Chapter 481 You can change my father~~
"Is it really like this~ You didn't lie to me?"

Obediently looked at Su Qinghe suspiciously. Given that Su Qinghe had too many previous convictions, she couldn't count ten fingers with two slaps. It was simply too many bad deeds, so after being alert in her heart, Su Qinghe's words didn't sound much to her anymore. trust degree.

Su Qinghe squatted down, and eye to eye with Guaiguai, he nodded seriously and sincerely: "Did you see the look in Dad's eyes, how sincere!"

Blinking obediently, she didn't know that her father was once a film star, and was also known as the acting benchmark of the younger generation in the entertainment industry, so she and Su Qinghe looked at each other for a while, with the baby's natural sensitivity to emotions, she No abnormality was noticed in Su Qinghe's eyes.

Seeing that Guaiguai didn't respond, Su Qinghe had no choice but to raise his stake, "Dad promises, if Dad still cheats Guaiguai this time, Dad will be a puppy!"

Guaiai finally reacted, Su Qinghe saw that her big eyes were brighter, and even the air in the kitchen became brighter.She nodded, and chose to trust her father again, but she needed a pull hook to stamp it, so she stretched out her little finger, "Dad~ Let's pull the hook~ If you lie to me, you will be a puppy~~"

"Okay!" Su Qinghe hooked the little finger of the obedient little finger with his little finger. Although the obedient hand is fleshy, it is really small, and even his little finger can't circle around it. "If you hang yourself with the hook, you can't change it for 100 years!"

"If you lie to me, you are a puppy~~"

The little finger was hooked, the thumb was stamped, and the obedient man calmed down, walked out of the kitchen in satisfaction, and told everyone about Su Qinghe's explanation. She wanted everyone to know that she was not a stupid baby.

Everyone laughed happily again, Su Xiaoting had a strange expression, and forcibly held back what she wanted to say, forget it, let's not expose Uncle Qinghe, in order to deceive Xiaoguai, he swore such a vicious oath.

It's just that although they didn't say anything, they watched them laugh obediently, especially Bai Zhi's laughter became more and more rampant, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and ran to the kitchen again.

Su Qinghe had just put the dishes into the pot, and when he saw Guaiguai go and come back, he thought that his lie had been exposed, so before he questioned Guaiguai, he preemptively yelled "Wow, woof, woof" a few times.

Anyway, I have been a cow and a horse before, so it’s not bad to be a puppy again, just treat it as unlocking a new character.

Obediently was stunned, it turned out that her father lied to her!
In vain she convinced herself to trust her father again!
It's all redundant!

"Hey, Dad has barked like a dog, you can't scold Dad anymore!" Su Qinghe was like a roundworm in Guaiguai's stomach, trying to dispel the idea of ​​Kuaiguai scolding others.

Guaiguai couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, and stood there in a daze, his eyes covered with mist.

Can't wait for a second with this home! ! !

Powerless and furious, she jumped and screamed in the kitchen, then ran out crying, threw herself into Bai Zhi's arms, looked at Bai Zhi with tears in her eyes, and her tone was full of determination.

"Mom~ I don't want this father~ You can change my father~~"

"Daddy is super invincible and bad~ He always cheats the little baby~~"

"He can lie to me now~he can lie to my younger brother in the future~~"

Hearing Kuaiguai's cry, Bai Zhi was so speechless, she couldn't say a word of comfort except to help Guaiguai wipe away her tears.From the bottom of my heart, I'm somewhat dissatisfied with Su Qinghe, so it's enough to lie to Xiaoguai once or twice, and I've been cheating all the time, making the little guy cry.

Yes, she usually likes to play with Guaiguai as a toy, but what is she playing with? It's cosplay, and she dresses up Guaiguai beautifully.Unlike Su Qinghe, he is clearly deceiving Guaiguai's feelings!

But obediently, she knew that Su Qinghe was always lying to her, but she always liked to hang out with Su Qinghe, so she didn't have a long memory.

The old lady stood up and went to the backyard to get a bamboo stick for driving chickens, "Be good, let's go, grandma will take you to seek justice!"

Obediently wiped away tears, and took the old lady's hand into the kitchen, Su Qinghe became anxious when he saw this posture, "Mother, I admit my mistake!"

She was too bachelor, the old lady didn't know what to say, she couldn't swear what she wanted to say, she couldn't be cruel if she wanted to beat her, she stomped her feet angrily, "You're going to piss me off! It's because your parents are gone, if They see you making the boy cry, do you think they will beat you?"

"Yes, yes, you are the best to me!" Su Qinghe showed a flattering smile, bowed his head and bowed to please me.

The old lady snorted heavily, and put down her harsh words, "Next time, when I hear you making my darling cry, I won't be merciful!"

The eldest grandson and great-great-great-granddaughter are her lifelines, and the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh. Although it is said that Su Qinghe can only be the back of his hands now, he has never been willing to hit him in his life, so how could he be so cruel now.

Obediently also snorted heavily towards Su Qinghe, and followed the old lady out of the kitchen. She swore to herself that she would not talk to Su Qinghe again before lunch. As for why it was before lunch...

Obediently, who had already walked to the door of the kitchen, looked back, her little nose gasped, the dishes made by her father smelled so delicious!

Before Su Qinghe turned around, seeing the cute little expression, he felt amused in his heart, and shouted: "Baby, Dad will give you a piece of meat, so please forgive Dad, okay?"

Stop obediently and nod simply, any hesitation for a second is a disrespect to flesh and blood.

Su Qinghe picked up a piece of pork from the fried lean meat with fungus, obediently opened her mouth wide and waited for Su Qinghe to come to feed it. The meat was delivered to her mouth.

Didn't she forgive Su Qinghe? She just wanted to eat meat.

Seeing that her father's cooking is so delicious, she will not change her father for now.

Obediently kept her promise, didn't say a word to Su Qinghe, and ran away after eating the meat, still chewing on the meat, and continued to sue Su Qinghe's bad deeds to all the backers in tears.

Bai Zhi casually responded perfunctorily, but complained in her heart: just be obedient like this, she still likes to play with her father the most, she will calm down with one piece of meat, if one piece is not enough, then two pieces, remember to eat or not to hit, it's so coaxing.

Guaiguai was still accusing Su Qinghe of his crimes, so Su Meng came in with a plate. He came to call Su Xiaoting home for dinner, and brought a chicken drumstick for Guaiguai to eat.

When Kuai Kuai saw the big chicken drumsticks, he forgot everything and just picked it up and gnawed on it. Nothing is more important than delicious food.

"How many chickens did you kill today?" The old lady watched as she obediently gnawed on the chicken legs, and her eyes shifted to Su Meng.

Su Meng replied: "Just one chicken, Xiaoting and I are the only two in the family, one chicken can eat two meals."

The old lady frowned, "Let's eat now, won't you visit the mountain this afternoon?"

Su Meng was immediately embarrassed, "I only remember my parents' tombs. I can't remember where my grandparents' tombs are, so I won't go there. Just ask them to go back to the ancestral hall to pay respects."

"No one has taken care of it for a few years. I guess it's covered with weeds and it's hard to find. If you can't remember your parents' tomb, that's okay." The old lady said to this kind of thing It’s not surprising that many tombs on the mountain are abandoned like this. Some people, like Su Meng, forgot their location, and some people don’t go there for a year just because they want to relax. up.

If you are lucky, those small graves are just covered with weeds. If you are unlucky, they will be trampled down, and then they will never be found again.

The old lady said it was all right, and the embarrassment on Su Meng's face eased a little. It is reasonable to forget the grave of the ancestor, but the grave of his grandparents was visited by his parents every year when he was a child, and now he can't remember where he lived. Where, he will inevitably have some guilt in his heart, and he doesn't know what people in the village will say about him behind his back when it spreads.

After thinking for a while, the old lady said, "Go ask Ming Guanghui and the others. When your grandparents passed away, they should have carried them to the mountain for burial."

Su Meng slapped his forehead, he just wanted to let it go if he couldn't remember, but he forgot to do weddings and funerals, everyone in the village will help, he can ask someone, what if someone remembers?
Not only him, but even Su Qinghe had the same thought. The reason why he didn't expect it was mainly because some family used to do business. The adults said they were still children and they wouldn't let them get close.

Even though their generation has now reached the age of being the masters of the family, the previous generation still has to work hard on weddings and weddings in the village because of migrant workers.

(End of this chapter)

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