Chapter 608 Whose Cub Is This?
"Southeast, Northwest~"

Obediently repeating it in doubt, before she could ask what is southeast and northwest, she saw Su Xiaoting's thumbs and index fingers supporting each other, and the originally flat thing turned into a claw-like thing.

The little guy's eyes widened.

what is this~~
"Sister, which one do you choose?"

Knowing that Guaiguai can't play, Su Xiaoting didn't come up to introduce the gameplay to her, but planned to guide her step by step, so that it would be easier for her to learn how to play while participating.

Blink obediently, not knowing why.

Just when Su Xiaoting was about to say it again, Bai Zhi walked over, "I'll play with you for a while first, so I can let you watch and learn."

Su Xiaoting was surprised, "Auntie, do you know how to play?"

"It's all left over from our childhood." Bai Zhi raised her eyebrows, smiling, seeing Su Xiaoting take out this thing, she felt a long-lost feeling spontaneously.

"In addition to the southeast and northwest, we also fold thousands of origami cranes and lucky stars, and there are many other activities, such as turning flower ropes, hopscotch, throwing stones, etc. These are usually played by girls, and boys can also play bombs. Glass beads, throwing sandbags, cockfights, playing cards, and so on."

Su Xiaoting was full of envy when she heard that, Bai Zhi had listed so many, some of which she had heard from the big brothers and sisters in the village, but she had basically never played.

After all, she is alone most of the time.

Even in the southeast and northwest, it was her tablemate Qiqi who said she learned a new game today, and she didn't know there was such a thing.

Looking at Guaiguai again, she originally wanted to protest when she heard Bai Zhi say she didn't want to play, but after hearing Bai Zhi talk about so many games, her attention was diverted again.

Bai Zhi's eyes swept over the faces of the two little ones, with a smile on his face, and said: "When I have time, I will teach you how to play slowly, now let's play southeast, northwest, and see what you have written." What, east, six strokes."


Su Xiaoting happily started the game, and she counted every movement in the east, west, and north. After six counts, she took a look and said with a wonderful expression, "Draw a watch!"

Naturally, Bai Zhi could afford it, so she went to get a ballpoint pen and drew a watch on the obedient wrist who was eager to try.

Be good, this silly baby, she didn't resist, instead she looked silly and happy. After the watch was drawn, she raised her hand to observe carefully, and then showed it to Su Xiaoting and the old lady... Anyway, everyone in the room To glance at her watch.

Bai Zhi didn't bother to pay attention to this little idiot, and said to Su Xiaoting: "Xi, three times."

After the three beeps, Su Xiaoting's complexion became even brighter. She glanced at Bai Zhi and said weakly, "Draw a kitten's face."

The corner of Bai Zhi's mouth twitched, "Show me what you wrote here."

Su Xiaoting handed out the southeast and northwest, and Bai Zhi took it and spread it out. There are eight faces in the southeast, north, east, west, and north. In addition to drawing watches and kitten faces, the other is to draw tiger faces, turtles, flick foreheads, slap palms, bark like dogs, and make faces. push ups.

Bai Zhi returned the southeast and northwest to Su Xiaoting, then called the girl over, drew a cat's whiskers on her face, and left with a laugh.

"Play it, I've had enough."

"..." Su Xiaoting withdrew her gaze from Bai Zhi's back, landed on the obedient face, and laughed, "Sister, do you know how to play?"

Nodding obediently, she extended a slap, "Sister, five slaps~"

Su Xiaoting asked: "Which one do you choose?"

Obediently tilted his head and thought for a while, "North~"

After five strokes, "Like a dog barking!"

Obediently said that she could afford it, she barked three times, then laughed foolishly, jumped up and down, she shouted loudly: "Sister, one hundred times~~"


However, this is not difficult for the witty Su Xiaoting. As early as the first contact, she quickly figured out that no matter how many times, it is actually a question of odd and even numbers.

After asking the direction obediently chose, Su Xiaoting pretended to speak quickly and counted, jumping a lot in the middle, and quickly counted to one hundred.

Obediently, she also counted, but her speaking speed was much slower. When Su Xiaoting cut corners and counted to one hundred, she only counted to eighteen.Out of trust in Su Xiaoting, the little guy didn't doubt that Su Xiaoting would miscount and fool her, but only thought that her sister was really amazing.

"Sister, it's a tiger face!"


Close your eyes obediently, extend your head, and hand over your apple face to Su Xiaoting.

Su Xiaoting looked in Bai Zhi's direction.

Bai Zhi nodded, she had already painted the cat's whiskers, and it was not too late to add the Chinese character "王" on her forehead.

Su Xiaoting then picked up the ballpoint pen, wrote "King" on the forehead of Guaiguai, and then marveled.

"Wow, sister, you are a big tiger wearing a watch!"

Open your eyes obediently, and said eagerly: "Really, let me see, let me see~"

Su Xiaoting took her obediently by the hand and took her to look in the mirror at the public security. The little guy looked at the little face in the mirror, laughed out two rows of baby teeth, and ran out with claws and fangs, whining and whining in the living room.

The old lady and the others were very supportive, all of them were very happy, and they were overwhelmed by the cuteness of the little guy.

The old lady Chen couldn't help but ran to hug the little guy, the soft touch was like her heart that was about to soften.

"Let me see whose little tiger this is, so cute!"

"Grandmother, I'm a big tiger, a cute big tiger~~" Obediently, like a little hen, corrected herself, then pointed in the direction of Bai Zhi, and said childishly, "My brother is a little tiger~ ~"

"Yes, yes, yes, Xiaoguai is a big tiger, and my brother is a little tiger!"

After showing off his might in the living room, the obedient tiger ran to the kitchen again.

"Father, the big tiger is here~~"


Su Qinghe turned his head to look, and couldn't help smiling, "Who painted you a pretty face?"

"Mom and sister~~" Obediently looked happy, and raised his right hand again, "Look, there is a watch drawn by mother~~"

Then he asked Su Qinghe and Bai Jian'an with a face full of hope, "Is it a good look~~"

Bai Jian'an took the lead in boasting: "Damn, super invincible good-looking, super invincible cute!"

Su Qinghe asked rhetorically, "Do you think it looks good?"

"It's beautiful~~"

"Then don't wash it?"

"Don't wash~~"

Covering her face obediently, she yelled and backed away, backed out to the kitchen door, she turned around and ran away.

It's so dangerous that even a big tiger can't do it.

From behind, Su Qinghe's voice came, "A big tiger walks on four legs!"

Obediently stop, do you walk on four legs?
I am too familiar with this.

So, she changed from walking to crawling, crawling around the yard, then crawling to the backyard to "eat" her pets, and then called them to the front yard and took them around the car Climb in circles.

Bai Zhi and the others also moved from the house to sit in the corridor. Seeing the little guy playing like crazy, Bai Zhi moved slightly, took out her mobile phone silently, opened the music software, found a song in the local music, and adjusted the volume. Put it on maximum and play it.

Hearing the familiar music, he obediently pulled out of the crazy state, his eyes regained clarity, stood up and came to Bai Zhi, dancing along and singing along.

Put up two fingers, "Two tigers, two tigers~"

Do a running posture, "Run fast, run fast~"

Pointing to the ears, "One has no ears~"

Pointing at the little butt, "One has no tail~"

Hey, I really don't have a tail!
"It's weird, it's weird~~"

(End of this chapter)

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