Dad: I will farm and raise children after quitting the circle

Chapter 62 The situation is not optimistic

Chapter 62 The situation is not optimistic
The small river is next to the township road, and between the two is a bamboo forest with a width of three to four meters and a slope.

After passing the country road, standing on the side of the road and separated by the bamboo forest, you can see that the width of the river has increased sharply. The muddy river water covered with branches and leaves has flooded the washing table, and half of the bamboo forest has been submerged.

The situation is not optimistic.

"If it rains like this for another two days, the river will probably flood the road." Su Qinghai frowned tightly, because of the heavy rain he had to speak loudly, "We are all like this here, and the downstream should be even worse. It is estimated that the affected places are not It’s not just downtown anymore.”

This small river, whose source is unknown, flows through countless villages. It joins the Reservoir River at a place about three kilometers away from Shuangtang Village, and then gallops all the way to Gaoche Town to join the big river, and then flows to the urban area until it meets the river. into the sea.

From the perspective of water flow, Shuangtang Village is located further upstream in Yehe City.

That's why Su Qinghai said that.

The two brothers stood here and watched for a long time, during which time they saw many villagers, not only people from Shuangtang Village, but also from Xiaohe Village on the opposite side.

Everyone is sad and worried. They no longer have hope for the crops in the field, and they only hope that there will be no floods.

Su Qinghe and Su Qinghai left the river and walked towards the village pond.

Shuangtang Village, as the name suggests, has two ponds, which are located on the southeast and south sides of the old house, separated by the cesspit of the old house in the middle.

The pond in the south is about an acre in size, and the villagers used to call it the big pond; the pond in the southeast is a small pond, about one-third the size of the big pond, but it has been filled up now.

From a distance, Su Qinghe could see that the big pond was almost full of water, and two figures were standing at the mouth of the puddle by the side, digging with hoes.

Taking a closer look, it was Su Mingguang and Yao Jinfang.It was only then that Su Qinghe remembered that the big pond was contracted by them.

"Uncle Mingguang, how is the situation?"

Su Mingguang turned around and looked, "It's you two brothers, why are you out in such heavy rain?"

Su Qinghe said loudly: "Come out and check the situation, or you won't feel at ease!"

Su Mingguang wiped the rainwater off his face, "As you can see, the pond is almost full of water, and the puddle can hardly be drained. I can put in as much water as I can now. Wait for this fish pond Once it’s full, I don’t know how many fish will follow it!”

It's sad to think about it. I only went to excavate and drain the water in the field in the morning, and I had to drain the water in the fish pond in the afternoon, and it was useless depending on the situation.

In the face of nature, the helplessness of small farmers is fully revealed at this moment.

Seeing the water in the puddle almost reaching the road, Su Qinghe knew that it was inevitable that the fish pond would be full of water, but seeing Su Mingguang and his wife who were still struggling to dig the drain and block the net, he didn't say much.

Su Qinghai was also silent. No one could have imagined that this typhoon would bring such serious floods. It doesn't mean that it is enough to prepare in advance.

At home, the little guy also woke up at this time. He walked around the house and didn't see his father, so he clamored to find him.

Bai Zhi coaxed the little guy in her arms, and Su Xiaoting also sat on the sofa and said to the little guy, "Sister, come, let's watch Superman together."

Like the old lady, Su Xiaoting did not have the habit of taking a nap. After eating, she sat on the sofa and watched TV. It was Su Qinghe who found Superman Dijia on the Internet according to her request.

The little guy was not difficult to coax, Bai Zhi poured a bottle of milk, and the little guy hugged the bottle and started sucking, so he didn't even bother to cry.

Bai Zhi put the little guy on the sofa and asked her to watch TV with Su Xiaoting, "Tingting, take care of my sister!"

"Auntie, I understand, I will take good care of my sister." Su Xiaoting nodded, moved her buttocks, and got closer to the little guy.

The little guy looked up at Su Xiaoting, and handed over the bottle, "Sister~ drink grandma~"

Xiao Naiyin was a little listless, but also laziness.She thought that Su Xiaoting was close to her because she wanted to drink milk.

"Little sister, drink it yourself, I have it too!" Su Xiaoting gently pushed the little guy's hand back, picked up the bear high-calcium milk on the coffee table and showed it to the little guy.

The little guy was attracted by the bear pattern on the bear high-calcium milk packaging box, and he stretched out his little hand to grab it.

Su Xiaoting dodged her hand deftly, and said to the little guy seriously: "Sister, your mother said you can't drink milk yet, you can't take mine, you drink your own. Let's toast, shall we?"

Su Xiaoting pointed to the baby bottle that the little guy was holding in the other hand, and touched the milk carton in her hand, said "cheers", and put it in her mouth to suck it.

The little guy blinked his big eyes, and it took a few seconds to react. He raised his hand and put the bottle in front of him, looked at it again and again, giggled and stuffed the bottle into his mouth skillfully.

Seeing the two puppies playing, Bai Zhi also walked to the door and looked outside with the old lady.

She knew what Su Qinghe was going out for, but she was still a little worried due to the heavy rain, "Mother, why did Qinghe not come back after going out for so long?"

"Just now I saw him and Ah Hai walking towards the village. They must have gone to Datang." The old lady said that when entering the village, she had to pass in front of her house. Will mistake his grandchildren.

Bai Zhi suppressed the worry in her heart, and asked again: "Mother, do we often get flooded here?"

The old lady shook her head and recalled: "The terrain here is relatively high, so flooding doesn't happen often. The most severe one was when Ahe was born. At that time, he was still living in an old house on a higher terrain, and almost flooded to the door. Yes. At that time, Uncle Ahe heard that Ahe was born and wanted to come and see him, but he couldn’t survive the flood in Gaoche Town, so he turned back..."

Bai Zhi heard the old lady talking, and suddenly Chen Juanhua called her.

She saw the news of the flood in Yehe City on the Internet, and regardless of whether she was still at work, she hurriedly called Bai Zhi.

Hearing that Bai Zhi said that Shuangtang Village was fine, she was relieved a lot.God knows how nervous she was when she first saw the news, especially when she saw that villages in many areas were flooded, she couldn't help substituting Shuangtang Village into it.

"Mom, there is a call from my side. I will call you back at night so that I can talk to you obediently!" Bai Zhi said to Chen Juanhua on the other end of the phone, then looked at Qin Hao's name on the caller ID, and frowned. Wrinkled slightly, why did Brother Hao call me?
After connecting, Qin Hao's eager voice came from the other end of the phone, "Bai Zhi, I read the news that there was a flood in the industry and the city, are you all right?"

Bai Zhi: "For now, we have no problems here."

As soon as Qin Hao heard that it was all right, Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief, "What about Qinghe, I called his cell phone and no one answered, but it scared me to death!"

Bai Zhi suddenly realized that it turned out that he called Su Qinghe to ask her about the situation because no one answered her phone. "I went outside to check the water level. I guess it was raining too loudly, so he didn't hear it, or maybe it's not convenient to answer."

"It's fine, by the way, tell Qinghe that his support club has already paid attention to the news of the flood in Yehe City, and has been sending messages asking me if Qinghe is safe. You should let him post a Weibo to report to everyone You are safe. And his support club management is negotiating to call on fans to donate money and materials for disaster relief."

(End of this chapter)

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