Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 283 The Horror of the Viper

Chapter 283 The Horror of the Viper


Late at night, the Oshemaru mansion in Konoha Village.

A white snake suddenly fell from the beam of the bedroom to the ground, and Orochimaru, who was lying peacefully on the bed, suddenly jumped up like a spring, looking vigilantly at the empty bedroom.

"...It's okay, I suddenly had a nightmare."

A voice suddenly came from the mouth of the white snake that fell to the ground, and the expression of "Oshemaru", who was originally nervous, became dull and dull.

The white snake's mouth was wide open, a pale arm protruded from it, and a "strip" of wet big snake pills crawled out of it.

Afterwards, Orochimaru crawled out of the snake's mouth, pinched a seal casually, turned the "Oshewan" on the bed back into a puff of smoke, and after his eyes flickered for a while, he left the bedroom to wash up, and returned to the study to sit silently .

It turned out that the one lying on the bed was just a shadow clone, but the real Orochimaru was hiding in the belly of the white snake.

This is also one of the work and rest habits that Orochimaru developed on the battlefield, which also allowed him to successfully kill all the hostile ninjas who tried to assassinate during the Ninja World War.

Originally, Konoha Village was a home where he could relax, but recently, Orochimaru, whose insomnia has become more and more serious, was forced to enter a peaceful state of sleep in this tense state before the battle.

Now I was awakened by the nightmare and couldn't fall asleep.

"Ninjutsu · Disillusionment!"

Orochimaru made a mark casually and checked his body, and found that there was nothing unusual.

Involuntarily, his brows furrowed even tighter.

All of this, including the nightmare tonight, can only be said to be a problem with his spirit.

And it's still a big problem...

Orochimaru touched his forehead and sighed.


Orochimaru clearly remembered everything in the nightmare.

Tonight's nightmare wasn't just a picture.

What appeared in the dream was the scene where the teacher taught the three of them carefully and carefully, but a weird scene appeared, and there would always be a Uchiha ninja with a blurred face staring at the bloody writing wheel beside the teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen Yan slashed his head with a knife, but the flying head still explained the details of ninjutsu to him carefully and kindly.

Even after the loss of the head, the body that was spurting blood from the neck was still explaining the mudra and ninjutsu optimization methods of each ninjutsu in place.

The Uchiha ninja with a blurry face but extremely ferocious dismembered the teacher's body mercilessly, but the broken limbs scattered on the ground were still struggling to draw the details of the knot seal, as if to make Orochimaru remember something...

Even the teacher's head, which fell beside him, was still chattering about the precautions when performing ninjutsu against the enemy.

In the end, the Uchiha ninja in the dream spewed out a fire dragon and burned the teacher's head into a skeleton as if he hadn't seen the existence of Orochimaru.

What made Orochimaru feel extremely horrifying was the sound of the skeleton's mouth opening and closing in a "click-click".

And in his heart, the understanding of the sound made by the opening and closing of the upper and lower jaws of the skeleton suddenly popped up for some reason——

"Oshemaru, do you remember?"

"Oshemaru, don't forget..."



Orochimaru took a sip of water suddenly, breathing more and more heavily.


Half of the water in the cup flowed out from the mouth and dripped onto the immaculate white clothes. Under the dim light, the water stains looked like bloodstains.


Orochimaru felt dizzy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude towards Orochimaru is the best among the three apprentices.

Tsunade, as the granddaughter of the Senju Clan, even Sarutobi Hiruzen who is Hokage must maintain a certain degree of respect, and his strength structure is also self-built based on the Senju Clan's secret technique and the Uzumaki Clan's sealing technique Yes, there is no need for Sarutobi Hiruzen as a teacher to teach, he only needs to properly guide Tsunade's three views.

As for the idiot Jiraiya, his main role is to show the fairness of the Hokage series to the civilian ninja group with the largest base in Ninja Village, and because of his relatively ordinary talent, he only relies on a kind of inexplicable perseverance in the eyes of Orochimaru. Therefore, although the teacher Hiruza Sarutobi treats everyone equally on the bright side, the energy of ninjutsu teaching is still put on Orochimaru.

——But all geniuses are more or less "foolish".

"Master Sarutobi..."

Orochimaru held his head in pain, his body bent like a cooked shrimp.

In front of the extremely powerful Uchiha clan today, even if he is Orochimaru, why is he not a shrimp at the mercy of others?

The ninja world is so big, apart from this corner of his own home, where is his hiding place?

And Orochimaru also clearly felt that although the Uchiha clan trusted him on the surface, they not only let him continue to be in charge of Konoha's major laboratories, but also appointed him as the director of a committee under the House of Representatives, but in reality The vigilance and attention paid to it has never let up.

Moreover, the gaze of the Uchiha clan is becoming more and more obvious, just like more and more Uchiha teenagers in the laboratory, slowly tightening the control over Orochimaru's private land.

Orochimaru felt helpless and suffocated like a snake being simmered slowly.

He can't learn from that idiot Zilaiya, to peep at the female soup with the eyes full of the streets to realize self-defilement, right?
What's more, what that idiot Jiraiya can do, if his Orochimaru can follow suit, I'm afraid the Uchiha clan will immediately think that Orochimaru is trying to "hide his strength and bide his time" and wait for the opportunity to counterattack?At that time, I am afraid that the control and even various monitoring will be more stringent.


Orochimaru thought of the most special person in the same school.

The situation of the Qianshou clan is not good.

Not only does the current family strength not match the name of the Senju Clan's ninja giants, but even the actual power that can be controlled is only the Konoha Medical System.

And even though Konoha Ninja School still has many Senju people teaching, the preparatory training school of the police department is becoming more and more prosperous, and has already overwhelmed the traditional ninja school...

Although Tsunade also tried his best to unite other ninjas, trying to become an alliance that can actually influence the direction of Konoha like the Hyuga clan, but it is still difficult.

"With nothing but fame and fortune..."

Thinking of this, Orochimaru couldn't help laughing at himself.

Except for a little fame, he is almost impoverished in terms of wealth!If it weren't for the continuous injection of funds from the village and the Uchiha clan in the laboratory, he, Orochimaru, would probably have to perform tasks to fill the laboratory's expenses.

Orochimaru silently poured himself another glass of water.

After taking back the thoughts flying around, Orochimaru, who gradually calmed down, tried to interpret the dream by himself again.

Dreams are a projection of reality and a concrete manifestation of inner true emotions.

The reason why I dreamed of the teacher in his lifetime and the miserable death of the teacher in the dream, plus the fact that he still did not forget to give Orochimaru the last teaching before he died, at least shows that Orochimaru is still the teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen who fell to Uchiha De Guang's hand is brooding.

But that's normal.

Although Orochimaru looks cold-blooded like a poisonous snake in human skin in the eyes of ordinary people, there is still some softness and gentleness in his heart.

One is his apprentice, Tsunade's younger brother Senju Nawaki; the other is his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen who treats him like his own.

There are still half of them who don't know whether they count or not, and they are fellow students Jiraiya and Tsunade.

But the teacher who regarded him as his own... is dead!
Died under Uchiha Deguang's Susano!

Dignified ninja!Konoha's third generation!In this way, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he died in the battle of leading his troops to quell the rebellion!
Even the family from which the teacher was born was completely dismembered. The core members of the family were either thrown into the occupied area of ​​the Land of Thunder as cannon fodder, or sent to the punishment camp directly under the Governor's Mansion as dead soldiers!
Thinking of this, Orochimaru felt a splitting headache again.


The corners of Orochimaru's eyes began to moisten.

In front of outsiders and even in their hearts, Dashewan is a cold-blooded and ruthless person.

When the teacher's body was not cold, he took the initiative to surrender to Uchiha Tokumitsu's mansion, and then successfully took over all the experimental institutions of Konoha with the support of the Uchiha clan. This is regarded by the outside world as his surrender to the Uchiha clan. harvest.

Now not only the Naruto faction lurking in the village regards him as a traitor, but even his former subordinates have gradually reduced their contact with him.

Orochimaru feels like a poisonous snake wrapped in a sack, no matter how fierce his fangs are, he can't hurt the snake catcher outside the bag, but he will be hit hard if he makes any movement It was even boiled into a cup of snake soup.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru suddenly felt that the cup in his hand seemed to be hot...

Judging from the size, the white snake I used to hide seemed to fill this cup almost exactly after being boiled into snake soup...


Orochimaru shook off the cup in his hand as if it had been scalded.


With the sound of the cup breaking, Orochimaru suddenly calmed down.

Then I found another cup, endured the discomfort in my heart, poured myself another cup of water, and then went to the kitchen to find a few eggs and apples, without any additional cooking, just washed it briefly, it was like The giant python swallowed it alive as if it was eating.


After eating something, Orochimaru's face turned slightly rosy, and he walked slowly from the dark kitchen back to the study room with some light.

Even the inexplicably apprehensive cup couldn't make Orochimaru feel uncomfortable anymore.


Orochimaru drank the water in the cup, then stood in front of the desk and continued to meditate.

Not surprisingly, Orochimaru also felt that he had fallen into some indescribable obsession and couldn't extricate himself.

Moreover, after self-examination, Orochimaru ruled out the possibility of the influence of external illusions, and attributed his obsession to his longing for the teacher.

But how to break this obsession?
Orochimaru actually has the answer in his heart.

But the answer is actually no different from no.

——After all, the "great wish" of slaughtering the Uchiha clan to avenge the teacher, even if the major ninja villages in the ninja world unite together, cannot achieve it!
What's more, with the change of time, after Konoha is filled with new-age ninjas who have grown up under the influence of the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru has no possibility of revenge for the teacher!
"I can't wait any longer..."

Orochimaru's hand involuntarily shattered the cup.


After cleaning up the broken porcelain slag on the ground expressionlessly, Orochimaru thought of another problem that had been restricting him.

Where can he go?
Where is the Ninja Continent where the tentacles of the Uchiha clan cannot reach?
Thinking of this, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel at a loss.

Suddenly, Orochimaru, who was originally at a loss, seemed to have a heartbeat, quickly swept away the debris on the desk, bit his finger and launched a psychic spell on the desk.


As a puff of smoke exploded, a flower snake was psychically released by Orochimaru.

"Is there a problem?"

Orochimaru frowned and asked: "In the middle of the night, there was a sudden wave of reverse spiritism. Are you doing something on purpose?"

This flower snake is one of the contact snakes in Longdi Cave, and it is also one of the few snakes in Longdi Cave that can speak human language.

"Eggs, I want eggs!"

Hua Snake pulled her fangs and said: "I will tell you after eating eggs."

Orochimaru frowned, and made a shadow clone to go to the kitchen to look for eggs, while he stared at the flower snake on the table.

After happily swallowing a few eggs, Hua Snake hiccupped and said, "The Immortal White Snake wants to see you. If you are free, go to Longdi Cave!"

"...White Snake Immortal?"

Orochimaru frowned even tighter.

Unlike Jiraiya, although Orochimaru uses the power of Ryūji Cave, and the power system is also built on the basis of Ryūji Cave, he is actually very vigilant against the so-called sacred places of psychic beasts such as Ryūji Cave.

Moreover, among the snakes in Longdi Cave, just one Wanshe who often cooperates with him gives him a headache, not to mention the so-called "Three God Ji" who is even more powerful than Wanshe, and his strength is as deep as the abyss. The white snake fairy like the sea.

"Yes, the Great Immortal White Snake wants to see you! You'd better come with me right away!"

The flower snake spat out the snake letter, as if it was reminiscing about the deliciousness of the egg.

"……I see."

Orochimaru hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

Although he didn't know the purpose of the so-called White Snake Immortal calling him in the middle of the night, Orochimaru decided to find out.

"That's fine, I will launch the reverse spirit technique in 10 minutes, don't refuse..."

Hua Snake spat out a snake letter and said, "By the way, you also need to change your clothes, and be more dignified when you see the White Snake Great Immortal!"

Orochimaru looked down at the white nightgown he was wearing, and nodded as he was too lazy to continue to argue about these nonsense.


Hana Snake turned into a puff of smoke and left, while Orochimaru returned to the bedroom to change his clothes, and then came to the study to sit quietly again.


After a while, Orochimaru also responded to the call of reverse spiritism, turning into a cloud of smoke and going to Ryūji Cave.


A black and white pitcher plant floated out from the corner of Orochimaru's study.

"Hey! Heizi!"

The mouth corners of the white part of the pitcher plant's body twitched continuously. "You don't seem to be very used to illusion~ This guy is out of control~"

"By the way, what kind of shit is the Ryūchi Cave that the snake like shit said? Is it a shit storage place for shit?"

"……To shut up!"

The black part of the pitcher plant scolded viciously: "How can you, a stupid waste, understand my far-reaching plan as the embodiment of Madara-sama's will!"

"Huh~ Did you lose half of your body after being beaten by a brat like Madara-sama?"

Although the words of the white part of the pitcher plant were joking, the eyes were full of killing intent.

"Go away!"

The black pitcher plant forcibly dragged the other half of the white pitcher plant into the ground.

 Today's update (2/2), please ask for a ticket~ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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