Dad: I will farm and raise children after quitting the circle

Chapter 397 The Good Heavenly Master is Online! ! !

Chapter 397 The Good Heavenly Master is Online! ! !

Setting up a Zongtai means marking out a place where people nearby gather together to worship.

It doesn't really matter if it's earlier or later, and Su Qinghe didn't bother to bother. After a simple lunch, he moved the table leisurely to the paradise of Su Zhiliang's house.

It was past twelve o'clock, and not only many tables were set up in the hall, but also sacrifices were placed.

Su Qinghe unfolded the table in order, then slowly went home to carry the sacrifices, took out a roll of firecrackers and hung them on a longan tree, the whole family was at Su Zhiliang's house, bragging with their neighbors.

Shuangtang Village is not considered crowded, and it is divided into two Zongtai sites, so the scale in front of it is not too big, but there are more than 20 tables neatly arranged, and each table is filled with similar sacrifices , more than twenty yellow, orange, smooth cooked chickens raised their heads high towards the same place.

The front is the place where the statue will be placed at that time.

This is not a big deal. In some large villages, at least hundreds of households gather together to set up a Zongtai, and hundreds of whole cooked chickens are neatly placed on the table. There are seas of chickens and seas of people. That is a spectacular scene.

But even if it was a small scale, it was enough to make Guaiguai exclaim unceasingly, she had never seen such a scene, so many chickens, how many drumsticks must there be!
The little guy swallowed his saliva, and took a peek at the adults. Seeing that they were all talking, he and his cousin secretly walked to the nearest table.

"What do you want to do!"

Although Su Qinghe was talking to his neighbors, he didn't ignore the two little ones. Although the two little ones had no criminal record, they had their cases every year, so nothing happened.

Su Qinghe clearly remembered that one year, a child stole the comb of a chicken that hadn't worshiped gods, and it was too late to kill another chicken. Out of dozens of chickens, there was only one with a bald head, which was ridiculous. up.

He didn't feel ashamed when he wanted to do something bad and was caught on the spot. Instead, he pointed at the chickens and said with a silly smile, "Dad~ so many chicken legs~~"

Su Qinghe held a doll in one hand, and said with a smile: "Then let me test you, how many chickens and how many chicken legs are there?"

Anyway, it's idle, so it's good to play with the two dolls for a while, lest one of them is inattentive, and the two dolls run to cause damage.

Obediently, he started counting, but Rang Rang didn't count in a hurry, he stared at Su Qinghe, and asked in a childlike voice: "Cousin, is there any reward for the correct answer?"

His enunciation is not as clear as obediently, but if you listen carefully, you can understand it easily.

The obedient counting stopped immediately, and she looked at her cousin Rang Rang in surprise, so she can still play like this?

When she saw Su Qinghe nodding her head, she pursed her lips and looked annoyed.

It turned out that she could still negotiate terms with her father like this, so wouldn't it be a big loss for her to be active in the past?
For a moment, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and when she took a step back, the more she thought about it, the more she suffered, obediently protested immediately, asking Su Qinghe to make up for her, otherwise she would stop counting and let Su Qinghe count it by himself.

Su Qinghe thought it was funny, this little guy is really forgetful, before today, she didn't ask for less conditions?And from time to time to bargain with him!
Too lazy to settle the old score with the little guy, Su Qinghe put his head on the obedient little head, "If you don't count the obedient ones, you will miss a good opportunity? Tell Dad, what reward do you want?"

Thinking obediently, I found that I didn't seem to have anything I wanted.

Su Qinghe saw it, and said: "Then obediently count first, and then tell Dad when you think of it, Dad will definitely be good at his debts, okay?"


Simple and simple, Su Qinghe dealt with it obediently.

The two little ones started counting, each counted their own, and they interfered with each other successfully after counting a few numbers, and had to start counting from the beginning again, but the counting got messed up again, so they complained to each other, which made Su Qinghe very happy .

Still obediently finding out that something was wrong, she asked Su Qinghe to put her down on the ground, ran to Bai Jianan for a hug, separated from her cousin Rang and counted, and finally counted how many chickens there were before the Wandering God team arrived.

Just when they started counting chicken legs, Su Xiaoting rushed in with a group of boy scouts holding a small flag, accompanied by the faint sound of gongs and drums.

"Sister~~" He stopped counting obediently and went to play with Su Xiaoting.

Su Xiaoting raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve, and played with the little flag obediently for a while, while she herself went to find Su Meng, holding a bowl of noodles and gobbling it up.

Su Qinghe was delighted to see it, Su Xiaoting was too honest, remembering that when he and Su Quan went to raise the small flag, they usually ran home and then went to join the big troops when the time was almost up .

What's more, they find a place to hide as soon as they set off, and play at the play stall in the temple house. At noon, they run home to eat, and then run to play again. peloton.

Anyway, those who hold small flags run back and forth quickly, and they are always out of touch with the main force, and there are no adults who suddenly call their names for attendance.

They are all promising people, and they are well versed in the way of fishing at a young age.

As the sound of gongs and drums got closer, the team of wandering gods appeared within the field of vision, and statues of gods sat on sedan chairs and were carried to the open space directly in front of the chicken head.

The following ceremony is the legendary "feudal superstition" - Daogong mutters an incomprehensible tune, holds a mahogany sword and dances to the gods, and throws a tortoise shell to divination for good and bad fortune.

Su Qinghe, the neighbors, and a group of people who set up the Zongtai here brought the whole family, young and old, standing behind Daogong, kneeling when they shouted kneeling, and worshiping when they shouted obeisance.

She is very happy to be obedient, she is very interested in these gossips, if it wasn't for Su Qinghe holding her and covering her mouth, she would have run up to sing lyrics and dance with Daogong.

There is one thing to say, the step of Daogong divination for good and bad luck must throw out the lucky one, if it fails once, do it again, and if it fails, do it again.Su Qinghe thought it was so interesting, it felt like he was saying to all the gods: If you don't protect me today, you have to bless me!
A little superstitious, but not much.

Therefore, it will lead to some positions being placed very quickly, while others need to spend a little more time.

Su Qinghe is very lucky at the site where Su Qinghe is now, and Jifu was occupied at one time, so the process went smoothly and smoothly.

When it was over, Su Xiaoting, who was full of food and drink, ran to the next pendulum clock stand with the boy scouts, and the wandering spirit team beat gongs and drums, and rushed to the next pendulum stand amidst the sound of loud firecrackers.

Obediently watched the Wandering God team leave with burning eyes, and when everyone was packing up the sacrifices, she ran to the place where Dao Gong was just now, babbled and sang tunes, bouncing and imitating Tiao Dashen.

Good Heavenly Master is online! ! !

Anyway, they were not in a hurry, so everyone slowed down their movements and looked at the obedient celestial master dancing with a smile.

Su Qinghe shook his head and laughed, looking at the yellow paper with "Zhong Kui Exorcising Evil" printed on it in his hand. It was placed on the altar by the Daoist just now, and every household with the Zongtai has it. It was to be taken home and pasted on the wall !

(End of this chapter)

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