when he thought that the picture of her winning so embarrassingly was recorded, he suddenly He couldn't help laughing, and when he was distracted, he loosened his grip, and then a more funny scene appeared.

The heads of a bunch of small pineapples staggered back one by one, and a few of them were more devoted and hard-working, which was even more unexpected, and they turned their backs.

"You guys won." Su Qinghe clapped his palms, with a smile on his lips. Although he certainly lost, it was embarrassing for him to win, especially Guaiguai, who fell down and rolled around like a giant panda.

Guaiguai really couldn't be happy at this time, although she won, it had nothing to do with her at all, she fell down, but in the end she could still win against Su Qinghe.

She still wanted to play another round to justify her name, but Su Qinghe stopped playing.

"You've already won, what's more, let the sisters put away the rope, let's play other games, okay? The reward is your favorite Tangtang!" Su Qinghe patted Obedient's head.

There are games to play, and Tangtang. For Guaiguai, the temptation is fatal. She forgot about the tug-of-war and so on, and just pulled Su Qinghe to urge her.

Of course, Su Qinghe didn't agree immediately, but waited until Su Xiaoting and the others moved the rope back to the equipment room before taking Bai Zhi and the two little ones to watch other game activities.

The sun is too strong outside, and the games are basically indoors. The classrooms in the old teaching building are big enough, and there are no tables and chairs, so it is not troublesome to arrange them. With several activities, the crowd does not feel like they are indoors. How crowded it will be.

Arriving at the door of a classroom on the first floor, Su Xiaoting had already squeezed in, and Gianai wanted to follow, but was picked up by Su Qinghe and placed on her shoulder, so that she could see the scene in front of the crowd clearly.

Seeing the games inside, Su Qinghe was immediately amused.

Blind people knocking gongs, a blindfolded game of knocking gongs, seems not difficult, but in reality it is not so easy, and the picture is very joyful.

Obediently condescending, watching a little brother slowly groping with a mallet, and then knocked out, she giggled happily, bouncing up and down, pulling Su Qinghe's hair with one hand, and holding Su Qinghe's hair with the other hand. His brain slapped, almost breaking Su Qinghe apart.

"Come down for me, you!" Su Qinghe took the bitter fruit out of himself, and hastily took Guaiguai down. Just a few times, he suffered a lot, and his hair was messed up. He had reason to suspect that the little guy did it on purpose, out of revenge.

Obediently was held in Su Qinghe's arms, restless, and couldn't see the scene clearly, so she twisted around and shouted: "I want to play too~"

If you want to play, you need to queue up. Su Qinghe hugged her and protected Bai Zhi, and came to the front of the crowd. Su Qinghe pointed to Su Xiaoting, whispered a few words to the obedient girl, and obediently nodded. After getting down, she ran directly to queue behind Su Xiaoting.

The teacher in charge of this game activity is an old acquaintance, Xiao Xueqi, a teacher who came to Gaozhi Primary School when Su Qinghe was still in elementary school, and now 20 years have passed, she still stays here.

She glanced obediently, smiled, and turned her head to stare at the game again.

Xiaoguai doesn't know that someone glanced at her. Her attention is all attracted by the game now, and she can't move her eyes away if she sticks to it. Su Xiaoting wants to talk to her, but she ignores it.

When he saw someone blindly directing his brother and sister to run here and there, and his brother and sister were so confused, the little guy was overjoyed.Her eyes lit up even more when she saw that the brothers and sisters who passed the test could go and get a grab of candy.

The line was not long, and soon arrived at Su Xiaoting. The little girl stood out fiercely. After covering her eyes, she took a mallet and walked in the direction estimated before. Accurate, I felt the gong hanging on the rope all at once, and when I held it steady with my hand, it sounded with a mallet.

So crisp and neat, it really makes people wonder if the eye scarf she tied can be seen.

"It's my turn, it's my turn~" Guaiguai raised her hands excitedly, Su Xiaoting came back after receiving the candies, tied the eye scarf on Guaiguai's head, and covered her eyes.

Not seeing anything in front of her eyes, Obedient's emotions reversed, and she panicked all of a sudden, she wanted to raise her hand to pull the eye scarf, but Su Qinghe grabbed her hand.

"Hey, obey the rules of the game!"

Su Qinghe's voice was very warm and her tone was very gentle, which made Guaiguai a little more at ease, but she was still very wronged, "Dad, I can't see~"

"This is the rules of the game, and this is how the game is played." Su Qinghe put his hands on the shoulders of Guaiguai, and comforted her softly, "Don't be afraid, Dad, you have to listen to Dad's words clearly and follow Dad's instructions Let's do it, okay?"

She pouted obediently, and wanted to say it was not good, but she nodded and said yes, she is still willing to abide by the rules, and she is also willing to trust Su Qinghe.

This little milk baby wants to play this game, and everyone's interest is quite strong. Hearing that Su Qinghe wants to direct, it is more face-saving. After expressing that they will not blindly direct, they calmed down.

Su Qinghe put the mallet into Guaiguai's hands, and straightened her body in the direction of the gong, "Go straight, walk slowly."

Obediently took a few steps tentatively, out of Su Qinghe's palm, she was still scared after all, squatted down and dared not leave.

"Hey, think there will be candy, if you dare not walk, just climb."

Obediently dawdling for a while, I still decided to listen to Su Qinghe, and crawled over on all fours, but she was not Su Xiaoting after all, and the route was crooked when she crawled, Su Qinghe helped her correct the direction without listening, fortunately, be obedient I can tell the left and right, and I can get to the bottom of the gong smoothly after taking my time.

"Okay, go a little further, stop and go, come back a little bit, okay, there it is!"

As Su Qinghe's voice fell, the expressions of the crowd onlookers became brighter.Su Qinghe didn't pay attention, but raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

"stand up!"



Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Guaiguai, who had just gotten up, bumped headfirst into the gong hanging on the rope. When the gong rang, she rang once, and then the mallet in her hand fell to the ground. She covered the place where her head was hit, wanting to cry without tears.

I shouldn't have believed in that big villain dad, this time I was cheated miserably!

(End of this chapter)

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