Dad: I will farm and raise children after quitting the circle

Chapter 452 Who's New Yan Pecking Spring Mud

Chapter 452 Who's New Yan Pecking Spring Mud

"Woof~ You come after me~"

"No, no, please slow down~"

I don't know what's going on, but as soon as I wake up, I want to play with Yuan Bao, and this man and dog are chasing around in the yard.How could such a small person like Xiaoguai outrun Yuanbao? He was overtaken at the very beginning. After playing for a long time, every time Xiaoguai was caught up, he would tell Yuanbao to slow down.

Su Qinghe hangs clothes on the second floor. There is a dryer at home, but it is usually used only when he returns to the south, and he is usually used to drying clothes.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor and looking at it, he would obediently play in the yard. Su Qinghe noticed that a swallow seemed to fly to the third floor of his house, so he went up to look out of curiosity. Good guy, I didn’t pay attention usually, but now I found out that the swallow was built on the balcony on the third floor. It's nest, judging from the progress, it should have just started a few days ago.

Su Qinghe is no stranger to the swallow's nest. When he was a child, there was a swallow's nest on the second floor of his home. He used to be a cheap hand. Whenever he saw a bird's nest, he always wanted to dig it out. If he couldn't reach it, he would poke it with a bamboo pole. Every time he wanted to poke the swallow's nest, the old man would always find out in advance, and then the bamboo pole he brought would be in the hands of the old man, turning it into a sharp weapon to threaten him.

Swallows are beneficial birds, and they are handsome and pleasing in appearance. Adults always say that it is a happy event for swallows to build nests at home. Therefore, swallow nests in buildings are very safe and are always protected by people.

Su Qinghe's movement made Yanzi notice him, and Yanzi was not frightened, and stepped on the edge of the nest with both paws, looking at the unexpected guest curiously.

Su Qinghe glanced at it a few times, poked his head out and shouted darling.

Guaiai was running wildly with Yuan Bao, Yuan Bao learned his lesson and walked like a walk, looking lovingly at the human cub with short legs in front of him with a pair of dog eyes.Yuan Bao didn't catch up to her so quickly, and looked back obediently, and found that Yuan Bao was some distance behind her, and couldn't help but swell, and was about to say something when she heard Su Qinghe calling her.

She looked left and right, but she didn't find Su Qinghe's shadow, and she laughed out loud as soon as she rolled her eyes, she thought Su Qinghe was playing hide and seek with her.

Just when she was thinking this way and was going to call Shang Yuan Bao to find Su Qinghe together, the voice came again.

"Hey, Dad is on the third floor!"

Obediently raised her head quickly, and saw Su Qinghe leaning out from the balcony on the third floor, waving at her.

It's not playing peek-a-boo, is it?
"Come up, Dad will show you something nice!"

"Wait for me~"

He obediently dropped a word, and ran into the house. The little guy was already very skilled and steady in going up the stairs. He grabbed the handrail of the stairs to stand firm and went up the next level.

Perhaps playing with Yuan Bao exhausted her energy, and when she was about to reach the third floor, she was already panting.

Looking up and seeing Su Qinghe, she stretched out her hand begging for a hug, "Daddy~ hug me~"

"Come on, darling, I came up by myself just a little bit away, darling is the top quack!" Su Qinghe cheered on darling, if the difference was too much, he would pick him up without thinking, but now it's only the last seven or eight levels. He hoped that he could persevere obediently and walk up the stairs independently.

Shrugging obediently, she raised her little foot and went up another level.

"Guaiguai is awesome, Guaiguai is the best, another level up!" Su Qinghe encouraged.

"Guaiguai is awesome~Guaiguai is the best~Guaiguai tops quack~Guaiguai, come on~"

The little guy murmured, repeating Su Qinghe's words of encouragement to encourage her, and went up a flight of stairs every time she said a sentence, and when she finally stepped on the turntable on the third floor, she sat down on the ground, grinning and panting, looking at Su Qinghe.

"Dad~ I'm top quack~"

"Yes, guai guai is the best!" Su Qinghe hugged guai guai, the cub's unique thick milk scent wafted out, and praised her in a very positive tone.

Carrying her to the balcony, the swallows had already flown away, so he pointed to the swallow's nest that had just started a few days ago and beckoned to look at it obediently, "Look obediently, this is the swallow's home, and swallows are coming to our house to build a house! "

Obediently glanced at Yanzi's Nest, but still couldn't see anything, she quickly looked away, looked at Su Qinghe and blinked, "Yanyan~Aunt~~"

"Swallows don't coo, they should be chirping..." Su Qinghe doesn't know ventriloquism, but after all, he grew up in the countryside and imitated birds' calls when he was a child. It's not very pleasant to hear, but it's high pitched and loud, and it gives you a feeling of invigoration when you listen to it.

Listening obediently to Su Qinghe's imitated cry, he was overjoyed, and imitated it too. There was nothing wrong with the pronunciation, but the rhythm was not well grasped.

After entertaining myself for a while, I obediently shook my head, looked around and pointed in a random direction, "Dad~ Yanyan is my aunt~~"

Su Qinghe finally realized that what he and Guaiguai said were not the same thing, his mind was spinning at a high speed, he had a flash of inspiration, and asked tentatively: "Guaiguai, do you want to say that Yanyan is Aunt Haiyan?"

Nodding obediently, "Auntie~Auntie~~Dad~Go and play with Auntie~~"

"I can't find it, my aunt is not at home, she is far away. Dad will tell my aunt to call back when she is free, and tell her to talk to her obediently!" Su Qinghe said.

"Yeah~" Guaiguai happily rewarded Su Qinghe with a kiss, and then pointed to the outside of the house, "Dad~ let's go play~~ take baa baa~ bring woof~ and Shushu~"

It's so rare, Guaiguai actually thought of taking her big friends and children out to play!
Su Qinghe scanned the sky outside, but he didn't see any sign of the swallow, and he couldn't tell when it would come back, so he planned to take Guaiguai to play first, and then bring her to see the swallow after it built its nest.Having said that, it seems that Kuaiguai has never seen a swallow in real life.

I don't know why, the swallows, sparrows, dragonflies, fireflies, etc. that he often saw when he was a child, are rarely seen now.

Going down to the first floor, obediently busy gathering her friends, big and small, Su Qinghe looked up unwillingly, good guy, the swallows flew back again, this time there were two swallows.

"Baby, come quickly!" Su Qinghe clearly yelled to come here, but he ran towards the backyard, hugged Xiaobai to the front yard, and pointed to the balcony on the third floor, "Look, baby, there are two swallows!"

He looked up obediently, and found two swallows with deep backs and white bellies and scissor tails at a glance, jumping excitedly in Su Qinghe's arms, "Dad~ Department of Birds~ Two birds~"

Hearing the conversation between the father and daughter, Bai Zhi, Chen Juanhua, and Bai Jianan also came to watch.When the two swallows were building their nests, they rubbed each other's ears, chattered, and flew with each other under the eaves.

Looking at it, Bai Jian'an sighed, "When I was in my hometown, there was a swallow's nest in the eaves. When I came to Nandu, I often saw swallows, but I rarely saw them after that!"

"It's not uncommon to see them rarely in the city. The strange thing is that they are rarely seen in the countryside. I remember seeing swallows when I was a child, either on the wires or flashing past the water. Sometimes They will also fly into the house, and the children were so excited when they saw the swallows flying to the house!" Su Qinghe said, and glanced at Kuaiguai, "Just as excited as Guaiguai now!"

Hearing Su Qinghe talking about himself, he jumped up and down obediently and happily, and turned his head to see that the old lady had returned.

(End of this chapter)

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