Chapter 267
"Immediately send someone to the Daming Mansion of the Land of Water to exchange for a gold sentence of 100 billion taels!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha secretly returned to Fuba City, and the first order was to start a run on the banknotes of the country of water.

"In addition, small amounts of decentralized payments will be made in various counties in the country of water! The total amount is 50 billion taels."

"As ordered!"

Qi Qi, the leader of the Zhengyi clan who was in charge of handling the matter, agreed.

Although they have not fully understood the fundamental purpose of Uchiha Tokumitsu's move, their awe of the lord has been enough for them to complete all tasks without compromise.

"Within half a month, use the greatest force to dump products and recycle the shogunate gold coupons and water country banknotes, creating a money shortage while running!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Shuhiro Hinata, who is in charge of tax affairs in the southern islands.

"Follow orders!"

Hinata Shuhiro made a rough calculation in his heart, and half a month was enough to digest the barter trade orders reached with the shipowners of the country of water in the early stage, so he immediately agreed.

"Then, the first financial and economic war in the ninja world will be officially opened by you gentlemen!"

Uchiha Tokushi ordered with satisfaction.


After nearly a month of silence, the Land of Water once again attracted a group of shogunate merchants waving orders and pulling "noble entry tickets" to barter with the shipowners.

And the daimyo nobles of the country of water and the intelligence personnel of Kirigakure who had some doubts were relieved.

"What~ It turns out that it's really just a qualification review for honorable ninja..."

After a brief investigation, the Wuyin intelligence personnel responsible for following up the matter wrote a hasty report to deal with the matter.

In his opinion, this is just a trivial matter, and he doesn't know why the senior management of the village will order special attention, but now that the "truth" has surfaced, it is the correct way to deal with this matter quickly, after all, he I'm still in a hurry to exchange the pre-ordered "light luxury products" with a familiar shogunate businessman!

The daimyo nobles in the land of water have also noticed the recent actions of the shogunate merchants, and what attracted the most attention of the shogunate is that as the trading volume of the shogunate became more and more active, the scope and area of ​​circulation of gold coupons was gradually expanding, and the shogunate suddenly made great efforts to carry out The dumping of goods has also begun to affect merchants in the country of water.

The most important thing is that behind the large and small merchants in the country of water, there are basically various nobles as the background, and the impact on the merchants means that the income of the nobles will shrink as a result.

Especially after the fall of the Southern Islands, most of the local nobles who were stationed in the south were forced to accept the support of the daimyo on their backs. In order to make up for the loss, these nobles who lost their territories used the little power they had finally regained. To the extreme, the nobles of the daimyo Kinki shook their heads when they saw all kinds of levies and extortions. As a result, the business environment in the land of water is getting worse day by day.

It's not that the nobles who have lost their land in the north without relatively noble morals, but their moral integrity can't maintain the decent life they need, so when they see the brothers and sisters who are also the nobles who lost their land and are now reduced to petty officials under the command of the daimyo. They also actively or passively invested in the money-making army one by one.

The daimyo also knew that the move of the landless nobles was actually a waste of money, but he couldn't allocate enough fiefdoms to accommodate these landless nobles, let alone give up these unsettled people with twisted blood relations, so he could only pinch his nose An insignificant small official was appointed to these landless nobles, so that they would not be reduced to a situation where they had no food and clothing, which would cause the dignity of the nobles to be swept away.

At the same time, in order to make these land-lost nobles who acted as petty officials behave better, the daimyo continued to promulgate various laws to try to restrict them, but no matter what, the land-lost nobles could always find loopholes and continue to extort and plunder to maintain their so-called decent noble life.

Just as the daimyo and the landless nobles were fighting wits and courage, the merchants of the shogunate, under the escort of iron-clad ships, headed north with a lot of goods.

Moreover, in front of the merchants of the shogunate, neither the daimyo's laws nor the money-raising methods of the landless nobles are easy to use.

Because the merchants of the shogunate are really backed by strong force, and the shogunate will really send warships northward to "justice" for a merchant.

In addition, the businessmen of the shogunate spent money to buy a title of "honorary ninja" or "justice of the peace", which belonged to ninjas or grassroots officials of the shogunate in identity, so according to the armistice agreement signed by the Tokumitsu shogunate and the daimyo of the water country, they are Those who can freely travel and do business in the land of water without restriction, and do not have to pay taxes.

Therefore, the looting objects of the landless nobles can only be small merchants and workshop owners in their own country.

The large-scale bankruptcy of small merchants and workshop owners further caused problems in the production and circulation of commodities in the land of water, and thus the shogunate merchants easily obtained a higher market share.

Of course, the infinite loop is not unbreakable.

For example, if you control the behavior of the landless nobles, secretly obstruct the products sold by the shogunate merchants, and reduce taxes or subsidies for local workshops, it is not impossible to prevent the expansion of the shogunate merchants.

However, when faced with such a situation, the nobles who lost their land not only did not stop, but increased their efforts to collect money, lest their brothers and sisters would suffer more than themselves. Under such violent persecution, small merchants in the land of water They finally fell into the desperate situation of collective bankruptcy.

The reason why the Tokuko Shogunate targeted the shipowners of the Land of Water to promote "light luxury" was also because there was no suitable "middle class" in the Land of Water at that time.

In such a general environment, the shogunate merchants who would have recalled the southern archipelago made a comeback under the escort of the shogunate's ironclad ships after a lapse of more than a month!

But this time, the shogunate merchants carried a large number of commodities and their prices were even higher. Under the background of the collective bankruptcy of small merchants in the country of water, the products of the shogunate drove straight in and directly took over all the middle and middle schools in the country of water. A supply and marketing market for low-end commodities!

At the same time, as the three ironclad ships slowly arrived at the port of Kinki, Daimyo Prefecture, under the vigilance of the stationed Kirigakure ninjas, the representative of the Tokuko Shogunate, Hiroshi Hyuga, landed at the port with a group of ninjas carrying huge containers, and sent The state-owned gold bank of the country of water offered to pay the funds.

"What! 100 billion gold sentence?!"

The daimyo in the high seat hall were already terrified by the arrival of the shogunate fleet, and quickly sent people to inquire about the shogunate's intentions.

Just when the daimyo secretly vowed to revive the coastal defense of the country of water, the guardian ninja who went to the lobby to hear the news brought back a sensational news.

"Why...why do they have to pay so much money now? Where did Deguang bastard get so much money!"

The daimyo and the ministers were a little panicked.

The 100 billion gold sentence is not without it. The gold bank's reserves are indeed not enough, but the national treasury of the country of water and the inner treasury of the daimyo still have enough gold as reserves, but what if they cash it all out in one go?
Wouldn't the gold in the kingdom of water be emptied by half immediately?
Besides, the gold sentences in the national treasury and the daimyo inner treasury were finally saved up again by the daimyo nobles after the war!
How can there be any reason why the money collected so hard can be so easily obtained by the Deguang shogunate? !
"My lords...the shogunate armored ships in the port are all in a state of full combat readiness..."

The guardian swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty: "Besides, I also saw that the torpedo launcher on the battleship has been loaded into the water and entered the ready state..."


The daimyo's breathing became heavier and heavier, and his nostrils fluttered constantly.

All the ministers were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

"Your Highness..."

Just as the ministers were staring at their noses and their hearts in the oppressive atmosphere, one of them was motionless, a stumbled noble official ran into the palace and knelt down to report: "The ninjas of the Tokuko shogunate demanded to be killed within three days. Pay the 100 billion fine within..."

The ministers breathed a sigh of relief, and from the corner of their eyes they began to peek back and forth at the expressions of the daimyo and noble officials.

"100 billion...within three days..."

Daimyo's face was so gloomy that he was almost dripping with water.

"How much money is left in the gold bank's reserves?"

The daimyo's icy voice made all the ministers and nobles present tremble, and the kneeling Jinhang officials trembled even more.

"...Kinki Gold Bank still has 70 billion yuan, and the gold storehouses in various counties and cities are worth about 280 billion yuan."

The gold bank official replied tremblingly.

"That is to say, in my country, as one of the five major countries, the Land of Water, all the gold reserves are only worth 350 billion yuan?"

Daimyo asked in an inexplicable trance and calm tone.

"……Yes, it is."

The Jinxing official felt extremely terrified, swallowed hard, and replied in a low voice.

"It's really good..."

Daimyo's voice became even more erratic.

The ministers and nobles are more cautious.

"Cash it..."

The daimyo's voice suddenly became normal, "Then mobilize 100 billion gold from other counties and cities and return it as Kinki reserve..."

"Your Highness, if you pay in full, I will..."

Among the ranks of the ministers, the Prime Minister of Tibet immediately stood up to persuade him when he heard the words.

"To shut up!"

Daimyo, whose expression had just returned to indifference, suddenly burst into anger, and then picked up a vase beside him and threw it at Dazang Xiang, "Didn't you hear that? Deguang's fleet has already loaded torpedoes at the port !"

"If you don't pay the gold sentence, don't you know what those savage ninjas will do?"

"Kirakure's Ninja Army is still fighting against Yunyin in the Land of Thunder. Do you think the Ninja Army and Fu Army stationed in Kinki can stop the Shogunate's iron-clad ships?"

"In other words, if you can stop three ironclad ships, what if there are ten or thirty more?"

The more the daimyo scolded, the more anxious he became, and he no longer cared about his grace as a king.

"Do you want to abandon Daimyofu Kitakari again!"

"And you! As the Chancellor, can you dissuade Deguang from not paying the gold sentence?"

After the daimyo cursed angrily, he pointed the finger at Da Zangxiang, who had been smashed by the vase.


Da Zangxiang, who was beaten to the point of bleeding, didn't dare to say anything, he just knelt and kowtowed.

In fact, most of the public officials and nobles understand the impact of excessive cashing of the reserve gold judgment.

But so what?Under the force of the shogunate, the land of water, whose sovereignty has been lost, has no choice but to resist by force.

But armed confrontation is precisely what the nobles fear the most.

You know, the current Uchiha Tokumitsu is known as the "Great General Who Conquests Yi", and he controls the Konoha Ninja Army and ranks as the Governor of Konoha.

With such a monster-like neighbor, the daimyo nobles are afraid to avoid it, and how dare they offend the shogunate to find a reason to start a war.

Moreover, another reason why daimyo dare not provoke war at will is that he is afraid that Kirigakure in his own country will take advantage of this to expand his influence and further control the local counties of the country of water.

The coup d'état launched by Sha Yin has already made the nobles of various countries extremely wary of the ninja group.

"...Go ahead, quickly transfer the gold sentence back to deal with the shogunate's exchange."

After a while in the cold, the daimyo said quietly, and took advantage of the opportunity to get up and leave all the ministers behind, and went back to the apse to continue to sulk.

After all the ministers paid their respects, they also left one by one.

Although none of them said much on the spot, the exchange of winks between them has already communicated.

It is an open secret that the gold reserves of the Land of Water are not equal to the actual banknotes issued, and it is also the fundamental reason why the major countries earn seigniorage.

How much banknotes will be issued in the Land of Water? Due to the loss of a large amount of information after the fall of the Daming Mansion, the looting by the Ninja Army, and the continuous increase in printing money to save the economy, it is now a confused account.

Maybe 3000 billion?Maybe 5000 billion?Or even a trillion?

This is already an impossible question.

Because in addition to the land of water, there are a large number of banknotes hoarded by other countries or wealthy businessmen as currency reserves, so although the supply of banknotes is not flooded, if those deposited banknotes are activated to meet the demand, the country of water will How long can the gold judgment reserve last?
And how much gold bank reserves?Only 350 billion!
But this time it was different. The menacing shogunate wanted to forcibly withdraw the gold judgment worth as much as 100 billion taels, which was a heavy blow to the water kingdom's gold judgment reserves.

Of course, the national treasury and daimyo internal treasury must also have a lot of financial reserves, but so what?

But who knows how many water country banknotes the Deguang shogunate has in hand?
"We are different from the shogunate's gold coupons. Free redemption is the foundation of banknotes..."

A nobleman muttered.

The other ministers were also moved, and had other thoughts besides sorrow.

If... the reserve fund judgment of the country of water cannot pay that much gold judgment, what kind of situation will it face?

The first thought that popped up in the mind of the nobleman was that his banknotes would be completely reduced to waste paper!
"The local county and city transferred 100 billion to Daming Mansion, so there are still 150 billion scattered around..."

The nimble-minded nobles and nobles are already planning how to obtain the reserves of gold judgments in various counties and cities.
Hurry up and pay!You must seize the time to redeem the banknotes in your hand into gold sentences!

Thinking of this, the nobles who had been strolling in the garden quickened their pace one by one, and finally couldn't bear it and started running.

In this way, after Tokumitsu Uchiha invested 100 billion Water Country banknotes for payment in the first round, an unprecedented run frenzy in the ninja world suddenly swept the Water Country.

"……That's it?"

After Uchiha Tokumitsu learned about this on the second day, he couldn't help laughing: "I haven't exerted my strength yet! Why are they all falling down by themselves?"

"Notify Xiuhong Hinata to continue increasing the payment amount!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered: "I will completely bankrupt the entire land of water!"

 Second update today
(End of this chapter)

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