Chapter 459 I See It All~
When Bai Zhi woke up, she came out to see that she was still sleeping, then went back to the bedroom and closed the door, took out the spicy strips that she "filially respected", tore open the package and ate.

She didn't dare to eat outside, if the old lady and Chen Juanhua saw it, they would definitely nag her.

After eating, she felt a little unsatisfied, and she regretted that she scolded Guaiguai hard at noon, and she didn't know if the little guy would bring spicy strips home again.

Thinking about these things in her mind, but the movements of Bai Zhi's hands were hiding the evidence. She took out a few paper towels, crumpled them as if they were used, and covered the spicy stick packaging bag in the trash basket tightly. Looking through the trash can, she definitely won't find out the truth that she has eaten the confiscated spicy sticks.

After thinking about it, she rinsed her mouth with warm water again, her obedient nose resembled hers, and her keen sense of smell was also inherited.

But what Bai Zhi didn't expect was that as soon as the boy woke up, he ran into the bedroom with teary eyes, trying to dig through the trash.

Bai Zhi hurriedly picked up Guaiguai, and obediently twisted her body to resist, taking into account the baby in her mother's womb, she did not struggle much, and soon stopped, angrily turned her head to the side, leaving Bai Zhi a back of the head.

"What's the matter, who made my good little baby angry?" After all, she just ate the little guy's spicy sticks, Bai Zhi looked calm on the surface, but her heart was somewhat guilty.

Obediently in anger, she didn't want to talk to Bai Zhi at first, but when Bai Zhi asked, she couldn't get angry again, so she said fiercely: "It's you~ You are a bad mother~ You eat my spicy sticks~~"

Bai Zhi panicked, no wonder she went straight to the trash can as soon as she came in, wasn't she sleeping just now, how did she know that her spicy strips were eaten?
But this matter cannot be admitted, Bai Zhi argued: "Mom didn't eat your spicy sticks!"

"You just ate it~ I saw it~"

"Which eye did you see!"

"I just saw it~I told you not to eat~you didn't hear~I kept eating and eating~I cried and you didn't coax me~~" Obediently performed at a super level. No stumbles.It seemed that she was really in a hurry.

Didn't Bai Zhi notice that obediently speaks so well, her attention is all on what obediently said, the little guy really said something like that, but she can be sure that when she ate spicy sticks just now, she didn't Hear obediently speak.

"You can't be dreaming, dreaming that your mother steals your spicy strips, right?" Bai Zhi had an absurd idea in her heart, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.

But do you really have this kind of dream, can you have this kind of dream, why do you dream that I steal your spicy noodles, go to dream about the lottery number, you really won, and you can’t eat spicy noodles casually?

He obediently refused to admit that he was dreaming, but he didn't refute it either.

Bai Zhi took advantage of the situation and continued: "Hey, my dreams are all fake, mom really didn't eat your spicy strips!"

"Really?" Obediently turned her head around, and faced Bai Zhi suspiciously.

Bai Zhi opened her eyes and said nonsense, "Really!"

"I don't believe it~ show me my spicy strips~"

It's tricky, grow up obediently, have been tricked by Su Qinghe a lot, and have more careful thoughts, so it's not easy to be deceived.

Bai Zhi thought about it, and soon came up with an excuse, "The spicy strips were thrown away by my mother. You are too young to eat spicy strips, so after your mother confiscated them, she threw them out."

Obediently, dubious, asked Bai Zhi where she lost it, and asked Bai Zhi to take her to see it.She would not believe Bai Zhi's words until she saw that the spicy strips were really lost by Bai Zhi.

"Okay, I'll take you to see it right now!" Bai Zhi walked out of the bedroom with Guaiguai in her arms, but she was cursing in her heart. If Su Qinghe was here, she would have to question her carefully. Come on.

If she hadn't been pregnant, she wouldn't have bothered to make up excuses to deal with Guaiguai. If she just said "What's the matter if mom ate it", she wouldn't believe Guaiguai and dare to talk back.But I can't do this now, otherwise Chen Juanhua's head will grow bigger if she starts nagging.

Of course, there were no spicy strips outside. Faced with another question from the obedient, Bai Zhi said openly: "Maybe some animal took it away, or whoever saw it, treat it as garbage and clean it up. In the future, be obedient." You can’t throw garbage anywhere, it will bring a lot of work to others.”

Fighting with Bai Zhi, guai guai is still too tender, not only believed Bai Zhi's words, but was also distracted by Bai Zhi, "I am a good boy~ a good boy does not throw garbage casually~~Mom is not good~"

Bai Zhi felt relieved, thinking that it was finally over, as long as she behaved obediently and didn't get entangled in the matter of spicy sticks, she could just obediently say that she was not good, so she quickly said: "Yes, mother did something wrong this time, so she shouldn't just throw it away. Rubbish, darling, don't be like your mother!"

Obediently happy, she is better than her mother this time, which makes her feel very proud.

"Mom~excavator~" obediently pointed to the carport, she wants to dig the excavator and go out to play!
Bai Jian'an came to work again, he took over Guaiguai, and the grandpa and grandson sat on the excavator, not knowing where they were going again.

Standing in the corridor, Chen Juanhua watched the obedient go out, and then glanced at Bai Zhi, "You really didn't steal the spicy strips of the obedient?"

"I really didn't eat it! Be good at dreaming, do you believe it?" Bai Zhi still has acting skills, she has dealt with Chen Juanhua countless times since she was a child.

"I don't want to talk about you. I have been weird since I was a child, and now my daughter is also a ghost." Chen Juanhua looked away, neither believing nor disbelief, but the shrewdness of the obedient girl reminded her of Bai Zhi when she was a child.

Bai Zhi nodded secretly in her heart, obediently, she is not yet two years old, so it's a bit difficult to deal with, so it's okay when she grows up?
There is still such a miraculous dream. It just so happened that she ate Kuaiguai's Latiao, and Kuaiguai dreamed that she was eating Latiao in front of her. It's really strange.

Besides, be good, she took Bai Jianan out with the excavator, but it didn't go to the village, but to the door of Su Zhiliang's house, "Second Gong~ I'm here with the excavator~ Fill it with buckets~"

Good guy, she still remembers that she said before lunch that she would dig locomotives to buy goods. Although Su Qinghe vetoed it at the time, isn't it that Su Qinghe is not at home now? Such a good opportunity to bring her grandfather who obeyed her, she It will definitely be a rewarding experience!
Su Zhiliang was seeing a doctor and didn't have time to come out, so he just responded loudly: "Come in and pick out by yourself, take whatever you like."

Hearing the words obediently, she was ecstatic, and asked Bai Jianan to carry her to the ground. She had to choose carefully, and she would definitely not take spicy sticks.

When he ran into the house, he happened to see Su Zhiliang fiddling with the syringe. Obediently just glanced at it, his face turned pale, and he fled out in embarrassment. She had been vaccinated and was very impressed with the syringe.

"Grandpa~ Hurry up~ Get in the car and go~~"

The little guy stood beside the excavator, jumping up and down and trying to climb up, his pale face panicked and eager.

Bai Jian'an carried the little guy up, and he was only halfway up. The little guy didn't even fasten his seat belt, so he started the excavator and reversed, and hurriedly left Su Zhiliang's house.

Isn't she just digging the excavator to buy some goods, why is Ergong scaring her with needles?
It's scary! !
Humph! !! !!
(End of this chapter)

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