Chapter 339 Dad~ Sorry~
As far as this year is concerned, it is definitely impossible to treat everyone equally. The company's structure is formed by the first batch of employees recruited in. They work harder, and it is appropriate to give them more bonuses.

Paying should be rewarded. Two months’ salary will be paid as a year-end bonus. This is a bonus that treats everyone equally. To make up the salary of the first batch of employees for a full year, that is, to receive half a year’s salary, this is Su Qinghe’s reward for them. .

Bai Zhi understands what Su Qinghe means, and she has no objection. Shuangtang Fruit Company has already made more than one billion yuan in profit just by selling strawberries, and it spends hundreds of thousands of millions to reward employees.

After chatting with Bai Zhi about the company, Su Qinghe turned to talk about personal matters, "You remember to transfer money to your parents and grandparents for the New Year, you decide how much to transfer."

Most of the old people who were close to Su Qinghe's family left early, and basically none of them needed money for the New Year. The main ones were the elders of Bai Zhi's mother's family.If it wasn't for the fact that he is still young and the journey is far away, he wouldn't even need to transfer the money, so taking Bai Zhi to his natal family to transfer the money by himself would be even more satisfying.

Bai Zhi obviously thought about it a long time ago, she nodded and said: "Then give them five thousand each."

"You just make up your mind." Su Qinghe paused, then asked again: "By the way, how much cash do you have at home?"

I used to get cash back when growing strawberries before, but there was a lot of work in the greenhouse, and He Jianguo couldn’t handle it alone. From time to time, I needed help from the village. The cash I got back was used to pay wages. It’s almost the Chinese New Year. Payroll also needs cash, so Su Qinghe thought that if the family didn't have much cash, he had to go to the town bank to withdraw money early.

It is true that there is not much cash at home, just over [-], Su Qinghe calculated in his heart, "At least [-] in cash must be withdrawn, [-] will be given to grandma, and uncle and aunt will use the amount you gave to parents. You have to give [-], and the remaining [-] is almost enough to give you a payout."

Bai Zhi was speechless, "How much Laisee do you plan to give?"

"We have made money, so we can't be stingy, right? A red envelope is only 100 yuan!" Su Qinghe said with a smile. The New Year's bonus in Guangdong Province is indeed very small, usually five or ten yuan, but he is also a child. I don’t know how happy I was when I received a big red envelope when I was a child. Anyway, he is also rich, so let’s be a rich man who surprises children.

"And there are quite a few children in the village. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the only ones you see are those who are the same age as Tingting. There are also many who are in junior high school and high school, and they don't usually show up. Besides, it's Chinese New Year, and there are many relatives. You see, our family has quite a few relatives, and if I celebrate the New Year at home, they should also come. In addition, the children will also be given red envelopes during the year, so if you calculate it like this, [-] is about the same." Su Qinghe explained in a straight-forward manner.

He has a good impression of the relatives in the family. Although he doesn't have much contact with them at ordinary times, that is to avoid suspicion, so as to avoid people talking behind his back that they dislike the poor and love the rich. But in fact, when Su Qinghe's family had an accident, how much could these relatives help? Help as much as you want, nothing else.

At the beginning, the old lady proposed to make New Year's wine for Guaiguai, just to tell relatives and friends that the family has not broken up, and Su Qinghe has not only carried it, but also has children.If there is no accident, this year's Chinese New Year will not be the same as in previous years. It is as simple as sending a representative to visit the old lady.

A red envelope of 100 yuan seems to be quite a lot, but lai shi lai shi is talking about exchanging money for money. Su Qinghe pays a lai shi for how much money, and the lai shi that others give to Xiaoguai is also the same amount. The happy ones must be children. In the end, it was the children who were confiscated and sad.Of course, if there are more children in the family, it must be earned, but for the Chinese New Year, no adult will deliberately care about this, the atmosphere is the most important.

Children are eagerly looking forward to the Chinese New Year, because not only are there red envelopes for Chinese New Year, but they can also play wildly. Adults are extra tolerant during the few days of Chinese New Year.But for adults, there are still many tedious tasks to do before the New Year.

Taking advantage of the rain in the past few days, Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi were busy up and down, cleaning up the hygiene of the house, tearing up the couplets posted on New Year's Eve last year, and moving the tables, chairs and chairs out when the weather cleared washed.

On Sunday, the long-lost sun dispelled the gloom in the sky, and the temperature rose rapidly.People in the village have already returned one after another, and every household took advantage of the good weather today to quickly take out the things that should be washed.

Su Qinghe was no exception. After cleaning the tables and chairs, he wiped the air in the bouncy castle. The little guy was so happy. Su Qinghe forced him to put on a small raincoat, and lay on the fabric of the bouncy castle with his buttocks pouted , Xiaopang held the brush Su Qinghe gave her in his hand, and happily brushed the white foam of washing powder.

"Dad~Look~Bubble~" The obedient little milk voice was loud and clear, and she raised her hand to show Su Qinghe the little bubble on the back of her hand.

Su Qinghe glanced at it, laughed a few times, and popped the little bubble with his fingers.

Obediently startled, raised his hand and hit Su Qinghe, "Bad dad~"

Su Qinghe gently pushed Guaiguai, but Guaiguai didn't stand still, and sat down on his buttocks, it's all right now, Su Qinghe completely annoyed Guaiguai, the little guy was so vicious, he whimpered and crawled to settle accounts with Su Qinghe.

The father and daughter quarreled for a while, and they stopped quickly when they saw Bai Zhi coming out.

"Hey, look, Dad, is this bubble big?" Su Qinghe clapped his palms together, opened them gently, and pulled out a relatively large bubble in his palm.

Obediently staring blankly, her brain told her that her eyes had learned, the little guy clapped his palms with a "snap", and when he let go, it was nothing.

She didn't believe in evil, tried a few more times, and finally had to accept that her little fat hand didn't learn this skill.

Seeing that Su Qinghe succeeded a few more times, she couldn't bear it anymore, and begged after posting it: "Dad~ teach me~ I want to learn~"

However, Su Qinghe started to make up his mind, "Did darling just hit Dad?"

"Father~ I'm sorry~" Hearing this obediently, he knew that Su Qinghe was going to settle accounts with her, so he apologized very bachelorly.Isn't it just an apology? Is it not enough for someone to apologize to me? It's so worthwhile to learn how to make bubbles by saying sorry.

What Su Qinghe wanted to say reached his throat, but obediently preempted him. It was extremely uncomfortable. There was really nothing he could do with this little guy.

Rubbing bubbles with hands is not difficult to learn, Su Qinghe taught her hands-on, obediently learned quickly, and succeeded once or twice out of ten times, Su Qinghe asked her to go aside and play by herself.

Wearing beautiful clothes, Su Xiaoting came to the gate of Su Qinghe's courtyard bouncing up and down. Seeing the empty courtyard, she was not used to it for a while.

"Uncle Qinghe, have you taken down the castle and washed it?"

Hearing Su Xiaoting's voice, obediently turned around immediately, just as she had just pulled out a bubble, she showed it to Su Xiaoting, "Sister~look~bubble~"

"I will too!" Su Xiaoting leaned over, squatted down next to Guaiguai, rubbed the foam of washing powder on her hands, and started playing with Guaiguai.

Su Qinghe looked at it for a while, only to realize that Su Xiaoting was wearing new clothes today, and asked with a smile: "Tingting, you are dressed so beautifully today, where are you going to play?"

"After lunch, I'm going to go shopping in town with my dad!"

Hearing that Su Xiaoting was going to play, she obediently yelled, "I'm going too~"

Thinking of the traffic jam in the town during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Su Qinghe thought for a while, and agreed to take her to the town after lunch. Before there are too many people coming back, go buy the New Year's goods early, so as not to get crowded with the car Too many, and got stuck on the road again.

(End of this chapter)

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