Chapter 433 She Obviously Can Snatch...

The little guy has lost his eyes on money, and he is addicted to the joy of earning small money and cannot extricate himself.

After Su Xiaoting came back from school in the afternoon, she pestered Su Xiaoting to take her to pick up waste products, but now that the year has just passed, everyone in the village has gone out again, and the rest of them don't know how to spend money to buy water.

Su Xiaoting took her around the village, and even searched for the garbage dump opposite, only to find two small bottles.

Finally got something, obediently took the plastic bottle and ran to Su Zhiliang's house, Su Xiaoting couldn't stop her, so she could only follow behind her.

"Er Gong~ Er Gong~~I have a bottle~~"

Su Zhiliang looked at this silly little guy, Su Qinghe mentioned this to him in the afternoon, and he listened as a joke, but he didn't expect that the little guy really came to the door in less than two hours.

"Hey, look, you have one, sister has one, there are only two in total, you can't get money!"

Su Xiaoting gloated and said, "Sister, I told you that the two bottles are too few to exchange for money."

Be obedient or not believe it, insist that you can change it.

Su Zhiliang was speechless. Is it you or me who takes the bottle?

"Okay, give me the two bottles, and I'll give you a lollipop." After all, it's your grandnephew, since you obediently insist that you can change it, then give it to her, it's only a few cents anyway.

She glanced at Su Xiaoting obediently and triumphantly, she had no idea that this was given to her by Su Zhiliang, not at all exchanged for the bottle as she imagined.

The boy who got a lollipop was still not satisfied, so she bargained with Su Zhiliang, saying that if she gave two bottles, she would have two lollipops, one for her and one for her sister.

Su Zhiliang called it a good guy, he looked through the two bottles, but couldn't find any gold rims.

On the contrary, Guaiguai's little fleshy face was crystal clear, like a piece of jade worth ten thousand gold.

What a face!
She could have snatched it, but she still gave him two waste plastic bottles.

Facing the lollipop obediently handed over, Su Xiaoting was very embarrassed, took out [-] cents and secretly handed it to Su Zhiliang.Su Zhiliang knew that Su Xiaoting had money in the small coffers, so he didn't shirk it.

Since I only ate a lollipop at noon, Guaiguai didn't dare to eat it and go home now, so she and Su Xiaoting walked around the store. When they walked past two large vertical refrigerators, she saw through the glass that they were full of bottles. Bottles and jars, she had a bold idea.

Let Dad buy everything in the refrigerator, wouldn't she have a lot of bottles?
One lollipop per bottle, wouldn't she have many, many lollipops?
plan pass get√

She tiptoed to Su Xiaoting's ear and whispered her plan.

Su Xiaoting was knocked down by thunder, this sister is really a little fool, no, it's a big fool!

"Sister, why don't you ask your father to buy back the bottle I sold today, and you can exchange one for lollipops with Er Gong every day!"

Scratching her head obediently, she felt a little itchy. She must have grown her brain. She had to seriously think whether Su Xiaoting's plan was more feasible than hers.

Su Qinghe found the child and came to Su Zhiliang's house, obediently told Su Qinghe her plan first, and then waited for Su Qinghe's response with burning eyes.

Su Qinghe rolled his eyes, bought the refrigerator empty and asked her to sell the bottles, what's the difference between buying all the numbers in the lottery?
Seeing that Su Qinghe disagreed, she obediently told Su Xiaoting's plan again.

"You, don't think about doing these bright jobs that make my eyes dark!" Su Qinghe squeezed the obedient baby fat and pulled it to both sides.

Obediently pouted and slapped Su Qinghe's hand, struggling.

Su Qinghe just didn't let go, and said with a sinister smile: "Thankfully, Dad came to look for you. If Mom sees you eating lollipops again, she will really beat you."

Obediently's hands stopped in the air, no more hitting, as long as Dad let her eat lollipops, he can pinch them however he wants.

Su Qinghe is not in a hurry to take the doll home, he must let her finish eating the lollipop, otherwise she will be beaten when she returns home.It's a pity to lose them. After all, the two little ones ran to the garbage dump to pick up two bottles and exchange them forcibly.

It just so happened that Su Qinghe also wanted to ask Su Zhiliang for help, and it was not a big deal. He wanted to do some renovations to Shuangtang Village. In addition to the covered bridge and gazebo in Datang, there were also plans for a basketball court that had been shelved, as well as an activity and cultural center for the elderly. For facilities, one or two small landscapes will be built to see if Shuangtang Village can be turned into a small park.

Isn't the big policy to build a beautiful countryside? He has too much spare money on hand. Anyway, the construction of the greenhouse and the big pond will start after a while, so he just toss about it.Everyone in the village watched him grow up, and they spared no effort to help his family back then, and he didn't need everyone to donate money, just to let the old people in the village who have lived in the countryside all their lives have a colorful and not lonely life. elderly life.

And these plans all involve collective land use, so Su Zhiliang needs to get in touch and ask the villagers for their opinions.If everyone thinks it is possible, then do it, if they think it is not, then castrate some of them, especially the activity center for the elderly that he must set up.

Not all of the previous generation in Shuangtang Village were able to "go out" smoothly and settle down outside, and nearly half of them hit the wall everywhere, and their heads were covered with blood. They gritted their teeth and worked hard outside to support their children. One side of the world, given time, they will return to their roots and return to Shuangtang Village, where they were born and raised.

If everything waits for the town government to take the lead, given the current conditions of Nanling Town, I don't know how long it will take.Now Su Qinghe is giving full play to his subjective initiative to rid Shuangtang Village of its backwardness in terms of overall appearance.

"You just have too much money and no place to spend it!" Su Zhiliang said so, but with a strong smile on his face, Shuangtang Village did have a renovation plan, but it was just a plan because of lack of money, "But this money You can’t pay for all of them, other people have to pay more or less, I’ll tell them, everyone wants to live in a better environment, and they will be willing to pay for it.”

Su Qinghe smiled, "Let them do what they can, I just want to spend money to find something to do."

"You boy..." Su Zhiliang shook his head and laughed, and then expressed emotion, "If your grandfather can live until now, I don't know how happy he is to see this scene. He always wanted to make the village better. He said more than once He has no ability, and pinned his hopes on your father and a few more promising people in the village, but he didn't expect that by mistake, in the end, you would be able to realize his wish."

"This shows that he didn't love me in vain!" Su Qinghe said with a smile, causing Su Zhiliang to laugh out of relief.


Shouting obediently, she lay on Su Qinghe's lap, and asked the question she thought of just now, "I have a second uncle and a third uncle~Why isn't there a first uncle?"

Su Zhiliang was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing louder than before.

Su Xiaoting tugged on Obediently's clothes, "Sister, your first uncle is your father!"

Obediently: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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