Dad: I will farm and raise children after quitting the circle

Chapter 349 Big Sister~I'll Teach You~

Chapter 349 Big Sister~I'll Teach You~
It was also the first time Su Qinghe entered the temple since he came back.The temple is not big, similar to a courtyard building. There are a group of god statues on the top of the main hall.

The largest statue in the temple is the statue of Mrs. Xian in the side hall. Mrs. Xian has a high reputation in the industry and among the people. The whole side hall of Shuangtang Temple Society is dedicated to Mrs. Xian. A statue of Mrs. Xian more than two meters high sits Standing in the highest position, she looks down on every common people who worships her with compassion in her eyes.In front of the statue, there is also a statue of Mrs. Xian, which is scaled down in equal proportions and is a circle larger than the statue in the main hall, which is used for annual tours of the gods.

Su Qinghe doesn't need to worry about the blessing protection activities, the whole process is handled by the old lady herself, he is only responsible for helping to carry the sacrifices, if the old lady is not old, Su Qinghe doesn't have to follow.It was like this when he was at home when he was a child, and the old lady had already paid back Baofu when he woke up.

Now Su Qinghe was standing in the side hall, looking at the statue of Madam Xian kindly with a smile on his lips, and bowed three times and kowtowed reverently to this tall and gorgeous ceramic statue.

Before New Year's Day, he had a short meeting with a few friends in the industry. At that time, through the matchmaking of Shuangtang Fruit Company, the leader of the industry and the city government in charge of propaganda approached Director Zhang, hoping that he could make a film based on Mrs. Xian's historical life. For the movie, Su Qinghe also helped persuade Director Zhang during the meeting.

After more than ten days of consideration, Director Zhang agreed, and responded to the industry and the city government in a very formal way.

The ceremony of returning blessings was not long, mainly because the waiting time was relatively long. About 10 minutes later, Su Qinghe walked out of the temple with his family members carrying the basket containing the offerings.

"Grandmother, you shouldn't need to worship God before New Year's Eve, right?"

"No need, the next time you worship God will be New Year's Eve."

The old lady hugged Guaiguai from Baizhi's hand with a smile, "Guaiguai is really good, there is no noise in the temple!"

"I'm very obedient~" Obediently grinned, showing a mouthful of milky white baby teeth, although Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi despise the little guy's naughty routine, but she can clearly distinguish the occasion and shouldn't make trouble When there is no place to make trouble, she will behave very well.

Seeing this smiling face that was brighter than the winter day in the sky, Su Qinghe's heart skipped a beat, and he took out a candied orange from the basket and handed it to Guaiguai, "Guaiguai, your performance just now was superb, this is a reward from Dad. "

"Thank you, Dad~" The little guy happily took the Tangju, and began to pick and pick with his fingers.

Not long after returning home, Su Xiaoting came over, "Sister, where did you go just now, when I came over, I saw your house was locked?"

The little guy hesitated and couldn't speak, but the old lady replied with a smile: "Go to the temple to repay your blessings."

"Baobaofu~" Nodding obediently, imitating the tongue, it means that's it.

"Are you still lucky today?" The little girl was a little anxious, "But my father didn't know, he went to work!"

The old lady was overjoyed, "You don't even pay for insurance, so what are you paying for?"

"So my family didn't have Baofu?" Su Xiaoting breathed a sigh of relief, but she was a little disappointed. She knew about Baofu, but she didn't know much about it.She was a little annoyed that she hadn't done enough when she was alone at home.

The old lady touched Su Xiaoting's head, "Next year, let your father go to Baofu as well."

"Sister~ I will~" Guaiguai suddenly said something inexplicable, and before Su Qinghe could ask her what she would do, she heard the little guy babbling for a while, which was similar to the tone of Daogong's humming just now.

Su Qinghe: "???"

He looked at Guaiguai with a strange expression, is this your talent, Guaiguai Tianshi.

Bai Zhi was also dumbfounded. She had indeed fulfilled Guaiguai's request just now, and held her to watch Daogong at a close distance, but she never thought that Guaiguai would actually make such an idea.

The key is that she really learned it secretly! !
Bai Zhi is a little self-doubting. She has taught her to sing New Year's songs for a while, and the little guy managed to stop singing out of tune. She just listened to Daogong humming for a few minutes, and she learned it?

She retracted her previous judgment that she doubted that Guaiguai was generally gifted. This is not ordinary talent. This imitation ability is simply against the sky, okay? It seems that there is a huge gap between active learning and passive learning.

Fortunately, the babe didn't babble for too long, but it was enough to make people feel surprised.

The old lady rewarded Guaiguai with another sugar orange with a smile on her face, Su Xiaoting happily asked Guaitian teacher for advice, "Sister, you are so amazing, can you teach me?"

"Sister~ I'll teach you~" Good Heavenly Master patted his little chest, Su Xiaoting has always taught her to learn things, this is the first time Su Xiaoting asked her to teach her, the little guy is super proud.

Seeing the two little ones babbling and humming, this scene made Su Qinghe a little bit unbearable to look directly at, what is wrong with the world, vying to learn this?
On the contrary, Bai Zhi and the old lady watched with great interest, especially Bai Zhi, whose eyes seemed to have a strange light, obviously thinking of something funny again.

Su Qinghe's cell phone rang, and he walked out of the living room as if fleeing, and connected to Qin Hao's call.

There was only one thing Qin Hao reported. After a quick rush, the plan for the rural kindergarten was finally completed and sent to Su Qinghe's email. After the docking with the government, you can choose a site and start construction after passing it.

After talking about the business, Su Qinghe became concerned about this single nobleman who has been helping each other for more than ten years, "What are your plans for this year's New Year?"

"To travel abroad, I have already bought air tickets, so let's take a ten-day trip to Europe first." Qin Hao said.

"Are you still going abroad after Chinese New Year?"

"I only go abroad for the Chinese New Year. You have a family and a room, so you can't accompany me for the Chinese New Year. I can only go abroad to play by myself!"

Although Qin Hao's tone sounded relaxed, after all, the two had been together for more than ten years, and he was still keenly aware of Qin Hao's deeply hidden loneliness.

Qin Hao grew up in a single-parent family. He never saw his father when he was born. It was his mother who worked hard to bring him up.Years of Yu Lao, his mother's health is not good, when Qin Hao's career is successful, his mother died of illness within a few years of good life, leaving Qin Hao alone.

Su Qinghe can understand why he chose to go abroad during the Chinese New Year. The Spring Festival is a national holiday, and the Chinese New Year atmosphere in China is too strong. For Qin Hao, who has no one around him, that feeling of loneliness and longing will be magnified countless times.

"I still wanted you to come to my house to celebrate the New Year!" Su Qinghe said regretfully.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone before Qin Hao laughed and said lazily: "If you have a family, I won't bother you. By the way, I sent you and Xiaoguai a New Year's gift, and it should arrive in two days. There will be a call to contact you at that time, don't miss it."

"I see, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to fish in the pond here, I wish you a good time!"

(End of this chapter)

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