Chapter 400 Sister~It is disobedient~~
Su Qinghe couldn't compete with Guaiguai for nothing, he had to negotiate terms with Guaiguai before starting.

"Hey, if Dad wins, you have to promise Dad one thing, you won't talk back to Mom in the future, okay?"

"Okay~~" Guaiguai is now confident, and she nods immediately after hearing the words, not only that, she also has the condition to talk to Su Qinghe, "Daddy won't hit me~~"

"You mean if you win, Dad can't beat you in the future?"

"It's dripping~"

"Okay, Dad promises you!"

Both father and daughter were very confident. Under the gleeful eyes of the stall owner, Su Qinghe scanned the QR code to pay, and while the stall owner was putting bullets into the gun, there were more children watching.

How fresh it is for an adult to play a balloon game with such a small baby!
Su Qinghe tried two shots, two hit one, which confirmed the previous guess, the gun he picked at random was quite easy to use.

He turned his head and looked down at the boy, "My boy, Dad will give you another chance, are you sure you want to compete with Dad?"


Su Qinghe raised his eyebrows, I gave you a chance!
No more hesitation at the moment, Su Qinghe fired one bullet last time, the speed is not fast, but the accuracy is not bad, 30 bullets exploded 21 balloons, especially the last ten bullets, nine out of ten bullets, children They all exclaimed again and again.

calm down.

Su Qinghe put down the gun calmly, and kept his bearing in front of the children.

The little guy was dumbfounded, and when he regained his senses, he waved the glowing toy, jumped up and down and shouted: "Daddy is the top quack~ sister~ my father is the top quack~~"

"Sister, you are competing with your father!" Su Xiaoting scratched her head and ears, the opponent was too strong, what should I do?
Before she could think of anything, Su Qinghe handed a loaded gun to Guaiguai, and said with a smile: "It's your turn!"

Obediently, with bright eyes and no timidity, Lala Su Xiaoting said, "Sister~ let's come~~"

Come, come, anyway, it's Su Qinghe and Guaiguai who are negotiating terms, and they have nothing to do with her.Besides, she is still a child, is there a problem with losing to adults?

In a very short period of time, Su Xiaoting figured it out, and asked Guaiguai to put the light-emitting toy in his hand into his pocket, and the two little ones stood in front of the booth.

We are one in mind!

Maybe it's because of the pressure. They...uh, it's actually Su Xiaoting. Every time they fire a shot, they take a long time to aim.Four shots were fired and only one balloon was blown up, so Su Xiaoting hurriedly shouted: "Sister, don't use such force, I won't be able to aim properly!"

It's also a pain for her. Every time she wants to aim, she is always affected by the strength of Guaiguai. It's a balloon that can't burst.

But guaiguai also has her own reasons, "I'm biubiu top quack~~"

"Then I'll let you shoot it yourself!" Su Xiaoting didn't try any harder, but she didn't let go, mainly because she was afraid of obediently shooting someone.

I have played a round before, and I understand a little bit of it, so I can do it myself!
Seeing the front sight moving back and forth, the little guy couldn't control it well, so she became impatient.

"Don't move~ don't move~ you can't move~~"

Su Xiaoting thought she was talking about her obediently, so she innocently argued: "I didn't move! I didn't use any force!"

"It's not my sister~" obediently pursed her lips, pointing at the front sight, "Sister~it's this~ she doesn't listen~~"

Suddenly, Su Xiaoting secretly suppressed a smile.

Obedient really has no other choice, and probably realized that he is not that powerful, so he asked Su Xiaoting for help, "Sister~ help me~~"

"Then you have to listen to me, don't use too much force, you know?"

"I know~~"

This scene of chicken flying and dog jumping made Su Qinghe almost laugh out loud, he was pretty good, at least he took care of the father and daughter, the other children were impolite, and laughed out loud.

There is a happy vibe in the air.

The result of the competition is self-evident. Although Su Xiaoting used her whole life's skills, she still lost to Su Qinghe by a huge gap.

"I lost it obediently, didn't I?"

The little guy nodded bluntly, willing to admit defeat.

"Then obediently promise daddy, remember?"

Obediently recalled, "I can't talk back to my mother~~"

"Can it be done?"


"Father believes in Guaiguai, Guaiguai will be a good boy!"

Obediently focused on her little head, "Obely fasten the child~"

"It's awesome, Daddy rewards you with a little doll!"

Su Qinghe just scored 30 out of 21. According to the stall owner's rules, there was a palm-sized doll.He asked Kuaiguai to choose by himself, and Kuaiguai looked at it for a while before choosing a Lazy Goat doll with a lump of poop on its head.

Obediently, I immediately asked Su Xiaoting to share, "Sister~ this baa baa is icy~~"

"It's ice cream!!" Su Xiaoting corrected.

"Bing Linlin~~" Smiled obediently, then handed the doll forward, "Sister~Here you~~"

Su Xiaoting was puzzled: "Your father rewarded you, why did you give it to me?"

"Sister biubiu top quack~~" The obedient tone was so natural, the little doll forced it to Su Xiaoting.

Su Xiaoting looked at Su Qinghe, Su Qinghe just smiled.

"Thank you, sister!" Su Xiaoting held it in her hand happily. She and Guaiguai only popped nine balloons just now, and they are only one short away from receiving the little doll.

"You're welcome~~" obediently waved her chubby little hands.

The sound of firecrackers was rumbling, and thick red confetti was piled up in front of the temple house. In the thick night, colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky.

This is a more lively and festive night than New Year's Eve.

Near eight o'clock, the old lady and Bai Zhi and the others came slowly. Seeing that they had a good time with Su Xiaoting, they went to the stage.

In the paradise in front of the stage, many people were already standing or sitting.In the middle of the crowd, there was a long bench made by no one, which was specially reserved for the old lady after Su Zhiliang said hello.

The theatrical troupe was invited by Su Qinghe, and Su Qinghe also took care of the troupe's food and lodging. The Shuangtang Society didn't need to worry about anything except providing a stage.In terms of emotion and reason, the old lady should be given an excellent seat to watch the show, and no one can pick a thorn.

When the old lady sat down, the people next to her chatted enthusiastically with the old lady, kept praising her for being blessed and Su Qinghe for her filial piety, and said all the good things they thought of, coaxing the old lady until she couldn't see her teeth.

It would be a lie to say that you don't envy them. Who doesn't want to have a descendant who is rich, capable and filial? Once a person gets old, he is not as good as his descendants. Is it possible that he can live longer than anyone else?

The old lady just passed her 86th birthday just over a month ago, and it is rare to live a long life in Shuangtang Club. Who can guarantee that he will be able to live longer than the old lady?
Amidst the compliments from the neighbors, the time quietly came to eight o'clock sharp, and the drama kicked off.

The song was the most widely circulated Cantonese opera classic "Emperor Flower", which was chosen by the old lady, and it was also the play she had heard the most in her long life.

This guy loves nostalgia.

(End of this chapter)

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