Chapter 424 Dad~Tomatoes are delicious~~
After crossing the wind and making a detour, the bicycle stopped at the intersection of the old house and the cement road without any danger.

"Guy, we're here, it's time to get out of the car!" Su Qinghe said, and was about to hug Guai away.

Obediently clinging to the saddle tightly, she refused to get off. For her now, riding a bicycle is far more attractive than watching meowing. She just sat on it for less than a minute.

Su Qinghe held back his smile, and continued to coax: "Didn't you always want to play with Miaomiao, let's go to Miaomiao first, and when we are done playing with Miaomiao, let's take a ride, okay?"

"That's right, sister, let's go play with Miaomiao first, and I'll go with you too, and I'll take you home later, okay?" Su Xiaoting persuaded Su Qinghe to help her.

"Really?" Guaiguai's big eyes were full of doubts, but she was not looking at Su Xiaoting, but at Su Qinghe. She had been deceived by Su Qinghe too many times, no matter how naive and innocent she was, she had to grow her eyes, " You can't lie to me~~"

"Don't lie to me! If I lie to you, you can tell your mother-in-law when you go back. My mother-in-law will definitely help you get justice." Su Qinghe hurriedly assured him that he was a little guilty and annoyed at being stared at by the little guy. The guy doesn't believe him anymore, it's a crime.

Hearing that Su Qinghe moved out of the old lady, she obediently believed Su Qinghe, Duduzui asked Su Qinghe to carry her out of the car, Su Xiaoting pushed the bicycle and followed behind the father and daughter, from this bumpy mudstone slope to the old lady. Homestead.

"Meow meow~meow meow~~"

As soon as she arrived at the place, Obedient broke away from Su Qinghe's holding her hand, and yelled loudly while driving the chicken happily.

Su Qinghe glanced at the bamboo root forest, and found nothing unusual, so he came to the vegetable field and stood outside the fence to take a look. The vegetables in the fence were growing well, and Mimi was no longer in the village, and no animals went in to destroy the vegetables. .

He couldn't help thinking about the delivery of green vegetables up the mountain before, and he didn't know if Miao Miao had eaten the green vegetables. He would probably eat them, but he seemed to be very polite, and he never came to the vegetable garden to steal the green vegetables.

Put your eyes on the tomatoes in the corner of the vegetable garden. The fist-sized fruits are red, like red lanterns. Looking at them makes people feel happy. Su Qinghe originally grew tomatoes in the Hewan vegetable field, but later thought the road was far away. , and planted more than a dozen plants in the vegetable field of the old house.

Su Qinghe went in and picked one, wiped it with his clothes, put it in his mouth and took a bite, it was sweet and slightly sour.

Guaiguai shouted there for a long time, but Miaomiao didn't show up. The little guy thought he wouldn't see Miaomiao again, but he got used to it anyway, and was playing with the chicken again, making the bamboo root forest go crazy.

She is still considered pediatrics, but Su Xiaoting is amazing, Guaiguai is just chasing chickens, Su Xiaoting is catching chickens, the big rooster is obviously one of the three big bullies in the countryside, and they are still in groups. If you don't pay attention, you will be arrested by Su Xiaoting.

What a shame.

"Hey, Tingting, go wash your hands, I have delicious food here."

Su Qinghe stood in the vegetable garden, yelling loudly in the direction where the two little ones were making waves, obediently, when he heard that there was something delicious, he couldn't care less about playing, and ran over in a hurry without washing his hands. Because she was digging holes in the ground with the excavator, she fell down.

"No pain, no pain~ Eat delicious food~ Don't cry~"

The little guy comforted himself, Su Xiaoting originally planned to come to help her, but before she got there, she obediently got up by herself, didn't have a long memory, and ran wildly, and slipped into the vegetable garden.

"Father~ What's so delicious——" before the little guy finished speaking, he saw the tomato in Su Qinghe's hand. She had already eaten it, and not only chewed it directly, but also cut it and mixed it with salt and sugar. She likes to eat. When I saw her, her eyes sparkled, "It's a tomato~ Dad~ I want to eat a tomato~~"

"Come and show Dad your hands." Su Qinghe could see clearly just now that the little guy fell down firmly, but the little guy didn't cry, so he held back and didn't move.

The little guy stretched out his hands, and his rosy white palms were stained with dirt. Su Qinghe gave the little guy a bite of the tomato he had gnawed halfway, and then gently wiped away the dirt on the little guy's palms, but luckily it didn't scratch Skin.

Su Xiaoting came in after washing her hands, first looked at her obedient hands, she felt relieved when she saw that nothing was wrong, and joked: "Sister, you dug the ground like that, you knocked yourself down."

Obediently was reminded, only to realize that she had dug out those pits herself, so she laughed foolishly, Su Qinghe asked Su Xiaoting to pick tomatoes to eat by herself, and he took obediently to wash her hands first.

"Guaiguai didn't even cry when he wrestled. It's great. Daddy wants to reward Guaiguai with a big tomato!" After taking Guaiguai to wash his hands and returning, Su Qinghe picked out a tomato that was big enough, and the little guy happily held it in his hands. , compared with her small fat claws, Su Qinghe felt that the tomato was scary, it felt like an adult holding a grapefruit.

The little guy anxiously used his baby teeth to bite the tomato. Once it was posted, the tomato was half the size of her face. She didn't bite the skin, leaving only a puddle of saliva. Su Qinghe said disgustedly, "Yeah With a sound, he took it over and took a bite, so that the little guy had a place for his lower teeth.

"Dad~Tomatoes are delicious~~" The little guy finally ate the tomato in her hand, and there was a circle of juice around her mouth. She stretched out her pink and tender tongue and scraped around the side of her mouth.

Su Qinghe smiled, as if feeling something in his heart, he raised his hand and looked up the mountain. He saw a head protruding from the weeds, it was not a little civet, but it was something else.

Seeing Su Qinghe looking over, the little civet looked at Su Qinghe for a moment, then retracted its head with a swish, and then poked it out again, only to find that Su Qinghe was still looking at it, and retracted it again.Going back and forth like this several times, the little civet seemed to feel Su Qinghe's kindness, and when it poked its head out again, it didn't avoid people anymore, just looking at Su Qinghe.

"Hey, look at Miaomiao." Su Qinghe patted the little boy on the head, and the little guy quickly looked around, but the fence was too high, she didn't look at anything, so Su Qinghe picked her up and pointed to the head on the mountain .

Obediently was very pleasantly surprised, he stopped chewing on the delicious tomato, hugged it in his arms, and asked the little civet to say hello with one hand, "Meow~meow~~"

Perhaps he felt that just saying hello like this is not warm or sincere enough, so the little guy waved his hands and shouted again: "Meow meow come here~ Tomatoes are delicious~ Let me eat tomatoes~~"

In order to increase her persuasiveness, she picked up the tomato she had eaten and showed it to the little civet.

After Su Xiaoting found out that the little civet was a national security guard, she was more awed than curious about the little civet. She was not as enthusiastic as the obedient one. The fence was too high, so she ran to the gate of the vegetable garden, peeking her head at the mountain secretly.

The little civet probably sensed Guaiguai's enthusiasm and sincerity, so he barked twice to express his response, and then under Guaiguai's unbelievable eyes, it swooped down from the mountain.

Generally speaking, the slope of this kind of mountain is relatively gentle, but after all, this place used to be an old house, and the foot of the mountain behind was excavated. The slope is relatively steep and straight, almost ninety degrees, and it is also five or six m high.

The little civet borrowed strength a few times in the middle, and landed to buffer a certain distance. Only then did she come back to her senses obediently. She thought the little civet was performing for her, so she slapped her hands generously and gave the applause.

But she forgot that she still had a big tomato in her hand. With this slap, the big tomato fell to the ground and rolled around. It was already covered with obedient saliva, but now there was another layer of dirt.

Obediently looked down, her little face was wrinkled again.

Even wrestling couldn't make her cry, but when a delicious tomato fell to the ground, she wanted to cry.

 I still feel backache and backache are too tired, but not that serious. The day before yesterday, I felt bad lying down, let alone sitting. The day before yesterday, I slept for two days and only ate one meal a day. After a few mouthfuls, I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, and I hanged myself by drinking water.

  After a lot of trouble, we only ordered [-] yuan, so we can no longer ask for leave, it's all a small amount of money! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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