Chapter 478

The holding paper tube is very simple, a bamboo tube the size of a finger, plus a straight wooden stick that can pass through the bamboo tube.

Seeing that Su Qinghe was busy, he obediently stopped playing with the two little civets, stood with Su Xiaoting and looked at Su Qinghe's hands curiously, "Dad~ what are you doing~~"

"Make a fun little toy for you and your sister to play with!" Su Qinghe didn't raise his head, Su Xiaoting not only borrowed a machete, but also a hand saw, probably she told Su Mingguang to make paper tubes, Su Mingguang knew If I wanted to use a handsaw, I asked her to bring it along.

As soon as she hears that it is a fun little toy, she will be happy if she is obedient. Although her father always bullies her, she can always get back with revenge, but she still likes to play with her father the most. Dad will not prohibit her from eating delicious food, and she will be good at it for her to play with.

To use Bai Zhi's words to describe the relationship between the father and daughter, it is love and killing each other.

After a short while, Su Qinghe made two paper towels. He took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, took out one with wet water, and then tore off a small piece, twisted it into a ball and stuffed it into the bamboo tube. Then use a repaired wooden stick to poke the paper ball into the bamboo tube. With a "pop", the paper ball sprays out from the other side of the bamboo tube.

"This is the paper tube?" Su Xiaoting felt miraculous, a bamboo tube and a wooden stick could shoot "bullets" like a gun.

"Yes, strictly speaking, it's called a sieve tube. When I was a child, I could only use wet paper towels as bullets, so it's called a siege paper tube. You can also find some fruits of suitable size or other suitable small things to make bullets."

Su Qinghe gave Su Xiaoting the holding tube that he had tested just now. In fact, the most accurate name should be holding the tube. No matter what you use as a bullet, playing with the holding tube is collectively called playing the holding tube.

Immediately afterwards, he specially reminded: "However, no matter what you use as a bullet, don't shoot at people. The power of holding the barrel is not small, and it still hurts to hit people at close range, especially when your Bullets are hard little things like berries."

Speaking of this, Su Qinghe is full of tears. When he was a child, he was scolded by the old man for countless times because of holding the canister. .Fortunately, the tube is small and easy to hide. He always plays outside secretly, and when he gets home, he puts it in his waist and tightens it with his trousers.

There is no way, the trouser pockets are not that deep and cannot be hidden.

At that time, the adults in the village had the same attitude towards the holding tube, so when Su Qinghe thought about it, it was not surprising that Su Xiaoting had never seen this thing before, and they probably all forgot the existence of the holding tube.

Seeing that Su Qinghe gave Su Xiaoting a squeegee, he obediently leaned against Su Qinghe, tiptoed and stretched out his hand, aiming at the squeegee in Su Qinghe's hand.

"Dad~ Dad, Dad~ and me~"

"I know, I will never forget you." Su Qinghe comforted Guaiguai, squatted down and hugged Guaiguai in his arms, and taught her how to hold back the tube.

"Don't~ I'll play by myself~~" Be obedient and remain the same, regardless of whether it will or not, first pretend that you know it well, and refuse Su Qinghe to teach her.

Let's see what she can do every day...

Su Qinghe could only let go, watching as he obediently stuffed the paper ball into the bamboo tube, holding a small wooden stick in his right hand and stabbing it randomly. The operation was pretty tough, but he didn't stick the paper ball in.

"You still said you would!" Su Qinghe mocked, "You can't do such a simple movement!"

Smile obediently to cover up the embarrassment, "Dad~ you teach me~~"

"Know what you know, don't know what you don't know, you have to pretend you don't know, you know?" Su Qinghe took the opportunity to teach Kuai Kuai before hand in hand. When taunting a good boy, he is invincible.

Obediently at this moment, how can she be interested in listening to Su Qinghe's education, she doesn't know what Su Qinghe is talking about at all, and she doesn't know that Su Qinghe has made plans for the long-term, she is only interested in holding back the tube now.

Su Qinghe made it short on purpose for Kuaiguai to hold back the tube, Guaiguai is still too small, although his hands are strong, but not too big, Su Qinghe called Kuaiguai twice, and Kuaiguai finally learned it.

For the third time, she operated independently, holding out the ball of paper. Although the distance was very close, and the ball of paper was soft, there was almost no sound even for a moment, but it was considered a success if it could be shot out. What bicycle is needed.

Obediently immediately cheered, congratulating her for the first time to successfully hold the tube independently.

On the other side, Su Xiaoting had already used sour rice seeds as bullets, and the bamboo that Su Qinghe cut was, by coincidence, just enough to fit the sour rice seeds she picked inside.

Obediently was planning to show off to Su Xiaoting, but when he turned his head, he couldn't laugh immediately. Compared with the distance and power of the canister in Su Xiaoting's hand, obediently compared it, and deeply felt that he was still too scumbag , can't get it out.

After thinking about it, she felt that it wasn't her fault. Look, the barrel in my sister's hand was so long, and the bullet was still sour... In short, she had countless reasons to excuse herself.

So she asked Su Xiaoting for wild fruit, Su Xiaoting looked at Su Qinghe hesitantly, Su Qinghe nodded lightly, just obediently with this strength, let alone hitting someone, being bitten by an ant is worse than being hit by a bullet she suffocated It hurts more.

Guaiguai, who was equipped with weapons and ammunition, was full of ambition. As soon as she rolled her eyes, she rushed to find the two little civets. She didn't have the idea of ​​aiming at the two little civets. After all, they were all her good friends. , of course she would not shoot at her good friend.

She was just going to show off with her good friends, there were only three of them here, and she couldn't compare to them, so she could only show off in front of the animals.

So when the wild fruit she suffocated fell softly to the ground and became the ration of the two little civets, she thought she had found the right and interesting way to play, and turned into a humanoid feeding machine again, so that the two little civets would eat again. No more "imported" wild fruits.

After a while, obediently scattered all the wild fruits on the ground, and told the two little civets in a regretful tone, "Mimi~ Meow~ I'm tired~ You can eat by yourself~~"

It was getting late, Su Qinghe took the two cubs home, and when passing by Su Mingguang's house, he returned the machete and handsaw.

Back home, Kuaiguai showed off to the old lady and Bai Zhi and the others again, regardless of the fact that her little fat hand was still tired, she performed for them on the spot.

"This is fun!" Bai Zhi complimented, wanting to bring the holding tube over.

Obediently handed the hold to Bai Zhi, and said enthusiastically: "Mom~ I'll teach you~~"

Such a simple way of playing, Bai Zhi will be able to do it at a glance, but seeing that Guaiguai is so sincere, she couldn't bear to refuse, so she nodded.Obediently imitated the way Su Qinghe taught her by hand, leaning in Bai Zhi's arms to teach Bai Zhi hand in hand.

Bai Zhi had already watched the meeting, but now she taught her obediently, and she immediately got started, obediently and happily shouted: "Mom is super super awesome ~ I'm super super awesome too~~"

In and out of words, Bai Zhi learned well, and her obedient teacher also taught her well, or she taught her mother to hold back the tube just once.

Su Xiaoting suddenly slapped her thigh fiercely, with annoyed expression on her face.

"Sister, we were in the bamboo root forest just now, we should use the cock to hit the big cock!"

(End of this chapter)

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