Dad: I will farm and raise children after quitting the circle

Chapter 361 I will buy less things for you from now on

Chapter 361 I will buy less things for you from now on
The chair in the little guy's mouth is naturally a child safety seat, and that is her dragon chair. She lost her temper with Su Qinghe when Su Qinghe took it down, and now she asks Su Qinghe to install her dragon chair in the new car. There is no doubt that she has forgotten the old love when she has a new love.

"Baby, you like this car very much, don't you?" Su Qinghe stood outside the open car door, looking at the little guy in socks who was bouncing while leaning on the back of the chair with some headaches. It's disco.

"I like it so much~" He obediently stopped, nodded his head heavily, and the flesh on his face trembled accordingly.

She really likes this new car, after Su Qinghe drove home, she didn't care what time it was, she would go to Su Xiaoting's house to find someone after Su Qinghe drove the old lady, and she wanted to introduce her new car to Su Xiaoting.

Su Xiaoting doesn't eat at Su Qinghe's house at night now, Su Meng doesn't need to work overtime, he can come back to cook at night, even though it's late for dinner, father and daughter eat together happily.

Obediently is happy, but Su Qinghe has a big head.

He was happy when he placed the order, and he was happy when he was playing. Now he saw six ponies parked in a row in the yard, and he didn't know where to put them.Neither he nor Bai Zhi had thought about this issue.

"There's no room for the utility room!" Bai Zhi spread out her hands. Although the building of Su Qinghe's house is not small, there is a dining room, a living room, and two large suites on the first floor. Naturally, it is impossible to reserve too much area for the utility room.

The old lady is nostalgic, and some old items and things that have been worn out or unused over the years are put in the utility room. There is no plan, and they are scattered here and there.Plus some toys that were obediently neglected, Su Qinghe thought it would take up space in the living room, so he also put them in the utility room.

"After the first month is over, find a time to tidy up the utility room. Throw away the unnecessary things, and move the toys that you don't like to play with upstairs." Su Qinghe said, closing the door of the utility room, Scanning around the living room, the living room is not small, but it has been surrounded by a fence, claw machines and other things are also placed in the living room, and there is no extra space now.

I usually don't pay much attention to it, but looking at it now, the house is almost full of obedient things.

"From now on, I won't buy things for Guaiguai anymore!" Su Qinghe said to Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi was not happy, "Why did you tell me, shouldn't you reflect on yourself?"

Su Qinghe laughed, "Why don't you see for yourself, how many of these toys were bought by me besides others' gifts?"

Bai Zhi really went to count, but after a while, she folded her arms and sat on the sofa sullenly. Although Su Qinghe usually looks like a daughter-servant, Bai Zhi bought the most things for Guaiguai.

Obediently like it, buy it!
If she likes it, buy it!

She thinks she likes it obediently, buy it!

He said that Su Qinghe was a slave to his daughter, and he put on the image of a tiger mother, but he was actually more obedient than anyone else.

Su Qinghe approached very ignorantly, "Is that right, am I right?"

"go away!"

Su Qinghe walked out of the house dejectedly, just in time to see Guaiguai and Su Xiaoting walking in from the gate of the courtyard holding hands, and the old lady followed behind with a smile.

The little guy came to ask Su Qinghe to open the door, and she wanted to show Su Xiaoting the functions of the new car.

Su Qinghe didn't bother to care, opened the car door and let the little sisters go to the car to fiddle with themselves. The old lady couldn't smell the smell in the car, so she went back to sit on the porch.

Su Qinghe drove the car out of the carport. Fortunately, he dismantled the bouncy castle two days ago, otherwise there would be a bouncy castle in the yard and an MPV parked there, so there would be no extra space for cars.

He rode the six Zhuge horses to the shed one by one, and covered them with tarpaulins to prevent them from being wet by the frost and dew in the middle of the night.

"It's all right now, not only the house is full of obedient things, but the carport is also used to store her toys!" Su Qinghe said to the old lady with a smile.

"How can there be so many obedient things!" The old lady's heart was lost in the sea, and nonsense came out as soon as she opened her mouth.

Su Qinghe smiled, "Grandmother, you said if I bought a supermarket, would you think I wasted money?"

"You have so much money that you have no place to use it?" Su Qinghe asked for no reason. The old lady was startled, and glanced at Su Qinghe, thinking that he was discussing with herself, and said quickly, "I know you are making a lot of money now." It's easy, but you can't spend it like this!"

"I'll just talk casually." Su Qinghe's smile didn't change, but he looked at Guaiguai who was playing with Su Xiaoting in the car, "But I said I bought it for Guaiguai, do you think I'm spending money recklessly?" ?”

"You made such a big circle, just want to say that I am partial?" The old lady was amused by Su Qinghe, and she said confidently, "Hey, you are so cute and smart, I am partial, what's the matter. You really want to buy a supermarket to give it to me?" Darling, not only will I not accuse you of spending money recklessly, but I will even praise you!"

Su Qinghe curled his lips, so let's just say, it's meaningless to debate with the old man on the topic of favoritism or not.Living to her age, if there is anything more joyful than seeing a new life, it is that this new life in the family is very well-behaved, smart and lively.

Obediently has all these advantages, and she is the first child of the new generation in the family, and currently the only one, the old lady must prefer her.

It's as if she and the old man were partial to Su Qinghe at the beginning.

In the evening, I still eat eel porridge, which is fresh eel caught by Su Xiaoting during the day, and the old lady cooks it herself.Although Bai Zhi's cooking skills are not bad, when it comes to cooking eel porridge, neither Su Qinghe nor Bai Zhi combined can compare to the old lady.

Rice field eel has the effect of nourishing blood and qi, and it tastes delicious. It is the happiest thing to eat a pot of steaming rice field eel porridge in winter.

Obediently also loves to eat. She was in a good mood and ate two bowls in a row. She reluctantly put down the spoon until her stomach couldn't hold it anymore. She let out a sigh of satisfaction, patted her bulging belly and shouted loudly: "Delicious~"

"Tell Dad, what do you think is not delicious?"

After thinking about it obediently, he said solemnly: "It's all delicious~ rice field eel porridge is super delicious~"

It was even better, and the three adults were all amused by this milk dumpling.

After Su Xiaoting had dinner, she came over to continue her musical instrument class. The little girl really liked playing musical instruments. Even though it was winter vacation, she would take the initiative to come to class every night without Bai Zhi's urging.And the progress is also gratifying, more than half a month ago Su Qinghe thought that what she was pulling out was noise, but now it is different, he can hear a little way, the progress is obvious.

But Bai Zhi didn't plan to teach Su Xiaoting the violin tonight, she asked Su Xiaoting to bring a harmonica when she finished class last night, and she wanted to teach Su Xiaoting to play a new piece.

Compared with just getting started with the violin, Su Xiaoting has already mastered the harmonica proficiently, but there are not many pieces taught by Baizhi, and she only teaches her one after a while.

Now that she can learn new songs again, Su Xiaoting is naturally very happy.

"Play the tune that I taught you before first." Bai Zhi started teaching in no hurry, just like when teaching new tunes before, let Su Xiaoting play the tune she had learned first.

Su Xiaoting nodded confidently. She did not practice less at home, so she passed the test naturally.

Bai Zhi nodded secretly, and verbally encouraged Su Xiaoting a few words. The little girl learns things very quickly, but if she wants to master it, she naturally needs to spend more time practicing.Su Xiaoting can take the initiative to work hard on her spare time hobbies, this attitude is nothing to say!
(End of this chapter)

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