Chapter 580 My money is gone

Obediently and sadly, Su Qinghe couldn't help raising his brows.

While making breakfast, he noticed that today was another sunny day, so after breakfast, he went to the guest room on the second floor, took off the pillowcases, sheets, etc., washed them in the sun, and cleaned them up by the way.

Who knows that he habitually sweeps under the bed, and a red envelope comes out—he can swear to his ancestors, he really didn’t mean it, and he didn’t know that there would be a red envelope under the bed, whoever sweeps the room doesn’t sweep the bottom of the bed? ——The point is that the red envelope looked a little bulging, he opened it and counted it, and there was a whole 1000 yuan in it!
When he picked up the money early in the morning, he opened the window and looked behind the house to see if there were any magpies nearby.

He originally wanted to go to Bai Zhi and ask her to call and ask if the red envelope was left by Liang Jiaxin. After all, before Liang Jiaxin moved in, he did not have this red envelope when he cleaned the room. After she left, this red envelope appeared, and it could only be her that's it.

But when he went down the stairs, he heard Guaiguai's voice in the bedroom, Su Qinghe suddenly thought of Guaiguai's weird behavior last night, even though Bai Zhi later said that the secret between Guaiguai and Liang Jiaxin was to buy a piggy bank, he had heard that and believed it at the time , but now it seems that the situation is not that simple.

So he decided not to look for Bai Zhi, turned a corner, and entered the bedroom.

He was skeptical and wanted to try to react obediently. Who knew that this little guy could not stand being cheated. No, he didn't even say a word. It can't be called cheating. .

"Is it really your money?"

Obediently was climbing down from the bed, when she heard Su Qinghe's words in the middle of the climb, it was as if a thunderbolt exploded in her mind, she was in a daze, one leg was hanging down, the other leg was still on the bed, just like that Hanging by the bed, motionless.

Miserable, before the father asked, the little baby admitted it by himself.

Then I thought again, since my father found out the red envelope, he would definitely give it to his mother. Whether the baby admits it or not, the red envelope is still hers.

My little money is gone...

Guaiai was suffering in her heart, holding back her grievances and discomfort, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she got, she simply climbed down, and raised her small powder fist to beat Su Qinghe's thigh, crying and condemning loudly while beating.

It's all Su Qinghe's fault, if he doesn't find out the red envelope, the little baby won't be without money!
Su Qinghe originally planned to tell her to be quiet, but when he saw that he was being beaten, he thought about it, and he didn't hide. The more noise the little guy makes, the better. It's best to attract Bai Zhi who was having breakfast in the restaurant.

Although he still doesn't know exactly what happened, did someone hide the red envelope on purpose, or was it accidentally dropped on the ground and kicked under the bed by someone? I don't know if Liang Jiaxin told Bai Zhi about it She gave the red envelope obediently.

On the other end, Su Xiaoting was sitting on the bed in the hotel, watching the head of Guaiguai suddenly disappear on the screen, and then heard Guaiguai and Su Qinghe just say a word to each other, and then heard Guaiguai crying, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, my sister's house is really lively.

After listening for a while, she hung up the call, handed the phone back to Su Meng, and asked curiously: "Dad, when my sister and I were our age, were we ever so naughty with my sister?"

Su Meng was stunned for a moment, recalling when Su Xiaoting was young, he couldn't help but smile on his face, and replied: "Although you were a little naughty when you were young, you are not as naughty as you are now. thing."

In fact, it is also a worry for adults. It has made adults so angry that their blood pressure soared many times. At that time, Su Meng's mother was still there. If she hadn't protected Su Xiaoting, the two-year-old Su Xiaoting might have been beaten up many times.

But in the end, it was the good memories of supporting Su Meng through four years of prison life. Looking back now, it is all good.After all, only in those two or three years, their family can be regarded as tidy and happy.

Hearing Su Meng's answer, Su Xiaoting showed a smug smile, and she decided to show off to Kuaiguai when she went back, saying that she was better than Kuaiguai when she was a child.


"What's the matter, crying so loudly early in the morning?"

Before Bai Zhi arrived, her voice came first. As soon as the voice fell, her figure appeared at the door of the bedroom. Behind her were the old lady, Bai Jian'an, and Chen Juanhua. , it's not normal for them not to come and see what's going on.

It was also at the moment when she heard Bai Zhi's voice that she realized how stupid her behavior was. If she didn't alarm Bai Zhi, she would discuss it with Su Qinghe in a good voice, and it would not be impossible for her to get the money back It's not impossible to put it in his place, after all, she is not very afraid of him. Asking him for money is much easier than asking mother for money.

It's all right now, not only did I startle my mother, but I also pissed off my father... My God, why am I so witty!
"What is Ah He doing to Guaiguai again? Guaiguai has just woken up and can't stop and stop in the early morning?"

The old lady looked at the situation in the room. Although she didn't know what happened, it didn't prevent her from blaming Su Qinghe. Didn't she hear her sweetheart cry so badly? The cry was like a hammer, hammering and hammering Beating her heart, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Bai Jian'an and Chen Juanhua also wanted to say a few words, but the old lady spoke first, and the meaning was similar anyway, so they swallowed the words that came to their lips.

Su Qinghe turned around and yelled that he was wronged, the youngest son and grandson are the lifeblood of the old lady, in front of the obedient great-granddaughter, they are simply farting!
"Grandmother, I didn't do anything, I just took this red envelope and went into the room, obediently shouted that it was her money, and I asked her if it was really her money, and she came to beat me, from the beginning to the end I just Said such a sentence."

"Where did you get the red envelope?" Bai Zhi's focus was indeed different from that of the old lady and the others. She snatched the red envelope, opened it and counted it.

When the old lady saw that Bai Zhi had opened her mouth, she stopped talking. She could scold her grandson as much as she wanted, and Bai Zhi, the grandson's daughter-in-law, was also on the tip of her heart. She couldn't ruin Bai Zhi's affairs, even if Bai Zhi was targeting her. Another apex of .

Su Qinghe glanced at Pear Blossom's obedient girl, and said weakly, "When I was cleaning the guest room on the second floor, I swept it out from under the bed."

Bai Zhi understood in seconds, and cursed loudly: "What a Liang Jiaxin! No, I have to call and scold people!"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the little guy who was timidly hiding behind Su Qinghe, and said: "And you, Su Peiyu, don't think I can't guess what you're playing, I'll settle the score with you later, red envelope Confiscated!"

"What's the deal, you can figure it out for me!" It's fine if the old lady doesn't open her mouth. Chen Juanhua will not be polite with Bai Zhi. This is the ecological chain in this house. The old lady is in charge of Su Qinghe, and Chen Juanhua is in charge of Bai Zhi. Yes, I feel at ease when I scold.

As for Bai Jian'an, he had already retreated at this time, planning to take the opportunity to slip away.In this room, his status is only slightly higher than Su Qinghe's, and Chunchun here is just a humanoid sandbag who has been vented.

Bai Zhi's momentum stagnated, "Mom, don't worry about it!"

Chen Juanhua really wanted to take care of her, "Hey, she did nothing wrong, what are you going to settle with her?"

Bai Zhi said helplessly: "She wants to hide her private money!"

Chen Juanhua persisted, "Aren't you going to confiscate the red envelopes? Then what are you going to settle for?"

"All right, all right, I won't settle accounts with her, okay?" Bai Zhi curled her lips, anyway, she still has someone to vent her anger on, so let's just let her go, and if she catches her and makes a mistake next time, then It's time to settle the old and new grudges together.

When Guaiguai first heard her grandma help her speak, she still felt happy in her heart, thinking that grandma must be able to suppress her mother by blood, just like her mother's blood suppressed her, and maybe she could help her get the money back.

But listening to it, her joy was like a fire, being extinguished by someone bringing a basin of water.

She can't get her money back...

At the thought of all the money gone, her heart felt as if it was being held by a big hand, and her heart ached so badly that she couldn't breathe.

She sniffled her little nose, raised her face, and pulled Su Qinghe's clothes reluctantly.

Su Qinghe looked down, obediently, in those big eyes soaked with tears, there was sadness, grievance, and... Encouragement?

Is she asking me to help her get this red envelope back? ? ?

What's the difference between that and killing me? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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