Chapter 619 My belly is so big~
The climate in Lingnan is warm and humid, and the summer is hot and rainy for a long time. Drinks that can clear away heat and dampness are very popular in Lingnan. You can find herbal tea shops and sugar water shops everywhere.

There is a very interesting phenomenon. Once people in the Lingnan area have a cold and sore throat, most of them will buy a cup of herbal tea. It is like seeing a doctor and explain to the owner of the herbal tea shop what is wrong with him. The owner of the herbal tea shop will explain what the customer said. Which herbal tea effect is better to recommend based on the physical signs.

Because the herbal tea tastes bitter, there is another saying that if one day the pretty boys and girls in the Lingnan area buy herbal tea by themselves, it means that he has really grown up.

However, compared with herbal tea, sugar water is obviously more popular. Although it may not be as effective in clearing away heat and dampness, it is sweet and refreshing, and there are many kinds of it. The method is simple. Add sugar and cook together.

So in addition to the sugar shops and dessert shops all over the streets and alleys, in summer, in every household with conditions, the mother will not only cook a pot of daily old fire soup, but also cook sugar hydrolysis from time to time to relieve the heat.

Qingbuliang is a kind of syrup, and there are so many ingredients, such as mung beans, lotus seeds, citrus fruit, barley, lily, red dates, macaroni, longan meat... these materials can not only be bought in bulk, but also pick what you like If you find it troublesome to buy, you can also go to the small shop to buy a whole package. All the ingredients are packed in a bag, and you can add water and sugar to cook after you buy it.

It can be said that Qingbuliang is the most abundant sugar water that can be cooked in the daily life of the family.

So when Kuaiguai saw a pot full of ingredients, her eyes were as bright as light bulbs, and her mouth was almost grinning to the back of her ears, which made the room a little brighter.

The stainless steel basin was placed on the chair. The little guy picked up the spoon and stirred and dug in the basin. He opened his mouth wide and put the spoon in his mouth with a groan. When he pulled it out again, the spoon was already empty. Too much haste, sugar water mixed with saliva flowed out from the corner of her mouth.

But she didn't have time to pay attention to it, she just chewed, her cheeks moved, and the flesh on her face trembled.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, this pot is yours, no one will grab it from you."

Su Qinghe took out a tissue and handed it to her, but the obedient and sloppy said that he didn't need it, so he raised his hands and mouth to wipe the clothes on his arms, well, his mouth and chin were clean.

Su Qinghai was amused, and said with a smile: "Look at me, you look like a little princess running away."

"Don't let grandma hear what you said." Su Qinghe shook his head and laughed, he had already resigned to his fate, if the obedient clothes are dirty, they should be dirty. It is best to wash them clean, and forget it if they are not clean. When the clothes don't fit, Just use it as a rag or something. Anyway, we have to clean up every year during the Chinese New Year, and it can be used to wipe the handrails of the stairs.

Obediently took the time to look up at the two adults, then buried her head and continued to eat sugar water. There was something delicious, so she didn't care what they were talking about.

"I'll pretend to be some, and I'll take it back later for my grandma and sister-in-law to eat." Su Qinghai said, and went into the kitchen.

Su Qinghe was holding a basin and chopsticks, watching obediently while eating.He also saw just now that there was a huge pot of pot on the earthen stove in the kitchen, it should have belonged to his house long ago.

Not long after, the father and daughter ate and wiped off each other, obediently put down the basin, stuck out their little tongues and licked their lips around, then raised their hands and wiped their mouths with their sleeves, and then patted the bulging little ones in satisfaction. abdomen.

"It's delicious~~"

Su Qinghe brought over the obedient empty bowl, and said with a smile: "Since it's so delicious, do you want more?"

Obediently blinked in confusion, then shook his head and said: "I don't want to eat, I still have to save my belly to eat meat at night~"

"Can you still eat at night?" Su Qinghe stacked the obedient empty bowl with his bare bowl, glanced at her belly, and joked.

Obediently nodded and said: "I think I can still eat~~"

Su Qinghe slightly nodded and said: "Alright then, if you don't eat dinner, I'll spank your ass."


Obediently immediately put her hands behind her back, protecting her little butt, turned around and ran outside, shouting as she ran, "Er Gong, Ah He is going to hit me, please help me~~"

"Really, if he dares to hit you, I'll hit him, okay? Come on, let Er Gong see if we are full, darling."

"Heck~ My little belly is so big~~"

Listening to the conversation outside, Su Qinghe smiled, took the basin into the kitchen, put it in the sink, glanced at Su Qinghai who was sitting on the low stool in front of the earthen stove and was looking at his phone, and said bluntly : "I won't wash the basin, remember to wash it later."

Su Qinghai didn't raise her head, "Leave it alone, I'll wash it later."

"What are you looking at?" Su Qinghe took a step forward curiously. He thought that Su Qinghai was busy in the kitchen, and he wouldn't go out after he came in. Most likely he was playing with his mobile phone inside.

"I didn't look at anything." Su Qinghai put away the phone calmly, stood up and pointed to a pot on the stove, "Take this back, I'm going to wash the dishes."

Su Qinghe raised his eyebrows, smelling gossip, and asked in a low voice furtively, "Are you secretly in a relationship?"

"I'm already working, and I'm not a fifteen or sixteen-year-old middle school student having a puppy love. If I really want to fall in love, do I need to hide it?" Su Qinghai said calmly.

"Ha ha."

Seeing that he didn't scare Su Qinghe, Su Qinghai's expression suddenly became wretched and sneaky, and he winked and said: "I said I was helping the Han Dynasty, do you believe me?"

Su Qinghe was stunned for a moment: "What the hell?"

"Guess for yourself!" Su Qinghai chuckled, and then became serious again, "You still take the Qingbuliang back, and grandma will save her stomach for dinner later, instead of drinking sugar water."

"Don't worry, grandson is filial, she has to eat a few mouthfuls." Su Qinghe said so, although he really wanted to gossip, but decided to take the pot of sugar water home first.

Speaking of which, the two ancestors of his family were in completely opposite directions in terms of diet.

The old man is obviously an old Chinese doctor, but he only cares about patients' taboos, and he lets himself go. He should eat and drink. He has never had any taboos, and no one can persuade him. He was sick all over, otherwise he would not have been able to bear the blow of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man back then, and would have completely fallen ill and passed away.

The old lady is very self-disciplined. She eats what she should eat and does not eat what she shouldn’t. She controls her food intake and eats a relatively light diet. Since she entered old age, except for a minor operation last year due to blood vessel blockage, she has not had any major problems. Health and longevity.

It's no wonder that people always say that she is a lucky person. It is not easy for a person to live a safe and healthy life, no matter how rich or powerful they are.After all, illnesses and accidents don't matter who you are.

Walking out with the pot in hand, he found that the doctor had already left. Su Zhiliang was playing with Guaiguai, so he asked, "Guaiguai, I want to take sugar water home, do you want to go back together?"

"No, I want to play with Ergong~" Not surprisingly, she obediently refused, but she did not forget the purpose of coming this time, "Daddy, buy a bear~"

Su Qinghe said: "What are you in a hurry for? Let Ergong bring you a bottle first, and I will come over later, just buy it later."

Guaiai was about to ask Su Zhiliang for a drink, but when the words came to his mouth, he sighed, and glanced at Su Qinghe with resentful eyes.

"My stomach can't drink it~~"

At this time, she had reason to suspect that Su Qinghe deliberately filled her with so many refreshments. Thinking about it, she felt that it was a big loss. If she drank a bottle of bear drink, she would lose fifty cents.

(End of this chapter)

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