Chapter 468
But when they thought about the obedient gluttonous problem, everyone felt relieved again.

Seeing Kuaiguai, Su Qiujie's heart moved, and he discussed with Guaiguai in a provocative tone: "Guaiguai, go and catch a chicken, and I'll make a beggar's chicken for you to eat, okay?"

Kuaiguai was about to agree, but Su Xiaoting spoke first.

"Su Qiujie, you are so courageous, you dare to let your sister go in to catch the chicken! I told you, you were lucky if you didn't get the rooster just now, and now you let her in, if you get pecked, how will you explain to the grandma? "

Someone echoed: "That's right, it's better for Su Qiujie to go in by yourself to let Xiaoguai go in to catch chickens. At most, he will be pecked or pecked a few times. If Xiaoguai is pecked and the grandma finds out, she will go to your house and tell your grandpa." , you will be beaten."

Who in the whole village doesn't know that obediently is the old lady's darling, her life?
Seeing the brothers and sisters staying still, obediently shouted again: "Catch the chicken~~ Make delicious chicken~~"

When the voice fell, her small figure had already jumped out for a distance.

Su Xiaoting stomped her feet, and followed suit. Others saw that the youngest had rushed to the front, and the eldest sister also rushed forward. They couldn't stay where they were. They hesitated for a few seconds and chased behind Su Xiaoting.

Only Su Qiujie was left where he was. He was more than hesitant just now. He even had a shadow in his heart about the rooster raised at home.After all, he is also the only grandson of the grandfather, and this cock pecks him the hardest and hurts him the most.

There was another scene of chickens flying and dogs jumping in the bamboo forest. The big roosters avoided the first wave of attacks from the children, and when they saw that they dared to come, they plotted against them again. , see one peck one by one.

Guaiguai was originally the first runner, but when she entered the bamboo forest, she fell to the last.Seeing the rooster counterattack, she was shocked, turned around and ran away in a hurry.

"Sister, run!" Su Xiaoting remembered this time, and called Guaiguai while running away.

He obediently ran with his head buried in his eyes, and didn't respond to Su Xiaoting's words. She wanted to run faster, but slowed down when she spoke.

After running outside, he obediently stopped, panting and looking back in fear, this was unbelievable, the roosters not only drove them out of the bamboo forest, but also chased them out.

Right now, one by one of the little friends passed her, obediently hurriedly twitched her short legs again, putting all her energy into breastfeeding, like a hot wheel.

But she usually can't catch up with the chicken, and now she is being chased by the chicken, and she can't escape by running hard.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by the chicken, at the critical moment, Su Mingguang came with a stick. His house was close to the ancestral hall, so how could he not have noticed such a big movement here.

So, the children thought they were stealing chickens, but they didn't expect that there was a pair of eyes watching their every move upstairs not far away.

Originally, Su Mingguang didn't intend to pay attention to it, but when he saw the roosters chasing the children, he knew that these roosters were really on the head, and he was a little crazy.In this case, Su Xiaoting and the others who are a little older are okay, at least they can run fast, but it’s hard to say that they are obedient. If they can’t run roosters, they are waiting to be besieged by a group of roosters. She is so small, if she gets pecked in the eye...

It doesn't matter if you don't want to.

When the crisis was resolved, Su Mingguang obediently picked her up. She looked at the face in front of her, her mouth was flattened, she was wronged and pitiful, and she shouted softly: "Uncle~~"

Seeing the pitiful look, Su Mingguang felt distressed when he saw it. He patted the obediently on the back and comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, uncle drove the cocks away!"

The children also gathered around and comforted Guaiguai together, made faces, told jokes, and tried every means to make Guaiguai laugh.

"How did you offend this group of roosters?" Although Su Mingguang saw it, he didn't know the truth.


Children, you look at me and you, but you dare not answer. Could you tell Su Mingguang frankly that they are going to steal chickens?

At the critical moment, you have to be obedient, "Catch the chicken ~ make a chicken and eat it~~"

"What chicken?"

"It's just a chicken~~"

"That's called a beggar's chicken!" Su Xiaoting saw that Su Mingguang couldn't understand what she said obediently, since the obedient had been exposed, there was nothing to hide, so she immediately told the truth, anyway, they didn't even have chicken feathers in the end If you catch one, it's not stealing.

Su Mingguang was speechless, he had already been pecked once, this group of children dared to do it again, they were very brave, but they seemed to be a bit out of their minds.

"Tell me, if you really catch a chicken, how do you plan to make it a beggar chicken?" Su Mingguang looked down at the little radish heads, the oldest was less than eight years old, and the youngest was held by him. They are all under the age of [-], except for Su Xiaoting, all of them are young masters and princesses, and they still want to stew chicken.

Sure enough, the children couldn't answer, and finally looked at Su Qiujie eagerly. After all, he was the one who proposed to be a chicken beggar.

Su Qiujie replied bravely: "I heard from my father that when they were young, they stole chickens, covered them with thick mud, wrapped them in lotus leaves, buried them in the soil, and then lit a fire on them."

The beggar chicken is actually a beggar chicken. The method Su Qiujie said is the most primitive method. The neck of a live chicken is twisted, and the chicken feathers do not need to be pulled out. The chicken is wrapped in yellow mud into an oval ball, and then wrapped in a few lotus leaves. It must be dense, shallowly buried in the soil, backfilled with soil, and cooked on the ground with fire.

This is indeed what children can do quietly. The parents of this group of children stole chickens to simmer a lot when they were young. In comparison, they are worse than their parents at 01:30. They can't even catch a chicken Even if it is enough, it can still arouse the viciousness of the cock.

"I won't talk about anything else. Can you find lotus leaves in the village?"

Su Mingguang really awakened the dreamer with his words, and the children remembered that there were no lotus leaves in the village.Su Xiaoting knew that Su Mingguang would plant lotus roots in the pond after the plank road and corridor bridge in Datang was completed, but it hasn't been planted yet.

Su Qiujie was not stupid, and quickly thought of a countermeasure, "It can be replaced with tin foil, and tin foil is sold in the shop!"

"Don't think about stewing the chicken by yourself. If you really want to eat it, go home and tell the adults. If you want to do it yourself, let the adults teach you." Su Mingguang said, put the baby on the ground, and stroked her head, " Obediently, if you want to eat beggar chicken, go home and find your father, your father can make beggar chicken! Don't mess around with your brothers and sisters, the beggar chicken they make is unhygienic."

Obediently's eyes lit up, "Sister~ Go home and find Dad~~"

If I knew my father would do it, why did I bother to catch the chicken? I was scared by the rooster twice, twice!Not only did he not get what his brothers and sisters said to be beggars, but he also lost the face of the good bully!
She wants to go home and ask her father to make one beggar chicken, no, she wants to make ten, and she wants to eat a lot of chicken legs to avenge her!
The group walked away until Su Mingguang was no longer in sight, and Su Qiujie, who was unwilling to shatter his chicken-simmering dream like this, said, "Are we going home like this?"

"Otherwise?" Su Xiaoting squinted at him, "What are you begging for? If it weren't for your bad idea, we wouldn't be pecked and chased by chickens."

The eldest sister lost all her face!
The faces of the other children were not much better, being chased and pecked by the chickens made people laugh to death when they told about it.

"The second time I didn't ask you to go, I obediently went first!" Su Qiujie was very depressed, this time he was really innocent, obviously he didn't dare to go up, he stayed where he was, but he still had to be chased by the rooster run away.

Blink obediently and innocently, what are you talking about.

Knowing that explanations are unnecessary, Su Qiujie immediately suggested: "Let's simmer sweet potatoes."

Su Xiaoting immediately asked, "Do you have sweet potatoes at home?"

"Uh, no."

(End of this chapter)

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