Chapter 302

Guaiguai's physique is a bit strong, and his movements look clumsy, like a fat aunt who is new to square dancing, and everyone smiles knowingly.

Su Xiaoting endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, she burst out laughing, tapped the obedient head lightly, and said: "You can fly a ghost, you can fly and you will be hung on Baaba? Can you fly one and show me?"

As the old saying goes, you don't hit someone in the face, and you don't expose someone's shortcomings. Su Xiaoting is really merciless. The two questions immediately stunned Guaiguai.

Being obedient is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she thought about it, took a few steps forward to pull Su Qinghe's hand, twisted her body and said crookedly: "Dad~ Huihui~"

"Daddy can't fly either!" Su Qinghe laughed.

"Yes~" Obediently raised her hands above her head, palms up, while circling in circles, the little milk voice said anxiously, "Daddy~ hug me~fufu~"

Su Qinghe pretended not to know, and joked: "Hey, are you dancing for everyone to see?"

"Sei~huihui~fur~~fur~~" Guaiguai became more anxious, her voice became louder, and her saliva spewed out.

She said it facing Su Qinghe, and the saliva not only sprayed on Su Qinghe's hands, but also sporadically sprayed on Su Qinghe's face.

Su Qinghe wiped her face, took advantage of Obedience's unpreparedness, quickly picked her up, put her chest on one hand, grabbed her feet with the other, and walked a few steps.

"Fu~fur~ is that so?"

Guaiguai was a little frightened at first, but when he calmed down and saw that he got what he wanted, he immediately opened his hands with a giggle.

Hearing Su Qinghe's question, she didn't answer Su Qinghe, but looked at Su Xiaoting and said triumphantly, "Sister~ I will be ashamed~"

Su Xiaoting rolled her eyes, suddenly she didn't really want to talk to this little fool.

Su Qinghe walked obediently around the yard before putting her down. The little guy felt dissatisfied and begged Su Qinghe to take her to play around again, but Su Qinghe refused.He snorted obediently, looked at the many uncles and aunts sitting in the corridor, thought of them again, showed a harmless smile, licked his face and walked over.

The first thing she found was Chen Yanglian. She still remembered that this aunt was the first to hug her yesterday. The little guy used the tricks he used to deal with Su Qinghe and Bai Zhi on Chen Yanglian. His big eyes looked closely at Chen Yanglian.


With big eyes and long eyelashes, who can resist being looked at by her like this, and having a soft, waxy and cute little milk voice!
Chen Yanglian was about to agree, but was snatched by Lin Juan next to her, "Hey, Auntie will take you with me!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Guaiguai's reaction, she hugged Guaiguai, and walked up with Guaiguai like Su Qinghe did.

It doesn't matter who she is, she just wants to play like this now, as long as someone supports her "furfur".

She put her feet together, her arms spread out, and she looked forward. "Fufu" spouted saliva. It didn't look like a bird learning to fly, but more like a "water jet".

Chen Yanglian was so angry, she stared at Lin Juan, and spat, "This Lin Juan... is obviously looking for me!"

Someone next to him laughed and said, "You can't blame Sister Juan, it's because you are slow!"

Chen Yanglian glanced at that person warily, as if saying to that person, but also to everyone, "I'm the next one, don't grab it!"

"You say it's you, it's you, do you know what it means to be quick and slow!" Huang Wenxuan gloated. He didn't forget how they narrowed him not long ago. It's not practical to take revenge on all of them. It's better to cheat one of them. one.

Chen Yanglian glared at Huang Wenxuan, "Old Huang, don't force me, at worst we won't play anymore, let them play with you!"

When the others heard this, they were overjoyed, and they all encouraged Chen Yanglian.

These two are big bosses in the group, one is the group leader, Su Qinghe's first fan, and has the most qualifications; the other is a krypton gold boss, who is both a money maker and a fan, and his qualifications are not bad.

If the two of them "perish together", wouldn't they be able to embrace Guaiguai sooner?
It's a pity that Chen Yanglian wasn't fooled. You must know that this is the first time Guaiguai approached them and asked them to play with her. How could she easily give up this opportunity.

Su Qinghe couldn't help laughing when he saw it, "Are you just rushing to treat Xiaoguai like a cow or a horse?"

"You really don't know your blessings when you are in the blessing!" Chen Yanglian said angrily, "With our group of fans, it's fine if you don't steal the fun, and attack us with words?"

Huang Wenxuan nodded in agreement, and echoed: "A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!"

There were two big bosses who took the lead, and the others followed suit. Su Qinghe was outnumbered and could only surrender with his hands up┗(∧`)┛.

When Lin Juan came back, she put down Guaiguai with much interest, and immediately ran to find Chen Yanglian. Not surprisingly, she got another "Permit to Fly", and Guaiguai's spit-spitting aircraft took off again.

"Guaiguai, how many pounds is it now?" Lin Juan shook her arms. It's not that she didn't want to take Guaiguai to fly around again. The problem is that it was a bit difficult to walk around with Guaiguai.

Su Qinghe held up three fingers, "It's close to thirty catties, and the diapers are always worn with three crosses!"

"Is this overweight?" Lin Juan showed concern.

Su Qinghe nodded and said: "I had a physical examination at the end of October, and I was a little overweight, but the report showed that I was very healthy."

To be honest, he is also worried. He doesn't know if Guaiai has grown so fat because he has been eating fruits and vegetables with system attributes for a long time, or if there are no vegetables and fruits with system attributes, Guaiai will be fatter than now.

This is a question for which there is no answer, and it is reasonable for him to doubt it.

"It's good to be healthy!" Lin Juan breathed a sigh of relief. She is also a mother, and she also knows that obesity or being too thin can easily affect the health of infants and young children. People have to throw it away, my kid is almost three years old and only weighs 36 catties."

"The one in my family is four and a half years old and only weighs 35 pounds. I'm so worried!"

In this way, the topic started on the weight of the children. Everyone complained about their son's weight with a sad face. Su Qinghe heard that most of them were on the thin side. This is really worrying, and some children's weight is actually within the standard range. , but looks thinner.

Su Qinghe immediately understood why they liked obediently so much.

To be honest, if Guaiguai is also on the thin side, he will also like it when he sees other babies who are fat in vain.

After talking about the child's weight, the topic shifted to the issue of children's difficulty in eating. After all, weight is closely related to diet.

As they talked, they learned from Su Qinghe. Although the boy is only one and a half years old, Su Qinghe has not been a father for as long as they have been parents, but Su Qinghe has raised him to be fat and healthy. !
This stopped Su Qinghe from asking.

Adults don't need to worry about obedient diet, she can eat whatever is given, and she is the one who wants to stop breastfeeding.

Su Qinghe blinked his innocent eyes and told them the truth.

Unsurprisingly, they envied Su Qinghe even more, and liked being obedient even more.

This doll is simply here to repay her favor!
 I have two dolls.

  One is the little cousin of my uncle's family, born in 17 years, and she is very aggressive, and the weight of the obedient is borrowed from her.

  One is my brother's little nephew, born in 18 years. Due to the epidemic, he has been taken care of for a long time. Now he is four years old and weighs less than forty pounds.

  What is written in the book can be regarded as my intermittent experience of raising a baby in the past few years, it’s a big head.

(End of this chapter)

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