Dad: I will farm and raise children after quitting the circle

Chapter 590 It's Like This, Do You Know

Chapter 590 It's Like This, Do You Know

The next morning, obediently and beautifully fell asleep until she woke up naturally.

Lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, the little guy's soul slowly returned to her body. She turned over and found her phone and watch in the bedside table.

Opening WeChat, among the friends who used her photo as their profile picture, she found a friend whose note was "Dad". Of course, she could read, and she could recognize all the "Dad", "Mother", "Grandpa" and "Grandmother" in the note come out.

"Ahe, Ahe, call Ahe, I woke up!"

Without waiting for a reply, she sent it to her mother again, "Mom, mom, call mom, I'm awake!"

She sent messages to all her friends, in the same format, but with different titles.

She wants to tell the world, she, be good, sleep!Awake! !La! ! !

However, she waited for a long time, but no one responded to her message. The little guy couldn't wait any longer. He climbed out of bed and ran out of the bedroom barefoot, and saw the old lady watching TV in the living room.

"Guaiguai woke up?" The old lady looked at Guaiguai, seeing her unhappy face, "Oh, who made my Guaiguai unhappy, he ran out without even wearing shoes."

Obediently pursed her mouth and said dissatisfiedly: "Zu, why don't you talk nonsense to me~~"

"Ah?" The old lady was confused, "Aren't I talking to you?"

"It's not the nonsense, it's this!" obediently picked up the phone watch and shook it.

"Oh, you said this." The old lady touched her pocket, her face turned sullen, "Grandma's cell phone is in the room, I didn't see it, I'll go get the cell phone and see what obediently said to grandma .”

While talking, she stood up, she was still not used to using her mobile phone, she always left it in the room and forgot to bring it.

Obediently won't stay for the old lady, she ran to question other people, why didn't they talk to her, why did she send them messages, to ask them to go in and help the baby get up.

As a result, none of them replied, and finally the baby got up by himself.

Damn it! !
"Don't force me to make you unhappy at the happiest time!" Bai Zhi swallowed the porridge in her mouth and said expressionlessly.

Shrinking her neck obediently, she turned around and ran to the kitchen to find Su Qinghe. When she was unhappy, she had to argue with her father, so that she would feel better.

"Ahe, Ahe, why are you ignoring me!"

Su Qinghe was washing the pot. He heard what Kuaiguai said in the room just now, so he naturally knew what Kuaiguai was asking, so he replied without turning his head: "I put my mobile phone with your watch, didn't you read it?" Are you there?"

"Ah?" Guaiguai rolled his eyes and asked again, "Why don't you bring your mobile phone!"

Su Qinghe asked back: "Why should I bring a mobile phone?"

Obediently, very confidently, said very naturally: "I want to talk nonsense with you~~"

Su Qinghe: "Wow, you're so proud of yourself, you want me to keep my phone with me all the time just for you."

"Hmph!" Guaiguai raised her chin arrogantly, touched her belly and said, "Ahe, I want to brush my teeth and eat porridge!"

"Yes, sir!"

Su Qinghe wiped his hands with a rag, turned his head and saw that he was obediently stepping barefoot on the kitchen floor, he frowned quickly, picked up the little guy and walked into the house.

"I don't even wear shoes. You can see for yourself later if the soles of your feet are black."

He giggled obediently, and was as happy as a little hen. It was so fun to be carried by his father.

After breakfast, I obediently ran to the backyard with the sound and light toy gun that I bought yesterday with a huge sum of money, and shouted biubiubiu at the two big geese. Wanting to throw away the gun, Bangbang gave them two punches.

But he still held back, "You guys are watching!"

He changed his target obediently, and shot at the two goats. The two goats were old actors, and when they heard biubiubiu, they fell to the ground.

Obediently felt refreshed, put away the gun and taught the two big geese a lesson, "It's just like this, do you know~~"

The two big geese said they understood, and they will show you right away.

Obediently nodded approvingly, not bad, not bad, very good, and the fall is also beautiful.

Immediately afterwards, she ran to hoot the rabbits. Before she could raise her gun, the rabbits who had already watched a good show fell down in respect.

Obediently pouted, went to look for the hamster, but the hamster also fell, and even the little tortoise was caught without a fight, and obediently turned over to bask in the sun.

Only the chickens in the chicken coop were disobedient, and were so angry that their teeth itched obediently, no, I had to eat big chicken legs to relieve the itching.


The old lady is on call at any time, and when she heard obediently calling her, she hurried over.

Obediently jumped up and down and shouted: "I want to eat chicken! I want to eat chicken! Obediently want to eat big chicken drumsticks!"

"Okay, okay, I'm going to catch the chicken." The old lady entered the chicken pen with a smile, and when she came out, she was holding a hen in her right hand and two eggs in her left hand.

Obediently ran over happily, "Zu, I'll take the ball~~"

It's not that she doesn't have the guts to dare to catch the chicken, but the main reason is that she can't hold it tightly. The hen struggles a little, not only can it escape from her hand, but it can even flap its wings along the way. She tried it.

"The eggs are dirty, you don't need to take them." The old lady avoided Kuaiguai's hand with her left hand. The two eggs had chicken feces on the outside, so it was not easy for Kuaiguai to take them.

Seeing obediently leaving the backyard with the old lady, the fallen animals got up one after another. It was not easy, and they had to show off their acting skills.

Especially the two big geese, it's okay to be beaten, but I still have to act, I'm so tired, why don't I go to the owner and let him kill me.

Yuan Bao lay on the ground all the time, and the lazy dog ​​didn't need to participate in the obedient game. He looked at the little turtle with four legs upturned, with a hint of sympathy in his dog's eyes, and turned it over.

As soon as Guaiguai arrived at the front yard, she yelled loudly, "Ahe, boil the water and kill the chicken!"

Su Qinghe came out of the house, seeing that the old lady was really holding a chicken, he was speechless, "Mother, are you serious?"

The old lady still had a cheerful look, "I want to eat, can I give it to her?"

It's me who killed the chicken and not you, of course you don't care!

Su Qinghe only dared to slander, but did not dare to speak out.

"Kill it," Bai Zhi came out behind Su Qinghe, and glanced at the boy, the little guy was very proud, and he couldn't hide the complacency in his brows and eyes, "Tingting's grades should be out in the morning, and by the way, reward her A big chicken leg!"

The overwhelming number of votes supported killing chickens, and the minority obeyed the majority, so Su Qinghe had no choice but to go to the kitchen to boil water.

Obediently did not follow, hearing the word "reward", her mind became active again, she had already paid off her debt to her mother last night, if she is praised now, she can be rewarded with money.

She thought and thought, and with an idea, she came to Bai Zhi, "Mom, I'm a chicken killer~~"

"Well, what next?" Bai Zhi was at a loss, but it didn't matter, as the situation remained the same, let's see what kind of tricks Guaiguai will come up with first.

Showdown obediently, "I'm a chicken killer, so I can reward my sister with chicken legs!"

Bai Zhi understands, my good guy, I didn't expect to be able to claim credit for this, as expected of a smart obedient, the ability to see through the stitches is too strong.

"Okay, I will credit you this time!"

Bai Zhi went back to the room and took out a piece of fifty cents to reward Guaiguai, "Keep up!"

It's only fifty cents, I can afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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