Chapter 218 Sister~Little Ma~?

Su Xiaoting was not greedy, broke off the part she had in her mouth before, and pushed the rest back to Xiaoguai.

Xiaoguai looked at it obediently, licked it, and handed it to Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi rolled her eyes, "Mom won't eat, do you want to share it with Dad?"

"Dad~" the little guy muttered twice, holding Tanghua's small bamboo stick on the ground with both hands, babbling, stood up, glanced to find Su Qinghe's position, and ran over, "Dad~ eat cerebellum Xu~ sweet Da~"

Su Qinghe pinched the baby fat on the little guy's face happily, "You know how to share it with dad?"

"Hmm~" Xiaoguai nodded her head obediently, completely forgetting that it was Bai Zhi who reminded her to think of Su Qinghe.

Su Qinghe put it in his mouth, and when he saw the little guy staring at him intently, he smiled and nodded understandingly: "Sweet!"

The little boy jumped for joy, and ran to Bai Jian'an happily, and Bai Jian'an praised him before he ate.

"Are you so sensible, darling? You even share candy with grandpa!"

The little boy giggled obediently, and held the little mouse sugar painting high, "Grandpa~ eat the little brain Xu~ sweet~"

Just boasting is not enough, people have to eat it!

Bai Jian'an didn't like sweets, but that little trick couldn't fool this clever little boy, so he had to break some and put it in his mouth for the little guy to see.

Seeing that Bai Jianan had eaten, the little guy didn't leave, and continued to stare at Bai Jianan.

"Dad, wait for your comment on whether it's sweet or not!" Su Qinghe quickly reminded in a low voice.

"Oh," Bai Jianan suddenly realized, "Sweet!"

With a satisfied face, Xiao Guaiai smiled and ran to Mr. Chen's side...

The people in the living room shared a round, and the little boy ran into the kitchen again, running around the room happily like a little orange cat.

"This kid is interesting!" Chen Zhihua looked at the obedient little figure, with a loving smile on his face, "It's only lively if there is a kid in the family!"

"You know, too?" Mr. Chen glared at Chen Zhihua. He had no objection to Chen Zhihua. What he did have was that his grandson was in his thirties and still not married. He couldn't bear to press him, so he could only vent his anger on Chen Zhihua. up.

So it’s difficult to be caught in the middle!

Chen Zhihua smiled bitterly and changed the topic.

Xiaoguaiguai came out of the kitchen, the little mouse candy painting in his hand was only a little around the little bamboo stick.

She ran to Su Xiaoting, seeing Su Xiaoting's hands were empty, her eyes widened.

"Sister~Little Ma~?"

After finishing speaking, he circled around Su Xiaoting.

"It's over!" Su Xiaoting covered her mouth and smiled, anyway, she had already hidden the pony candy painting, even if Xiaoguai turned dizzy, she couldn't find it.

Xiaoguaiguai stopped, but she really couldn't find it. She looked at the Tangtang in her hand, licked it, and then licked it again, and then reluctantly gave up, and handed it to Su Xiaoting: "Sister~you eat~"

Su Xiaoting: ...

Are you serious about licking those two bites?


Su Xiaoting proved to Mrs. Chen that she likes to eat and eat meat at the dinner table, but what surprised Mrs. Chen even more was Xiaoguai's eating appearance.

You don't need to be fed or urged, you eat with your bare hands, you don't hear what's going on outside the window, you eat whatever you give.

It is true that he has shown the excellent qualities of a rice cooker since he was a child.

"No wonder you look at the white and fat!" Grandma Chen was so happy that she peeled a prawn for the little guy and put it in the baby's bowl. From the way I eat, I feel that my appetite has improved!"

Mrs. Chen agreed: "Guaiguai is really reassuring. When Ah Zhi and the others were as big as Kuaiguai, they didn't know how to open their mouths when they were fed."

Bai Zhi curled her lips and didn't refute, she was used to it anyway.

As long as there are relatives and elders who see obediently cooking for the first time, there will always be someone lying on the ground, either she or Su Qinghe.

Obediently cooks food very quickly, and he is full in a short time, picking up the remaining mashed potatoes in the bowl to entertain himself.

Not knowing what her little head was thinking, she spread all the mashed potatoes in the bowl on the small pallet, and then stuck her face on it.

"Dad~ Mom~"

Xiao Guaiai raised her head, revealing a face of "Little Golden Man for Children".

"Su Peiyu!" Bai Zhi said that it was Xiaoguaiguai's name.

The little boy shrank his neck obediently, as if he suddenly thought of something, and he was not afraid anymore, pointing to the fish that was not fish-like on the dining table, "Yuyu~~"

"I called you by your name, you said Yuyu?" Bai Zhi carried the little guy who was full and had nothing to do to the bathroom, and when he came out, he was a clean baby again.

Grandma Chen stood up, "Azhi, go eat, I'll take care of you."

Bai Zhi didn't refuse, she knew that her grandparents were worried about food accumulation, they always ate light food, and the appetite was small.

Grandma Chen took Xiaoguai to the living room, and after a while, the voice of Xiaoguai counting fingers and reciting poems was heard. After reciting the only poem she knew, she read the alphabet and sang nursery rhymes...

And it's not enough, I don't know where Grandma Chen found an album, and the little guy can recognize some of it.

But Grandma Chen was so happy that her eyes were narrowed into slits!

When she left, Grandma Chen went to the musical instrument room and brought out two harmonicas, one for Xiao Guaiguai and one for Su Xiaoting.

Xiaoguaiguai was holding the harmonica, but her attention was on the little marshmallow painting in Su Xiaoting's hand. She blinked, blinked again, and walked to Su Xiaoting's side.

"Sister~Little Ma~?"

Su Xiaoting grinned and stopped talking.

Saying goodbye to Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Chen, Xiao Guai sat on the safety seat, looked at the harmonica in her hand, and asked Su Xiaoting to watch her put the harmonica on her mouth and spit "Puff puff puff".

"That's not how to play!" Su Xiaoting demonstrated a seemingly correct usage, but the effect of blowing it out, let's put it this way, Xiaoguai spit, she seemed to fart loudly.

It shouldn't be too much to say that they are well-matched, right?

Xiao Guaiguai was dumbfounded, his competitive spirit grew, and he said "Puff Pu Pu Pu" even more vigorously.

I want to compete with Su Xiaoting to see who farts louder!
Bai Zhi watched the two young chickens compete in a decent manner, and did not intervene, but said to Su Qinghe who was driving in front: "Husband, put us down at the tram. track back."

Su Qinghe was puzzled and said: "If you don't have a car, why take the track? You have to transfer when you arrive."

Bai Zhi: "Why do you care so much about the little fairy, you and Dad go back first!"

Less than three kilometers from Gugang is the departure station of the tram, and Su Qinghe pulled over and stopped.

Su Xiaoting is like a puppet, when Bai Zhi told her to get out of the car, she got out of the car, told her to put the things on the car, and she put the things on the car.

Nervously and obediently, he asked Bai Zhi to hold her hand, and walked into the station with Chen Juanhua, who was holding Xiaoguai.

Until she got on the tram, her little head was in a daze, she didn't know what happened, and she didn't know where Bai Zhi was going to take her.

(End of this chapter)

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