Chapter 558 You have to hurry up
Guaiguai is a little baby who likes to show off, she doesn't allow others not to see her awesome video, not only called everyone in the family to watch it, but also specially went to Su Zhiliang's house, and invited Su Zhiliang's family to the house look.

Think about it too, she wants to brag, if others don't know, no one will know how powerful she is when she brags.

Bai Zhi had no choice but to play this video repeatedly on the TV in the living room by casting the screen. It was the first time for her to be so obsessed with watching TV that Su Qinghe would call her even when eating, and she even wanted to watch TV while eating in the living room .

"Don't you just never get tired of watching it?" Su Qinghe asked. The little guy has been watching the TV for almost an hour, and the ten-minute video has been played four or five times in a loop. So pretty?

Obediently not answering, she moved her eyes away from the TV screen, stared at Su Qinghe, and shouted after a while: "I want to talk nonsense with my sister~~"

Su Qinghe pointed in the direction of the restaurant, "Go and eat first!"

The four eyes met, seeing from Su Qinghe's eyes that there was no doubt, he obediently gave up first, climbed off the sofa, and ran to let the old lady wash her hands.

Today at noon, there is quack and fish, which are all ordered by her to eat, and it is more important to eat.

The little guy was not stubborn, so Su Qinghe was naturally in a good mood, turned off the TV, went back to the dining table, first picked up a duck leg for Bai Zhi, and then picked up the other and put it in the obedient baby bowl.

Obediently ran out of the bathroom without drying her hands. She came to Su Qinghe's side and shook her hands, throwing water droplets onto Su Qinghe's clothes. Before Su Qinghe could reprimand her, she stretched out her hands and opened her mouth to block Su Qinghe's words. mouth.

"Dad, hug me and sit on the chair~~"

"Call Dad if you have something to do, and Ah He if you have nothing to do, right?" Su Qinghe shook his head helplessly, carried the little guy to the baby chair, and helped her put on the scarf and small sleeves.

Obediently smiling a few times, she walked over, picked up the duck leg and gnawed it. Seeing that she was eating so happily, Su Qinghe asked her: "Is it delicious?"

"Good times~~"

Su Qinghe didn't even need to ask, the little guy vomited it up long ago.

Seeing that the little guy opened the barrier and concentrated on cooking, Su Qinghe didn't bother her anymore, and sat back on the seat. Seeing that everyone had eaten carambola duck, he asked expectantly: "How does it taste?"

"Just put more chili peppers." Bai Zhi regretted that this dish appeared on the table at home for the first time. It tasted sour and sweet. She couldn't taste the spiciness even with a single chili pepper.

Both Bai Jian'an and Chen Juanhua's comments were positive, but compared to the sweet and sour taste, they paid more attention to the duck meat. The field ducks raised in the village are not big, one is about four It weighs about five catties, the meat is firm and delicious, and the duck has a strong flavor, which is definitely a good thing for Lingnan people.

People in Lingnan pursue "freshness" in food. This "freshness" not only refers to freshness, but also refers to the taste of the food itself. Therefore, it can be seen that Lingnan people are especially fond of boiled and steamed dishes.

The old lady didn't comment, but the joy on her eyebrows had already shown her attitude. She was usually afraid of overeating, but now she couldn't help eating a few more pieces of duck meat.

Seeing that everyone likes to eat, Su Qinghe is very happy. Although he knows that it must not be as good as the food in restaurants outside, but after all, it is the first time he made it, and every sentence must be the greatest praise for him.

"When Liang Jiaxin comes tomorrow, how about cooking this dish for her?"

"Okay, let's go buy some bean cakes and make a stuffed bean cake." Bai Zhi said, seeing Su Qinghe and Su Minghui bought two ducks, she knew that one must be made to entertain her best friend.

To put it bluntly, today I said I was obediently wanting to eat duck, but in fact it was Su Qinghe trying to make carambola duck, so as not to make it for the first time tomorrow, I would be embarrassed if I messed up.

For Su Qinghe's so much effort in entertaining Liang Jiaxin, Bai Zhi was very happy. Speaking of which, she also felt a little guilty about her good girlfriends—she and Su Qinghe had been in love for Su Qinghe's career, but also for herself and her. Obediently's privacy is not prying, she has been hiding it from her good girlfriends, not saying that she doesn't believe it, but the most effective way to keep a secret is to keep her mouth shut, the less people know, the better.

Fortunately, Liang Jiaxin was already teaching in a backward mountain village at that time, and usually only communicated through WeChat texts, but it was easy to hide it from her.It wasn't until Su Qinghe announced his retirement that Bai Zhi told Liang Jiaxin about it.

Thinking of Liang Jiaxin's expression when she suddenly found out that she had a one-year-old daughter, Bai Zhi couldn't help laughing. The screenshot of Liang Jiaxin's shocked face is still saved in her mobile phone album, and a copy is also saved in WeChat collection.

All in all, Liang Jiaxin will be here for the first time tomorrow, and Bai Zhi believes that the more Su Qinghe pays attention to it, the better.God knows how long it has been since Su Qinghe lost contact with her good friends in real life.

Next, while Su Qinghe was eating, he discussed with Bai Zhi the dishes he was going to make tomorrow. It was not complicated. Liang Jiaxin, a wealthy family like this, has eaten all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas. Bai Zhi thinks that the chicken raised at home is quite good. , as well as vegetables with a good taste, and the bean cakes and tofu in Nanling Town are also delicious. They are all authentic farm products, and the main focus is a green source ecology without technology.

Kuaiguai didn't know when she opened the barrier, listening to Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi's one dish after another, her saliva flowed down three thousand miles.

Su Qinghe glanced at it, the little guy's eyes were lost, obviously caught in imagination, his mouth was open, and saliva flowed continuously from the corner of his mouth into lines, like a dementia.

He thought it was funny, suspended the communication with Bai Zhi, took out a tissue, wiped her saliva with one hand, and waved it in front of her eyes with the other.

"Wake up, wake up."

Obediently woke up like a dream, and subconsciously sucked, but unfortunately, the saliva had been wiped off by Su Qinghe, so she could only swallow back what hadn't flowed out.

Feeling embarrassed, he smiled obediently and said, "Mom and Dad, I really like Auntie Soy Sauce~~"

Bai Zhi showed a disgusted expression, "You really like sauce, bah, I was misled by you, do you really like Aunt Xin, not delicious food?"

Being seen through by his mother, the little guy didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said frankly: "I like to eat delicious food, and I also like soy sauce, auntie~~"

Bai Zhi persisted, "Look, you actually mentioned the delicious food first, you just want to eat delicious food!"

He obediently covered his greasy mouth with his greasy paws, he couldn't speak anymore, and it would be even more revealing if he said it.

Well, she just met and talked to Aunt Soy Sauce several times on her mobile phone. How can such an aunt compare to delicious meat.

But because there will be delicious food, obediently, by the way, I also like Auntie Soy Sauce who will come tomorrow.

After the meal, she asked Bai Zhi to give her the phone. She wanted to send a message to Aunt Soy Sauce. Bai Zhi didn't understand what she wanted to do, but she still opened the private chat interface with Liang Jiaxin on the phone, switched the voice and gave it to her.

Guaiguai is too familiar with this interface, so he pressed his finger and shouted: "Auntie Soy Sauce, when are you coming to see me, come quickly, I miss you so much~~"

Bai Zhi kept rolling her eyes, she didn't miss Liang Jiaxin, she clearly wanted to eat delicious food!

(End of this chapter)

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