Chapter 322 and Porridge

January [-]th, the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month.

The weather was already bitingly cold. In the early morning, Su Qinghe entered the kitchen wearing a coat, and the old lady in a plain Tang suit and padded jacket was already busy.

Seeing Su Qinghe, the old lady turned her head and said, "Go ask Tingting to come over, the porridge is almost ready."

Su Qinghe leaned over, took a deep breath, and inhaled the steaming heat into his body, "It's been a long time since I've eaten Jidi porridge made by you. Delicious Jidi porridge."

"It's because you eat less, Achi, Ahai, and the others don't eat less!" The old lady looked at Su Qinghe lovingly, although she only had Guaiguai in her eyes, and she was obedient to Guaiguai, but in her heart, she always felt that something was wrong. I can't exaggerate my pity for Su Qinghe, "If you like to eat, I will make it for you every day!"

Su Qinghe shook his head and said, "No need, you won't have that sense of ritual if you eat it every day."

"Isn't there a sense of ritual and ritual, isn't it just a porridge!" The old lady said casually, but the wrinkles on her face were piled up, and her eyes were full of joy.

"How can this be a simple porridge? This is the number one and the first porridge made by you yourself. After eating it, you can get No. 1 in the exam!" Su Qinghe praised enthusiastically like a dog's leg, "This porridge cooked by others is as good as it is! It doesn't have that effect!"

"There's no such exaggeration, it's all about fighting for yourselves!" The old lady knocked Su Qinghe's head lightly, and the smile on her face became even bigger, "Okay, hurry up and call Tingting!"

Jidi porridge is actually pork offal porridge, but it has more ingredients and several auxiliary ingredients than the usual pork offal porridge.

Because of the implication of Jidi porridge, in the past, when Su Qinghe and his brothers had their final exams, the old lady would always order pork offal with the pork guy in advance, and get up early to cook a big pot of Jidi porridge for good luck.

When Su Qingchi and Su Qinghai were in junior high school, the old lady would ask Su Zhiliang to send them off early in the morning.When they were in high school in the county, the old lady was out of reach, but she also asked Su Yuejia to cook a pot of porridge for them and send it to them.

But today, Su Xiaoting was about to take her final exam, so the old lady made another pot of porridge with her own hands to place her high hopes on Su Xiaoting.

When Su Qinghe went to Su Xiaoting's house, her house was already brightly lit and the courtyard door was open. Su Qinghe opened the door and went in, and saw Su Meng checking Su Xiaoting's schoolbag and pencil case.

"Brother Qinghe!"

"Has Tingting woke up?"

Su Meng quickly replied: "I'm up, I'm brushing my teeth now!"

Su Qinghe nodded, seeing that Su Meng was a little nervous, he smiled and comforted him, "Don't be so nervous, Ah Meng, Tingting's grades are very good, and she got a double hundred in the midterm exam!"

"I'm just checking to see if there is anything missing, whether the pencil needs to be sharpened..." Su Meng checked the pencil case in his hand and put it back into his schoolbag.

It has been more than seven years since Su Xiaoting was born, but he has been absent for more than half. It is the first time for Su Xiaoting to pass the exam. Although she knows that Su Xiaoting's academic performance is very good, she is still unavoidably nervous.

Su Qinghe smiled and changed the subject, "Is there any problem with work?"

After New Year's Day, Su Meng officially started to go to work. Since Shuangtang strawberries are currently on the market in batches, his main job content is to follow Xiao Gong and his car to leave early and return late, to study and supervise in the fields and processing factories.

"No problem, Mr. Xiao and the others in the company take good care of me and teach me with all their heart!" Su Meng replied.

"Learn with your heart. How much you can learn from them depends on yourself." Su Qinghe still has expectations for Su Meng. Shuangtang Fruit Company will definitely expand in the future. He hopes that Su Meng can grow up as soon as possible. , so that he can take up the work in Nanling Town, liberate Xiao Gong and the others, and also share the burden for Zhan Taizhou and Huang Zihua.

Nanling Town is still too remote. It takes four hours to go back and forth from the urban area to Nanling Town, not to mention that the various lands are still scattered, and half of the time is spent on the road every day.

Su Meng is a native of Nanling Town, and is a neighbor of the same clan as Su Qinghe. It is the best choice for him to share the work of Nanling Town.

After chatting for a few words, Su Xiaoting came out of the bathroom. When she saw Su Qinghe, she complained, "Uncle Qinghe, you have to tell me about my father. You obviously checked my schoolbag last night before going to bed. Today I have to check again when I get up, I am not nervous!"

The little girl really didn't give her father face, she said that Su Meng was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to let go, he just kept laughing there.

"It's messy if you care about it. Your father wasn't nervous when he took the exam!" Su Qinghe patted Su Xiaoting on the head, "Hurry up and change your shoes, the grandma has already cooked porridge, and I'm just waiting for you to pass by."

Su Xiaoting quickly went back to her room to change her shoes, and checked her schoolbag when she came out. She was a little worried that Su Meng would forget to put back the stationery he had taken out during the inspection. After checking, she carried her schoolbag and followed Su Qinghe away.

When they got home, the old lady had already filled four bowls of porridge and put them on the dining table to dry, while Baizhi and Kuaiguai were still asleep in the room.The weather is cold, and Bai Zhi stays up in bed, and she usually waits until Kuaiguai wakes up before she wakes up with Kuaiguai.

"Ah Meng didn't come over?" The old lady looked at only Su Qinghe and Su Xiaoting, and asked, Su Meng had a share of the four bowls of porridge she served.

"He'll come over later, let's eat first!" Su Qinghe took his seat first.

Su Xiaoting followed closely behind and explained to the old lady: "My dad hasn't brushed his teeth yet!"

Seeing the freshly boiling pig offal porridge in the bowl, the little girl exclaimed in amazement, "There are so many offal pork!"

"This is called Number One Scholar Jidi Congee, and it's one of the great master's unique skills. If you eat it, you can get No. 1 in the exam!" Su Qinghe explained while eating the porridge.

"Uncle Qinghe, you are lying to children again, how could there be such a miraculous porridge!" Su Xiaoting laughed, she is not obedient, how could she be deceived by Su Qinghe.

"Okay," Su Qinghe shrugged, "but it's Jidi porridge, that's right, it's the blessing from your great mother-in-law. Uncle Qingchi, Uncle Qinghai and the others ate the Jidi porridge from your great mother-in-law. The first place in the test is the second place, don't let your grandma be disappointed!"

Su Qinghe doesn't mind putting pressure on Su Xiaoting. This little girl is a top grader in elementary school, with strong strength, good attitude, and full of confidence.In her eyes, the exam is a very boring thing. If you put some pressure on her, she will always be more serious, and at least she can check the paper twice more after writing it.

Su Xiaoting said proudly: "That's Uncle Qingchi and Uncle Qinghai who are smart. Of course, I am also smart. I will definitely get full marks in the exam!"

"Hey, you said it yourself. If you don't get double perfect marks in the exam, you won't be rewarded if you get a certificate!"

"What reward?" The little girl asked with great interest.

"Money!" Su Qinghe didn't let it go, "A certificate of merit will reward you with ten yuan, the premise is that you have to get double perfect scores in the exam!"

The old lady also joined in the fun, and said cheerfully, "I don't ask that much. A certificate of merit is ten yuan. I will reward you with as many certificates as you can get back. If you get a perfect score in the test, you will be rewarded another 100 yuan!"

The exchange of certificates for cash rewards started with the old man, and a certificate of merit rewarded five yuan.Now that the family conditions are better, the old lady has money, and the rewards are much more generous.

Su Xiaoting was eating porridge, and was already happily thinking about how much money she would get.

(End of this chapter)

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